
stop program keyboard events interfering with users typing - vb.net

I have a simple application that controls my media player with a combination of key presses. Unfortunately however it requires a ctrl key so rather than using postmessage I have to use a keyboardevent. This can by quite annoying when typing as you can imagine (you press p and all of a sudden the print dialogue box opens). So I am lookin...

Programatically removing a header context menu filter from RadGrid

I've got a repeater I've bound to column names that are filtered, as they're applied (using sessions currently, I might change this to loop through the columns looking for filters now that I really know how the grid works). I've got a button next to each filtered column name that is to remove the filter from the RadGrid. <asp:R...

add rows to a datatable with parallel.for

I have this sub : Private Sub error_out(ByVal line As Integer, ByVal err_col As Integer, ByVal err_msg As String) Dim ln = t_erori.Rows.Add ln.Item(0) = line ln.Item(err_col) = err_msg ln.Item(3) = err_col End Sub This is being called by several functions running in a parallel.for l...

screen coordinates with a horizontal scroll bar

Hi all, I need to place icons on a map image. Since the map image is bigger than my screen resolution 1280 x 1024, a horizontal scroll bar is shown. I use Location x and y to place icons, but the problem is: placing an icon at location (0, 0) when the horizontal scroll bar is at left-most position is different from when the horizon...

Cannot connect to Informix from ASP.NET application.

Hello folks. I've installed the trial version of IBM Informix Dynamic Server 11.50 on my development laptop, for use with an ASP.NET 2.0 app I'm writing. I have created a couple databases and filled them with sample data but I cannot connect. This is the relevant section of code: Dim facStr As String = System.Configuration.Configuratio...

Entity Framework Model - Not allowing me to add certain tables

Whilst going through the "ADO.Net Entity Data Model" wizard, I select 3 tables from within a Database to add to my edmx file, and when the file is generated only one of the three tables is there. There was no error or warning to explain why the other tables haven't been added. If I try and add one of the failing tables on its own, again,...

How to debug VB.NET calculated Function Returns without a return variable

It's often the case that I can write a nice tight little VB.NET function, and when it comes time to do the Return statement, it's really natural to just return the result of a quick calculation or a method call. However, this makes it difficult if I need to step through the debugger to see what is going to be returned from that Function...

conditional javascript in .ascx

I have a javascript src that i need to add to some of the pages in a site. for example <script type="text/javascript" src="http:abcxyz.com/zzz"></script> I want to add this conditionally on a .ascx page - if the Request.ServerVariables["SCRIPT_NAME"] ends with certain criteria. The ascx language is vb, and there is no code behind. T...

ASP.NET Keep fileupload after postback

Hi, I'm writing an intranet ASP.NET page using VB.NET. I've run into a particularly nasty problem dealing with handling file uploads. I'll do my best to explain the problem, and perhaps someone can help. My problem is almost a duplicate of this one, or this one, except (other than the filename) I don't care about sending the file to th...

C#, J# and VB.NET is it possible to write a class in each and make its variables interact in one application?

I was asked this question in an interview would appreciate your answers. Regards; Mohammad Mohsin ...

VB.NET - SqlException: Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database...

Hello, I want to backup my database using Linq to SQL: Dim sql As String = "BACKUP DATABASE SeaCowDatabase TO DISK = _ '" + sfd.FileName + "'" db.ExecuteCommand(sql) But instead, I get this error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'SeaCowDatabase'. No entry fo...

One Class with two different Namespaces?

Is something like this possible? Namespace Transaction, Document Class Signer Public Sub New() 'Do Work End Sub End Class End Namespace I basically want to be able to instantiate the Signer class from either Namespace. The reason is that I mistakenly set it up in the Transaction class and need ...

vb.net - bypass convert dialog / security warnings

Is there anyway to disable the vb.net (2008) express popup for converting older projects as well as the security warning to browse the project? I'm fairly new to vb.net so of course I download lots of examples to learn off of and it is BEYOND annoying to have to convert every demo and then click ok to browse the code. Is there no way to...

Excel file parsing/scraping using .NET

Hi experts am trying to parse an excel file. its structure is very complex. The possible way i know are. Use Office introp libraries Use OLEDB provider and read excel file in a dataset. But the issue is of its complexity like some columns,cells or rows blank etc. What are the best possible ways to do this ? thanks in advance. ...

Mass sending data to stored procedure

Hi Gurus I'm using Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 to create a web service with VB.NET. I'm using a Stored Procedure in SQL Server 2008 so that SQL can insert all the data that I'm passing. The problem is that in one of the servicse I need to pass around 10,000 records and it's not very efficient to run the stored procedure 10,000 times. ...

VB6 Variant Type to .NET Type

I have some VB6 code that can't be modified easily that looks like this: Dim cCount as Long Dim rCount as Long Dim result() Set mx = CreateObject("Component.Class") Dim rtn = mx.GetList(rCount,cCount,result) The method it calls is currently a VB6 component that we've migrated to .NET with one issue. We're not sure what type the resul...

Custom date format from Linq to SQL query

Im using the folowing function to return a SelectList. I need a custom format on Descr, but replacing Key.ToString() to Key.ToString("DD/MM/YY") render me the error "Method 'System.String ToString(System.String)' has no supported translation to SQL.". How could i use a custom date format on Descr? Public Function ReturnDates(ByVal P...

How do I pull a GUID from my database in order to Update a Username

I have a SQL database that is different than the one in ASP.net so I had to create a custom membership Provider. The provider to get the user looks like this: My SQL class name is CustomSqlProvider: Public Overrides Function GetUser(ByVal username As String, _ ByVal userIsOnline As Boolean) As MembershipUser 'Dim connectionStrin...

Modify gridview update action to put time in column?

I have a gridview with 3 columns, only one column is going to be edited by the user. Whenever it is edited I'd like to set one of the other columns to the current time. A "time last updated" if you will. Possible? ...

Help with String.CopyTo()

Hi I am facing a problem with String.CopyTo() method. I am trying to the copy the value from string to char array using String.CopyTo() method. Here's my code Dim strString As String = "Hello World!" Dim strCopy(12) As Char strString.CopyTo(0, strCopy, 0, 12) For Each ch As Char In strCopy Console.Write(ch) Next Can any one...