
how can i call a javascript function when an validation summary is filled

i have a validationSummary in my page. i want to call a javascript function after the validationSummary is filled. how can i achieve this? i think i should add an attribute in the code behind, but i can't figure out what is the attribute's key. any help? ...

How to disable Silverlight DataGrid validation footer?

I'm facing the following problem: I'm using validation summary popup for displaying errors on the page, and i have an editable DataGrid. So there are 2 problems: 1) DataGrid validation duplicates validation error, if it occurs in the DataGrid cell. For example. DataGrid contains a collection of objects IEnumerable. When I'm doing Comple...

Validation Summary in TabControl (Silverlight 4)

Hello, everyone. Here is my question. I'm using MVVM pattern in my project and i have a UserControl, which has a TabControl on it. TabItems have validations on them. Main page looks like this: <UserControl> <DataInput:ValidationSummary x:Name="ValidationSummary"/> <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot"> <DataInput:ValidationSummary ...

LINQ Conditional Sum Calculation - cannot be applied to operands of type 'int' and 'bool'

I am trying to perform to calculation. I have a donations (d) table that contains Quantity Needed (d.QtyNeeded) and I need to determine the numbers of items still needed by pulling quantity filled (qtyfilled) from the donors table. Not every donation has a donor, so I need a conditional statement to handle nulls so the sum will work. ...

ASP.NET MVC Validationsummary with excludePropertyErrors = true renders empty if the model is invalid

Say you have a standard ValidationSummary: <%: Html.ValidationSummary(excludePropertyErrors: true) %> If the ModelState contains model errors for properties but not for the model itself the ValidationSummary renders the following HTML: <div class="validation-summary-errors"><ul><li style="display:none"></li></ul></div> Which is dis...

ASP.NET Validate all validators with different validation groups

I'm writing an ASP.NET page and trying to get validation working. My problem is that I've got a repeater that contains several custom grid controls, each of which has validators and a validation summary. At first, I didn't assign any validation groups, but this ended up making validation summaries appear for every grid whenever there w...

How to switch off validation summary HeaderText for a perticular CustomValidator

I have 6 required field validators and 1 custom validator. ErrorMsg is common for required fields so I have set that msg to validation summery headertext but the problem is that error message is coming with custom validator too. In case of custom validator I want only customValidator error messsage not Header text. How can I do that> Do...

Customize ValidationSummary

Hi, I found this question Customize ValidationSummary in ASP.NET MVC 2. I want to create something like this in ASP.NET. What is the right Property or Method to override in ValidationSummary class when the error summary displays? I'm doing something like public class CustomValidationSummary : ValidationSummary { // What metho...