
ASP.NET CompareValidator compare against sub control

I have a custom control "FieldGroup" which contains an asp:TextBox and some other functionality. The asp:TextBox is exposed through a public property "TextBox". On the page that uses my FieldGroup I am having a password entry which means I have two of them and I want to use a CompareValidator to confirm that the values are the same. I c...

Custom Control using default Page_ValidationSummaries attribute

Hi All, I wrote a successful Custom Button which can Validate multiple Validation groups on the same page. In doing so, I had to override the default Microsoft's ValidationSummaryOnSubmit method to suit my needs. ValidationSummaryOnSubmit method internally uses Page_ValidationSummaries property. function ValidationSummaryOnSubmit(vali...

Hibernate Validator 4+. Get all Constraints associated with a class

How can I get all constraints for a class. For instance I have class A { @NotNull private SomeBean field; } When I call: ValidatorFactory factory = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory(); Validator validator = factory.getValidator(); Set<ConstraintDescriptor<?>> descriptor = validator.getConstraintsForClass(formClass).ge...

Regular expression validator not working.

I am using two textboxes and a fckeditor and a button first textbox is for email address(To), second textbox is for subject. on the button onclientclick iam validating the subject textbox and the fckeditor whether they are empty or not and if they are iam asking for confirmation if iam not using this clientclick then regular expression...

WPF TextBox separate Validation source

I am trying to find a solution to let a TextBox show and validate data from two different sources as this little example shows: <TextBox Text="{Binding Port.Name}" ValidationSource="{Binding Ship.PortFK}"/> Here the Ship data object contains a property that functions as a Foreign Key to a Port, the property has its own validators. I...

User friendly validation messages during persist or update

Can you suggest good practices for information related to validation messages in the user interface. Assuming you have a the following tables (User, Address, Email) and we use JPA to model our entities and the underlying validation provider is Hibernate. The default messages which are throws when a value is empty or incorrect is either ...

Calling callback method for validators

Hello All: I am creating one web application in which I am showing watermark text for some fields. For example: I have one text box "Name" in which I am showing "Fill Name" as watermark. I have one required field validator for this text box. So, I am clearing the text box before the required field validator chck the text box other wis...

Validate CSS: Opacity?

I'm doing a new site and getting the following error: Property opacity doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : 0.5 0.5 For this chunk of CSS: .nav-next img, .nav-previous img, #all-headers img { opacity: 0.5; } This is using the Jigsaw W3C Validator. I see opacity in CSS3. Am I missing something in my stylesheet, or is ...

Get a Event from's validators to jquery on status change

Hi, i would like to have an event fired in jquery, if the validators of my page change their states. This is my usecase: In an Adressform the Validators all are hidden. If i submit the form, the get displayed. Now i want to fire a jQuery function, which renders all rows (not the inputfields, but their parents) with a red border (mea...

Design solution needed for Validation scenario

I would like to validate some objects. The validation has two parts: validation whether the user has right to access the object (the specific rights are already calculated and stored in boolean values, there are maximum 4 roles) checking if the object is in a certain state (from a set of states) I have a lot of rules (actually around...

How do I write a regular expression that will match if the 6th character of a string is one of two different letters?

I'm trying to write a validator for an ASP.NET txtbox. How can I validate so the regular expression will only match if the 6th character is a "C" or a "P"? ...

Page validation takes only validation results from one TabControl

I have a page containing a SaveControl control, which in turn eventually link up with two TabControls, both containing TextBox fields and validators to go with them. When saving changes, the containing control cycles through each TabControl to get data. When I attempt to save the form via postback, it seems that only validators in the f...

How to creat validator for this ASP.NET

i want a regular expression to validate date of the kind "13/08/2010" how to make it? ...

Extending ASP.NET validators

Hi all, I want to extend the validators such that I can make one validator dependent on another. The situation I have is that we have to validate a date in a textbox. Normally I would just use a combination of a RequiredFieldValidator (to ensure the date is provided), CompareValidator (to ensure the date is a date) and finally a...

ASP.NET validators

hi, i am using validators for validating simple fields like blank textboxes (e.g. login page). my problem is when i am submitting blank fields,the validators are giving correct output. and in second step, when i entered incorrect username the label where i have given error message of username is getting displayed along with blank...

Need html Validator with little to no dependencies

I am attempting to install an HTML validator on a secure server with no Internet access. I tried to install the W3 validator, but that had many perl dependencies that in turn had more perl dependencies that it was proving rather difficult to download them all then transfer them to the server and install them manually. I need a validator...

Server/Client input validation for form using attribute / dataannotation

I was playing with mvc 2's DataAnnotation validation. It hookup to the client side validation very nicely. I really like that I can just define one sets of rules and be able to user it at both client and server side. I am wondering if it is possible to do it with form. The following code snippet shows how it is done, an...

Validate datestring "dd.MM.yyyy" to see if input is numeric

I have a textbox containing a date in the format "dd.MM.yyyy". Now I want to use a RegularExpressionValidator to see if the format matches "digit digit . digit digit . digit digit digit digit" (without spaces) How does the regular expression look like for this? ...

How can I create an error for primary-key ?

Hello, I have a form where the primary-key must be filled by the user. But if he enters a value existing, I have the page with doctrine error 'Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry'. I want to make an error message as the other key with $form['myKey']->renderError() I have tried to use sfValidatorDoctrineChoice : $t... Custom Multiple control validator javascript issue

I've used the code in this article before to create a custom validator to validate mupltiple controls on a page. Using the "inline method" to hook up the validators just beofre the closing form tag. This time I'm making a user control and want the control to handle the generatio/rendering of the javascript to hook up the validators. The...