
Saving data in time ASP.NET (Visual Basic) ?

Hey, I'm developing a web application that provide a service of online reservation, and I need to save the data (for example in a specific day and access to them). How can I do that. Is it possible using : System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar ...

Problem with Ajax Toolkit ASP.NET (Visual Basic)

Hey, I'm trying to use Ajax Toolkit in ASP.NET page to display a Calendar Extender with this code, but it's not working for me. <form id="form1" runat="server"> <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"> </asp:ScriptManager> <div> <br /> <br /> <b>Calendar :</b><br /> <asp:TextBox ID="Date1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox...

Visual Basic 6 ADO Update question...

Hi, I've been working with a Legacy application which interacts with a database through ADODB, and most of the changes to records follow a fairly straightforward pattern of: Create a Recordset from a query Make various change to the recordset call .Update on the recordset. What I'm wondering is, with ADODB recordsets, is there anywa...

Generating report using Crystal Reports on ASP.NET

Hey, After reserving a ticket for an travel agency, I want generate a printable report using Crystal Report. I'm looking for a way to do that. Any video tutorial or something like that ? ...

Is there a getproperty or equivalent function in VBA?

I'd like to know if something like this pseudo code: myVar = "functionName" call someObject.(myVar evaluation) which would then be equivalent to: call someObject.functionName is possible in VB. I know this is done in some other languages using a GetProperty method. Thanks in advance. ...

DateTime Format Strings?

I have the date format string dd-mm-yy. Please can you tell me how to add hours and minutes to the string (i.e 13-03-2010.21.03) .... DateTime.Today.ToString("dd-mm-yy") ? ...

Read an XML Data from TCP Port Socket

I have a device which send me data over a particular port. The data is in XML Format. Now I already did a small console application which listen for the data and print out the data on the screen. Now my plans are to deserialize the xml data or I will create the insert statement into the database. 1) The device send me the data every s...

How to access a value in another control

I have two controls on one page and need to access another control's values. I believe doing something like me.page .... something is along the correct lines but much help would be appricated! Thanks ...

Need Query without Field names retriving in MDB?

I am using the MDB as backend, frontend using vb. When i am retriving the output in excel the result provide the output the result with field names. I only need the result, how can i avoid the field name display for that. I am new in this MDB and vb. Please help me for a query providing the result without field names. ...

Cannot Debug Visual Basic 6 ActiveX Component On 64-bit OS

Hi, The situation might sound a bit weird but I have to play with what I have. There's a Win2003 64-bit server OS and a legacy application written using Visual Studio 6. The app consists of two parts: ActiveX components written in VB6 and C++ code which uses them. I need to debug the components' code. I installed Visual Studio 6 on th...

Custom buttons in MS-Access 2k7

I'm adding some custom buttons to my forms in MS Access, but somehow I can't make them work. In buttons properties Event tab I've changed 'On Click' event to call 'Event procedure'. Then in VBasic I'm selecting my button and from what I know this code should give me prompt, and if Yos is selected the form should close. But when I click m...

How to invalidate a single data item in the .net cache in VB

I have the following .NET VB code to set and read objects in cache on a per user basis (i.e. a bit like session) '' Public Shared Sub CacheSet(ByVal Key As String, ByVal Value As Object) Dim userID As String = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name HttpContext.Current.Cache(Key & "_" & userID) = Value End Sub Public Share...

Visual Studio macro to read compilation errors and fix implicit conversions automatically in VB.NET

I am converting a large project in VB.NET that is using Option Strict Off into Option Strict On Naturally I am running into the same compilation error over and over. Strict On does not allow implicit conversion from Object to String/Integer/Double Is it possible to to access the compilation errors with a macro and automatically append...

Trouble connecting to SQL Server 2008 using UDL

A legacy VB app was working with SQL Server 2000 on an XP box, using the connection string (in an ADODC): FILE NAME=link.udl This UDL points at the database... Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=secret;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=maindb;Data Source=DBXP The database was migrated to a new Windows Server 2008 box runn...

VB - Server communication

How would I make a Visual Basic application talk to a web server? Someone will press something on the site and I want the application to display the information that the web site passes along to it. ...

set label text to total row count of gridview

I'm using a stored procedure in a sql database as the data source for a SqlDataSourceControl on my .aspx page. I'm then using the SqlDataSourceControl as the data source for a gridview on my page. Paging is set to true on the gridview. What i would like to do is set the text of a label to the total number of rows in the gridview. I c...

.net Components ... a Custom Form

Hi, I've been working in the creation of some custom components adding functionalites to the basic components such as a Datagridview. Now I want to create a custom Form ... I mean, when I choose add new item in the VS menu, there is a Windows form and some varians of it like an about box, or Dialog, that are simple Forms with a custom ...

.VB file cannot be opened in Visual studio 2010

I have a file from an existing project called image.vb. When I try to open it in VS 2010, it is complaining that "There is no editor available for 'image.vb'. Make sure the application for the file (.vb) is installed. But all other .vb files can be opened in VS2010. Then I tried to open it in VS2008, and it shows something like : 000000...

How to return value from exe and capture the returned value using C#

I have an exe (I have the C# code for that also). I am invoking the exe in my vb script application. Now I want to return a value from the exe and capture the same in my vb code. How can I do that? ...

QTP ftpgetfile question

Hello, I encountered a problem in QTP, all the tests have been passed before, but recently, the FtpGetFile function doesn't work any more (other similar functions like delete, put.. neither). In fact, I have observed through the log of proftpd that the connection is well created, and the parameters of that function are just like befor...