
IL Opcode Modification

Language: VB.NET 3.5 IL opcodes: 718 ldarg.0 719 callvirt System.Windows.Forms.Button RClient.RClient::get_cmd1() 724 ldarg.0 725 ldfld System.String[] RClient.RClient::ButtonStrings 730 ldc.i4.5 731 ldelem.ref 732 callvirt System.Void System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase::set_Text(System.Stri...

vb.net file watch returns an incorrect filename.

I am attempting to use the VB.Net FileSystemWatcher class to watch a folder for the creation of Excel files. I do get a response when a .xls file is created in the folder, but am having a problem with the below code: Private Sub AddWatch() Dim watch As New FileSystemWatcher AddHandler watch.Changed, AddressOf FileChange watc...

How to subtract a month from Date object?

How do I subtract a month from a date object in VB.NET? I have tried: Today.AddMonths(-1) However, given that Today is 01-Jan-2010, the result I get is 01-Dec-2010. The answer I want is 01-Dec-2009. Is there a convenient way of doing this within the .NET framework? ...

UltraTree - Mixing Bound and Nonbound nodes?

Using UltraTree with vb.net. Is it possible have a bound tree, but to also manualy add a node with its own child nodes? something like this: Customer (bound) Contacts (not bound) Invoice (bound) Invoice (bound) Invoice (bound) Customer (bound) etc ...

importing mysqlclient in visual basic.net

Can anyone help me on how can I import "System.Data.MySqlClient" in visual basic.net? When I'm typing that code it produce an underline to the code and having an error of undefined namespace. How will I do? ...

querystring to a hyperlink in vb.net or maybe another solution

I am new to vb.net. Let me explain the two aspx pages that i have. First one is a table with results populated from the sql server backend. The first holds the "FirstName". I want this to have a hyperlink, so when i click on this, it should goto the second aspx page and show all the data in sql server for that "Firstname". the data is i...

ASP.NET Redirecting WAP users to WAP site based on User Agent with Regex

Hi, i've got some XML file with mobile user agents, i want to get user agent any time main page of website is requested and redirect WAP users to WAP site. XML file i have has user agent node with following inner text ie. "Samsung(.)Java(.)Profile(.)UNTRUSTED(.)" whereas (.*) sort of wildcard. I could create a List from these nodes and ...

Adding a datatable and a session containing datatable

I have a session which contains a datatable and also have a function which returns a datatable. I need to add these two. How can I do this? The below code is to be replaced with correct code. Session("Table")=Session("Table")+obj.GetCustomer() ...where obj is an object of the business layer. The '+' sign cannot be used to add these ...

Writing a text file

Using VB.Net and SQL Server 2005 I want to write a text file from the database like Open a text file, read the data from the database then write into the text file. Code. cmd = New SqlCommand("SELECT ID, Name, Dept from table", con) dr = cmd.ExecuteReader While dr.Read() Dim data As String ...

the designer could not be shown controls for this form

Hello, I have serious problem, in vb.net 2008 I have a project with many forms, I want design Based form and inherits other forms from it. So I designed my form, with all components and named it FRMBASE.VB, and inherits other forms from it But only see the following error : The designer could not be shown for this file because none of t...

new static fields and hiding the public inherited members

Curious situation: public class MyTextBox : TextBox { // I want use the same height for all MyTextBoxes public new static int Height; } public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); MyTextBox mtb1 = new MyTextBox(); MyTextBox mtb2 = new MyTextBox(); mtb1.Multiline = true; m...

How to write linq query for xml in vb.net?

I want to write a link query for my xml. Actually i dont know it. i have write some code here. Dim query = _ From p In MyPermissionXml.Elements("menuNode").Descendants("menuNode") _ Where p.Attributes("title").ToString = "Company" from where clause , i think it's wrong. how to represent an attribute here? ...

How to use the Google Visualization API in VB ?

We are working on a project where we have to implement the Google Visualization API in VB. We are having problems with finding relevant information. We can find loads of java. Please let us know. Thank you. ...

Does the CLR garbage collection methodology mean it's safe to throw circular object references around?

I have a theory that the CLR garbage collection mechanism means that I can get away with circular references in my object hierarchy without creating deadlocks for teardown and garbage collection. Is this a safe assumption to make? (Target language VB.NET) ...

AutoResizeColumnHeadersHeight only works if I set a breakpoint!

Using VB.Net I want to automatically size the height of the headers in a DataGridView so I am calling AutoResizeColumnHeadersHeight during the form load after the data has been populated. The method doesn't appear to do anything, but does work if I do the following: - put a breakpoint on grid.AutoResizeColumnHeadersHeight() - open quick...

Anonymous methods with return type in .Net

Hi All, This is a question for my curiosity really, as i know there are other ways to work around the problem. I have a property on my "Item" class - "MyProperty" - that I want to evaluate. I want to iterate through the collection - "MyItemCollection" - , and if there is an "Item" class whos property "MyProperty" is not nothing i...

Managing resources via compilation flags

Any idea how i can do that ? Now days it is done in Resources.Designer.vb we have there following lines: Friend ReadOnly Property ResourceManager() As Global.System.Resources.ResourceManager Get If Object.ReferenceEquals(resourceMan, Nothing) Then #If WizardVersion Then ...

LINQ to Objects - Grandparent, Parent, Child Relationship

am new to LINQ and I have been able to write a few simple statements. But now I have a more complicated situation which I cannot figure out. Basically, I am trying to write a LINQ to Objects statement where the relationship is a grandparent, parent, child relationship. (You could also call it a Master Detail relationship.) In Legacy co...

querystring picking up last row in table and not specified row. vb.net

i have created a table with 2 fields in vb.net as follows - Do While SqlDR.Read() TR = New HtmlTableRow TD = New HtmlTableCell TD.InnerHtml = SqlDR("name") TR.Cells.Add(TD) TB.Rows.Add(TR) Loop SqlDR.Close() Data looks lik...

"Reference required" error when referencing NServiceBus assembly from another project

We are trying to write an application that uses the NServiceBus library in a VB.NET environment. We've been stymied by errors similar to the following: Reference required to assembly 'NServiceBus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=9fc386479f8a226c' containing the implemented interface 'NServiceBus.IMessageHandler`1'...