Hai guys,
I ve developed a salary calculating software using vb.net.... Its working fine and i ve converted it to an exe file... My drawback is it can be copied and pasted in another system very easily... I want to generate a key for the exe file and while installing the key should be used and when installation is completed ,the ...
what is the keywork of App_Path in vb.net?
Hi all,
I have the problem with move data up and down in datagridview of vb.net 2005. Could anybody help to me do that?
I am coding ib Visual Basic. I need to store the current system time in MS Access timestamp field. How do I go about it.
Dim row As DataRow = ds.Tables("StudentTable").NewRow
row("SSMA_TimeStamp") = System.DateTime.Now.ToString()
I have a windows application with so many crystal reports.I saw a option to set the css class for particular fields.I set the class for particular fields,but there is no way to impliment the cascading style sheet to the project.so there is no effect in the report by the using of css.
If any one knows please help me,thank you.
hi all,
i am using SQL server express 2005 as an backend. I created a backup file programmatically.If i use same server , then it restore the data successfuly. however if we try to restore on different server, then it fails. and throw following message
"The Backup set Holds a backup of a database other than the existing 'DatabaseName' d...
Hello, I have the following query which groups some records and then filters where the count of the grouped records is 1.
I'd like to take the returned result and perform another query to retrieve the entire record from the JobcodesWorkingRollup table where the ParentNode column equals the result of this query:
Dim query = From...
I want to only show the last four digits of a Social security number after they leave the textbox. Does AJax have a tool for this that I am not aware of? How can i do this? I want to replace the digits with '*'. I'm working in .NET. Ajax is also accessible.
I have written a small GUI based vb.net program that speaks to embedded devices via the com port. The GUI code contains a class which all communication to the embedded device is handled through (com port device, communication protocol, parsing info, holding device related info after each read).That class is called EDComms.
I wanted to a...
I have a datagridview(dgv) with a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn(colLocation)
colLocation.AutoComplete = False
colLocation.HeaderText = "Stored to"
colLocation.DataSource = DB.getLocation()
colLocation.DisplayMember = "description"
colLocation.ValueMember = "id"
I added the colLocation to dgv.
"descirption" contains Unicode characters. I...
I want to make a program that tells you if you can login to an email account or not by entering their username and password into Windows Live.
It would connect to the Hotmail server and see if the user/pass combination is correct. If it can log in, it would display a label that the account is valid, if not it would say that the account...
I get how to do it, and i have been to http://www.codeproject.com/KB/vb/VBFileAssociation.aspx before. My question is about what doing that does, is it possible to reverse it? What if you do not know where your program will be, and you are just testing it for now? Is there any way for it to "find" your program, or an easy way to edit whe...
I have to convert a C# project to VB.NET and VBA. It's a console app that uses the Microsoft Office API (Microsoft.Office.Interop.*).
My two questions:
C# -> VB.NET: .NET Reflector is a good tool for this, except that it doesn't preserve source code comments. Is there a way to do this?
.NET -> VBA: is there an automated tool to do thi...
Hi All,
I am trying to get the DataView from a linq query expression which is querying a typed dataset. The result lands in a type of System.linq.IOrderedEnumerable. But i'm not able to convert this type to a Dataview although a few examples on the internet say that AsDataView function shoudl work but could you please throw some light o...
How can I catch an inner exception in .NET? I need to check 2 databases for a record. The database code throws an exception if a record is not found, so then I want to check the second database:
# Code to look in database 1
Catch ex as DataServiceQueryException
# Code to look in database 2
Catch ex2 as...
I have an application was working fine and all the email functionality was working fine.
From yesterday, I started getting below error
Error Message:Service not available, closing transmission channel. The server response was: 4.3.2 Service not available, closing transmission channel
My VB.net code for sendmail is given below:
By security reason I ask this... Can .cs or .vb files to run in any way without calling those in asp.net?
I am using VB.NET for coding and SQL Server 2005 for database.
My application is ready for release. Just on thing missing before I can go live.
I want to implement license concept in my application.
My license file can be text or xml file. In which there should be some encrypted matter which will be used for validate the applicat...
I am having with what appears to be a ASP.NET page life cycle issue. I currently have a user control embedded into my page. Now depending on the options chosen from the menu item list, the page can be in one of three states represented by a PageStates Enum within the control. The page on selecting the menu item merely updates the ...
I'm looking for some advice on how to optimise the following process:
App reads csv file.
For each line in the file an XML message is created
Each XML message is posted to a URL via a HTTPWebRequest
This process was designed to handle low volumes of messages (up to about 200 at a time), un suprisingly thinks have changed and it is now ...