
Deploying Pylons with uWSGI

Hi all, We're trying to move our intranet to Pylons. My boss is trying to set up Pylons to use uWSGI behind Apache so he can set up multiple, independent applications. However, he's having a difficult time getting it set up, with some apparent code problems in the C source code for uWSGI. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to depl...

Cant compile uwsgi under centos (fc10) with python2.6

it`s normally build with python 2.5 BUT i need 2.6! 2.6 normally installed in /opt/python26 and successfully run as python2.6 in console. but python2.6 uwsgiconfig.py --build give me *** uWSGI linking *** /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpython2.6 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status HELP! ...

uWSGI with Cherokee: first steps

Has anyone tried using uWSGI with Cherokee? Can you share your experiences and what documents you relied upon the most? I am trying to get started from the documentation on both (uWSGI and Cherokee) websites. Nothing works yet. I am using Ubuntu 10.04. Edit: To clarify, Cherokee has been working fine. I am getting the error message: ...

wsgi-served page does not refresh

I recently got my first app to work in uWSGI with Cherokee. I used the following code taken from the uWSGI docs: def application(environ, start_response): start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')]) yield 'Hello World\n' The page correctly reads Hello World. When I change that text to New Thing and refresh, nothing ...

uwsgi + django via Nginx - uwsgi settings/spawn?

I am leaning towards uwsgi+nginx for my Django app, can anyone share the best method for starting up my uwsgi processes? Does anyone have experience tuning uwsgi? ...

Django: ImportError: No module named ?z?

Hi I am trying to deploy a django app with uwsgi. I keep getting Import Errors that look like this: ImportError: No module named ?z? -or- ImportError: No module named ?j? -or- ImportError: No module named `?6 So basically the output of the module seems like gibberish and I am unable to figure out the problem. Does anybody have an i...

Cherokee + uWSGI + Pylons

I have successfully deployed a Django app with uWSGI + Cherokee. However, I want to experiment with Pylons before I go decide on Django. So far I have followed the instructions/recommendations here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2217679/deploying-pylons-with-uwsgi Paster serve works without a hitch. But when I try to serve via uWS...

What could cause a redirect loop with Pylons + uWSGI + Cherokee?

I had no issue with Django + uWSGI + Cherokee. BUt I would like to try pylons before committing to either framework. I followed the tutorial from pylonshq.com - 1.0/gettingstarted I ran into no problems when running pylons with paste. So I used instructions to run pylons with uWSGI from projects.unbit.it - uwsgi/wiki/UsePaste This is...

uwsgi / mod_wsgi handling pylons redirect_to & error pages

My stack is nginx > uwsgi > pylons. If I use redirect_to on a controller, the app throws a 302 error. Also I don't see any 404 or 500 error pages anymore that worked fine in paste. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. ...

uwsgi + django import error

Hello, I have a problem when I use django with uwsgi with the pythonpath. I have a django project named 'project' which is the /sites/django/ directory So to start uwsgi i use this command : /opt/uwsgi/uwsgi -s -C -M 4 -t 30 -A 4 -p 4 -d /var/log/uwsgi.log --pythonpath '/sites/django/project/' --module wsgi If I am i...

How do I dynamically add pylons apps to a uwsgi process on nginx with UWSGI_SCRIPT?

I have successfully deployed a single pylons app on nginx + uwsgi using: uwsgi --paste config:/var/www/sites/helloworld/development.ini --socket :3031 -H /var/www/virtualenv However I am using nginx to virtual host 3 sites. Based on this tutorial and the uwsgi/wiki/DynamicApps page from main uwsgi site on unbit, I can add apps dynami...

Django and Python + uWSGI

Using instruction I try to connect Python + uWSGI. I made default project in a folder /home/sanya/django/pasteurl. However, have opened it in a browser I get uWSGI Error wsgi application not found Logs contain the following: binding on TCP port: 9001 your server socket listen backlog is limited to 64 connections added /home/sanya/dj...

Anybody have used uWSGI + web.py + nginx?

I get the uwsgi and nginx work,but myapp can not run,could you give me a help?thx all ps:get infopage like: uWSGI status (/) masterpid: 0 started on: Wed Oct 13 22:12:02 2010 buffer size: 4096 total_requests: 33 workers: 1 ...

Having trouble using uwsgi with Django and nginx

So far, I have: I recompiled my nginx package with uwsgi ( 0.7.67 ) Copied over my uwsgi to sbin via sudo cp uwsgi /usr/local/sbin Copied uwsgi params via sudo cp nginx/uwsgi_params /etc/nginx $ sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/nginx/uwsgi_temp Created a virtualhost in sites-available and symlinked in sites-available. File is: server { ...

Nginx connection reset, response from uWsgi lost

I have a django app hosted via Nginx and uWsgi. In a certain very simple request, I get different behaviour for GET and POST, which should not be the case. The uWsgi daemon log: [pid: 32454|app: 0|req: 5/17] () {36 vars in 636 bytes} [Tue Oct 19 11:18:36 2010] POST /buy/76d4f520ae82e1dfd35564aed64a885b/a_2/10/ => generated 80...

uWSGI + Django + Virtualenv unable to pick up _functools (import error)

OK, So I have tried this with & without a virtualenv: uwsgi --home /home/auston/new_proj/ --socket /tmp/uwsgi2.sock --chmod-socket --module app_wsgi --pp /home/auston/new_proj/nikeshere --logto /tmp/uwsgi.log --master --processes 4 -P Pretty much no matter what, I get this: *** Starting uWSGI (32bit) on [Thu Oct 21 08:05:44 2...