
Master Page Error in Asp.net

Hi, When i create a new page in asp.net and try to include the master page,i cannot view the designer part as it shows an error :- "Master Page Error". Although the page runs without any errors,Designing the page becomes difficult as i cant see the design.i can only view the source part of the page.this is very difficult for me to des...

using axspreadsheet in vb.net

hello, i am having an awful time with axspreadsheet for vb.net 2008. the simplest example is i just add the control to the form. it compiles on one computer, but it doesnt compile on any other computer. i may be missing a reference or a prerequisite but i have searched for about 10 hours, and i have not gotten any insight into this. than...

Refer to Footer value in GridView created dynamically ASP VB

I have a Gridview that I create a dynamic footer wired up to the RowDataBound event. However there is a 50/50 chance that 3 of the columns will have no data. I want to be able to dynamically hide the columns with no data if possible. I have tried doing this in the RowDatabound event by checking if the value is = 0 but that does not wo...

How to convert date to mm/dd/yyyy format

Hi guys, I want to convert dateformat to mm/dd/yyyy. Whatever dateformat is coming in textbox, I want to convert it into mm/dd/yyyy. Can anybody help? ...

Can a file already in use be cloned in vb2005?

Can a file already in use be cloned in vb2005? Is it possible to load a file into memory even if that file is already in use by another program? ...

How to design an SMS SENDER using VB .NET

I'm new to VB .NET. I would like to design a sms sender application which could use internet connectivity to send messages to any mobile number. Should I use any messaging APIs? Where should I start? ...

Does CLSCompliant attribute care for older versions of .NET languages?

For instance, I read that visual basic .net didn't have operator overloads before, so wouldn't be able to use a types overloaded operators, if they aren't provided as normal methods too (Add, instead of operator+). Now that VB has this feature, would CLSCompliant attribute care if you have normal static methods like Add, Subtract instea...

Making a Next statement into a Loop statement in Visual Basic.

Hey everyone. My friend and I are re-learning Visual Basic, and we are stumped on this bit of code. For intAsterisks As Integer = 0 To intLine - 1 lblAsterisks.Text = lblAsterisks.Text + "*" Next We need to be able to make that from a For Next code into a Do Loop code. Could anyone assist us? ...

How to use escape character in replace function when replacing semi-colon in VB

Okay so I was helped earlier with my program question and found out that """" is how you make " become another variable in the function: Robert = Replace(Robert.ToLower, """", "A") So now I am also trying to work with other keys like the semi-colon. I put it in the function like this: Robert = Replace(Robert.ToLower, "char(59)", "B")...

How to use replace when making one variable = two others instead of just one

Okay this one might be a little tougher. I'm using VB that looks like this: string = Replace(string.ToLower, chr(63), "A") But I also want chr(63) = "B" as well, like this: string = Replace(string.ToLower, chr(63), "B") My problem is that when chr(63) is at the end of a string I need it to be B, and when it's not the end I need it...

Extracting QuickTime Files from a Resource and converting them into Separate Files (VB.NET 2005)

I have a resource file for a program, and i have determined that the resource file just a big string of files glued together whole, i know that the movies contained in the file are quicktime mov. Where can i find information on the quicktime header? and how can i determine the length of a file once i find it? ...

handling keyboard scan codes directly in VB KeyPress event

How to map Numpad scan codes to keys in VB KeyPress event? Meaning I want to track key 1 when NUMLOCK is ON OR OFF. ...

What is allowed in Visual Basic that's prohibited in C# (or vice versa)?

This is code-related as in what the compiler will allow you to do in one language, but not allow you to do in another language (e.g. optional parameters in VB don't exist in C#). Please provide a code example with your answer, if possible. Thank you! ...

HTTP Post/Upload From Visual Basic 6

Hi, I'm using Visual Basic 6 and want to do an HTTP post to a server (it runs Java code) by sending a custom input field along with a PDF file. the PDF file would have to be base 64 bit encoded or use the normal way that HTTP post work over the Internet when uploading a file. Basically I just want to upload a file from my Visual Basic 6...

How to compare text in one box to another and highlight what's wrong in red

I'm brand new at VB and I made a program that utilizes two languages. I want to check one box against another and highlight, in red, the text that doesn't match up. Does anyone know an easy way for me to do this? Thanks! ...

How to make one variable = two others instead of just one

I posted this before and got a few answers that haven't worked for me so far. Therefore I'm going to post part of my code so you can see what I'm talking about. The highlighted part is what I pulled from another post and it's not working for me right now. I'm using visual studio 2008 and the program was written in Basic. I pulled mos...

Attribute VB_VarUserMemID in VB6 source files

I'm reviewing some legacy VB6 code using WordPad (since I don't have VB6 installed). After many of the variable declarations at the module level, I see a second line that sets some sort of attribute for the variable, as shown in the example below. It appears that the attribute number, 1073741852, is the same for all of the declarations...

What is procErr: used for in Visual Basic?

I'm currently maintaining a legacy Visual Basic project that has these "procErr:" statements all over the place. My guess is, that they are used as a way to handle if any error occurred while executing the function, is this correct? I've converted the project to VB.NET. Would a better way not be, instead of using this procErr syntax, to...

User Defined Type (UDT) As Parameter In Public Sub In Class Module.Visual Basic 6

I've tried to solve this problem, but can't find any solution. I have a UDT defined in a normal module, and wanted to use it as parameter in a Public Sub in a Class module. I then get a compile error: Quote: Only public user defined types defined in public oject modules can be used as parameters or return type for public procedures of ...

Internet Transfer Control RequestTimeout

I am getting an error 12002, which is Request Timeout. I would like to know what its default timeout is. Anyone know? ...