
ms-access: is it possible to save an access form separately from DB?

i have a front end access with a bunch of forms and reports. i want to be able to save one of the forms by itself to its own file. how do i do it? ...

SFTP upload with VBA

i need to be able to SFTP though VBA. I have an Access program that pulls data, manipulates it and now i have to find a way to upload the excel 07 file through SFTP. i've been looking on the net for days and can't find anything. I saw a similar topic here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/202197/how-to-use-sftp-from-within-an-ms-access...

VBA/Excel - Out of Memory

Hi all, I'm coding a Macro in VBA for Excel 2007 (file type .xlsm) My Macro runs very well for the first time. But, at the second run, when i give the variable (an array of thousand items) a new value, the VBA says "Out of Memory". I tried with different commands: Set Obj = nothing , Erase variable, variable = empty but it didn't wor...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Quartz.net over the windows scheduler?

For daily tasks, such as converting csv files to excel files; creation of excel files (the contents of which are created using financial methods); moving and copying of files; calculation of daily financial and risk analysis metrics; and (this list will grow over time and will become more complex..) Is Quartz.Net more suitable when...

VBA, performance, object hierarchy, type structure

I have a some type hierarchy: type A, type B contains field of type A array, type C contains field of type B... (added: I mean type structure, not classes!) I can't use classes by performance reason: type objects copying and creating more fast than the same for classes. But now I need substitute lowest type and than use both types, ol...

How to find a matching row in Excel?

Given A search key --------------------------- | | A | B | C | D | --------------------------- | 1 | 01 | 2 | 4 | TextA | --------------------------- An Excel sheet ------------------------------ | | A | B | C | D | E | ------------------------------ | 1 | 03 | 5 | C | TextZ | | ------------------------------ | 2 |...

MS Access Auto Link Excel Spreadsheets

I have a directory structure where I am managing the requirements of a system with each component of that system having its own directory. the requirements of each component are stored in a excel workbook that has multiple worksheets(# of worksheets are static). I am currently using access as a central location to view the information ...

Is there a NotIn("A","B") function in VBA?

I'm writing a function that requires input and my data validation looks very awkward. If InputFld isn't "A","B", or "C", then it's an error: If InputFld <>"A" and InputFld<>"B" and InputFld<>"C" then goto ErrorHandler This just looks ugly to me. Is there a more elegant solution? I'd like to just write something like: If InputFld not...

Invoke Excel macro recorder from code

I need a way to programatically launch the macro-recorder in Excel, and supply the name for the new macro that will get created. This can be from VSTO or VBA, or using the Office interop assemblies. Any ideas how this can be accomplished? ...

INSERT data from Excel into SQL DB

I have created an Excel Sheet that does some lookups to format data that needs to be inserted into another table. This Excel Workbook needs to be given to some users that are free to add some new rows, and then need to be able to hit an "Insert Into Database" button and have the records transformed and inserted as new records into a SQL ...

Detecting a present signature in a Word 2007 document using VSTO

I'm trying to detect a present signature in a Word document with VSTO. I am stuck, because one I don't have much experience with VSTO and second I can't find any documentation about this. What did I develop so far? Created a Ribbon Add-In for Word 2007, with two buttons. Created methods for handling the clicked buttons. When Start De...

Office Ribbon control: how to get the reference of a control in a custom tab

Hi, I created a custom ribbon tab for PowerPoint 2007. The tab contains a dropdown box and a button. In the button's callback (onAction) I would like to execute different codes depending on which item is selected in the dropdown. However I do not know how to get a reference to the dropdown control from the button's callback. Is there...

How do I make a system call and reload a file in a Visual Studio 2010 macro?

As you read this, though I have pretty good experience in C++ and Java, please keep in mind that I am a complete beginner when it comes to VB. :) Here is one idea of what I want to do: Option Strict Off Option Explicit Off Imports System Imports EnvDTE Imports EnvDTE80 Imports EnvDTE90 Imports EnvDTE90a Imports EnvDTE100 Imports Syste...

Regular Expressions in MS Access VBA?

I definitely like MS Access as an RAD-Tool for small-scope data-driven applications. But one thing I really miss as a .Net-Developer is Regular Expressions. They really come in handy when validating user input. I really do not know why Microsoft did not put these in the standard VBA-Library. Is there a way to use Regular Expressions in...

Access 2003 VBA OnNavigation event?

In Access 2003 VBA forms, what event is fired when the user changes the record the form is looking at? (ie: pressing the arrow buttons at the bottom left of the form) Thanks! ...

ms-access: how do i open a linked table on open?

i would like a linked datasheet (table) to open once access is opened. how do i do this? ...

In Visual Basic for Excel 2007, how do I select rows that contain a certain pattern?

I want to write a program in Visual Basic where I look at Column L of a worksheet and search for cells in Column L that contain "123." I then want to select the rows that contain "123" in Column L, copy them, and paste them into a new worksheet. How would I do this? I created a macro, but I'm not sure how to change it so that I can find ...

creating excel macro for adding rows

hello, i am new to VBA and i want to create a macro in excel that add a row when i reach a certain cell. any help appreciated ...

VBA global variables, multiple workbooks

I have a VB application, that uses some global variables to store data that is required by multiple forms and modules, this works fine. However if a user opens up another workbook, running the same VBA application, then they end up accessing (and changing) the same public variables. How can I have workbook level global variables, or if ...

How to simulate an ODBC time-out error?

I am testing the error-handling of an Access-VBA controlled process: A script in an Access 'controller' DB starts. The script starts a macro in a 2nd Access file (the 'database'). The macro in the 'database' file runs a bunch of maketable queries. These queries pull from tables linked to an ODBC source (SQL-Server actually). When thi...