
Caching not working right in my ASP.NET MVC website?

Hi folks, i'm trying to use OutputCaching in my ASP.NET MVC website. Problem is, when i try and change the value of one my querystring params, it's returning the data for the first item that was requested! Here's my code (with the param names changed) ... [ApiAuthorize] [HandleErrorAsJson] public class SearchController : Controller {...

How do I cache at both client & server when VaryByParam != "none"?

I'm looking for a way to cache a page at both the client and the server while varying the server's output cache by a querystring parameter "Version". With this tag: <%@ OutputCache Duration="10" Location="Any" VaryByParam="none" %> I get these headers: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Cache-Control: public Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Expi...

Why does OutputCache attribute require the VaryByParam parameter to be set?

I've done zero research on this, I'm just curious. The OutputCacheAttribute class in ASP.NET MVC requires a value for Duration and VaryByParam. I get why Duration is required, but not VaryByParam. ...

Issue with ASP .Net MVC 2.0 Caching

I am using OutputCache on an Action like this: [OutputCache(Duration = 14400, VaryByParam = "none")] public ContentResult Catalog() { return ...; } and my RegisterRoutes function in Global.asax.cs contains the route: routes.MapRoute( "XMLRoute", // Route name "{site}/catalog.xml", // URL with parameters new { controller ...