
Export Excel range/sheet to formatted text file

Hello, I have been tasked with creating a reusable process for our Finance Dept to upload our payroll to the State(WI) for reporting. I need to create something that takes a sheet or range in Excel and creates a specifically formatted text file. THE FORMAT Column 1 - A Static Number, never changes, position 1-10 Column 2 - A Dynamic ...

Simple Excel Macro Question

This should be simple, not sure why I am having trouble with this..... In a data input range that a user is entering data there is a "left" and a "right" side of the form. Not all the data in any given row has to be filled in. I want to create a macro (and assign it to a hot key I.E. ctrl-z ) such that if it is hit it will position the ...

How to update report in access with bound dataset automatically?

I have a single entry output from a paradox table which is imported into Access. Now I have created a report and done the databinding within the report to the dataset from Paradox. When work is done in Paradox the single entry output changes... How do I open up access and have the values from the report update automatically without hav...

What does the Call keyword do in VB6?

There's some code in our project that looks a bit like this: Private Sub Method1() Call InnerMethod End Sub Private Sub Method2() InnerMethod End Sub Private Sub InnerMethod() '' stuff End Sub What's the advantage of doing Method1 over Method2? ...

How to copy data from another workbook (excel) ?

I already have a macro that creates sheets and some other stuff. After a sheet has been created do I want to call another macro that copies data from a second excel (its open) to first and active excel file. First I want to copy to headers, but I cant get that to work - keep getting errors. Sub CopyData(sheetName as String) Dim File ...

How to find and select multiple rows with macro (excel) ?

How do I search a column for a text and select all columns and rows which match the search text ? Sample table: ColA ColB ColC ColD Row1 Bob Row2 Jane Row3 Joe Row4 Joe Row5 Jack Row6 Jack Row7 Jack Row8 Peter Row9 Susan So the marco searches for "Jack" then it s...

Book Recommendation for Visual Basic

I'd like to find a good book to read to come up to speed on Visual Basic for use with MS Access. I don't want a book for dummies. There's plenty that I don't know, but I'm no dummy. I also don't want a book for neophyte programmers. I've programmed in several programming languages, and I'd like to leverage what I already know to help...

Automated testing of VBA UserForms- tools and/or techniques?

I am looking to start automated regression testing on a fairly large Excel add-in that revolves around a GUI composed of a few modal UserForms with standard controls. The main problem is that most of the automated testing tools I have looked into (Rational Robot, AutomatedQA TestComplete, Network Automation Automate etc) don't fully sup...

Modify embedded Excel workbook in Word document via VBA

I have a Word document with two embedded Excel files (added using Insert -> Object -> Create From File) which I wish to modify using Word VBA. I have got to the point where I am able to open the embedded files for editing (see code below), but am unable to get a handle on the Excel workbook using which I can make the modifications and sa...

excel 2003 VBA: macro not found

hello i keep getting an error when calling a function via the OnTime method i tryed what's written here (and even posted a comment in the end) and i keep getting an error: "The macro 'I:\myFolder\test.xls'!MacroName was not found". when calling the function MacroName from anywhere in the script, it works fine. thanks in advance for any ...

Run Macro to Update Cells

I have quite a few cells that link to other worksheets/books, etc with standard excel formulae. However, is there a macro I can run that will only allow these cells to be updated when it is run? I'd like them to retain their previous values until I want them to update. ...

Text format via vba?

I am creating a copy of an excel file using vba, there is a column with numbers with preceeding zero's. the copy of the file is created but the data in this column is dropped. I need to keep the values with the preceeding zeros. ...

Right click on sheet-tabs disabled in Excel

I used this vba code in the ThisWorkbook module to disable the right click menu in an Excel workbook. Private Sub Workbook_Activate() With Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=847) .Visible = False End With End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Deactivate() With Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=847) .Visible = Tru...

Looping Variable Names

This is entirely non-critical, but it's annoying me! I have a set of textboxes on a form, called sm1, sm2 etc, and I want to assign them to cells A1, A2, etc. Is there a way to put this in a loop, ie: for i = 1 to 100 cells(i,1).Value = ("sm"&c).Value next i Thoughts? ...

VBA word range question

I want to find a string in a word document and delete everything after it. What is the best way to do this without using the selection object? Thanks ...

Progress bar using Office VBA

I have a small programme that opens and closes a number of different word documents while it runs. It loads some documents from the web so it takes a little while and I'd prefer to let the user watch a little progress bar or at least have a message in a form telling them to wait. I can't seem to be able to keep that form on top of all o...

Resources for learning VBA if you already familiar with java and ruby

I would like to learn some VB because I am interested in a few industries that tend to use it exclusively. However, I find most resources far to slow in teaching the language and tools because they are aimed for those who haven't programmed before. Is there a good guide for programmers with experience in other languages like java and r...

Highlight and unhighlight specific ranges when a box is clicked

Hi, I am a beginning in visual basic. What I am trying to do is whenever a box is clicked, highlight a specific range. Then, if another box is clicked after that, the previous range will unhighlight, and another range will highlight. Here is my code but it doesn't work right now. Dim FSelect As Boolean Dim myRange As Range Sub Rectan...

vba simple database query from word

This is basic stuff, but I'm somewhat unfamiliar with VBA and the Word/Access object models. I have a two column database of about 117000 records. The columns are 'surname' and 'count'. I want a user to be able to type SMITH in a textbox and hit submit. I then want to run something like SELECT table.count FROM table WHERE surname = str...

Extracting data from MS Word

I am looking for a way to extract / scrape data from Word files into a database. Our corporate procedures have Minutes of Meetings with clients documented in MS Word files, mostly due to history and inertia. I want to be able to pull the action items from these meeting minutes into a database so that we can access them from a web-inter...