
Inserting German date format in SQL using VBA

I'm pretty frustrated here, been trying this for days... All I want is for German users to be able to enter dates that should be stored in SQL Server. The dates are in the following format "dd.mm.yyyy". I always get error messages like this one: Syntax error in date in query expression '#23.01.2004 00:07:00#'. - using Access for now. I'...

When I insert BuildingBlockEntries in Word2007 VBA, can I add other params than Where:= and Rich Text?

In example: For Each mytemplate In Templates If mytemplate.Name = "Normal.dotx" Then _ mytemplate.BuildingBlockEntries("Leeg").Insert Where:=Selection.Range, RichText:=True Next ...

Fill array with consecutive integers

I'm trying to fill an array with consecutive integers using Excel and VBA to pass to the Subtotal function. I need a dynamically sized array of consecutive ints. The fnction works when I use Array(1,2,3,4,5) for example, but not if I try to use a dynamically sized array. I've read some articles on this but none actually worked - has any...

MS Access VBA Export Query results

Hi all, I need help coming up with a method to allow a user to export a query's results to an xls file on a button click event. I've tried using an Output To macro, but it doesn't work for a query containing 30,000+ records. Thanks in advance ...

Excel VBA returning weird results with large calculations

I've created a function in excel which basically searches a dynamic range in a For statement for a string and returns the value of the cell one column over. It's basically a budgeting function, but that's beside the point. Here's the problem, everything works with small results, but when the results get too large (say around 32000... fo...

what am i doing wrong with my vba?

i cannot see why this would be an issue. i use the msgbox to display my strSQL, but it looks perfectly fine. Dim strSQL As String strSQL = "INSERT INTO Jobs (Date, RefNo, ProjectID, PManager, PDesc, PONo, Src_Qty, WC_Qty, Rate, Total, Note, Company) " strSQL = strSQL & "VALUES (" & JobDate.Value & ", '" _ & T...

Multi-column sort with VBA

I'm using VBA to sort columns in Excel 2003. I need to sort by column 5 ascending, then column 3 using a custom order, then by column 4 ascending. I'm having difficulty getting the sort to work and I don't totally understand how OrderCustom applies. Any pointers in the right direction would be appreciated :) My code is below. With wsDa...

Extracting Filename from Dir()

I have a macro that uses the Dir function. MyFile = Dir(CurDir() & Sep & "*.xls") Do While MyFile <> "" ... MyFile = Dir() Loop How do I extract just the filename from MyFile (exclude the extension)? ...

How do I create a loop in Access VBA/SQL to select records and output to Excel?

Hello, I need some help on writing some VBA/SQL code into a module in Access, which should do the following: Loop through Table 'Schools', with just one field (SchoolName). Use each value in the first table to select records from Table 'ChildData', with several fields about individual children, including which school they attend (Scho...

Calling function in one MDB from another MDB

We have developed a consolidation function that will be used by other processes and want to position the function in its own MDB (call it "remote") so that it can be referenced and called from "caller.mdb" when its needed. The function is designed to return an array and works great when executed called directly from within "remote." Howe...

How do I reference fields within tables using VBA in Access such that they can be edited?

Specifically, I'm a n00b making a db. So far I have a form set up like I like it, but no values are bound b/c I need to switch between tables (I could probably just add all of the fields from the first table to the second table, but half of the point of me doing this myself was learning). I've encountered two problems. First, I'm havi...

MS 2003 - SQL String inside of VB question - populate results into a form?

Okay so this is another question about a previous question I asked: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1435802/rookie-sql-inside-of-vb-question-msaccess-2003 I am pretty new at this so I appreciate the help guys! So lets say I have a form and I want the SQL string in the VB to fill out a form based on parameters selected by the user o...

MS Access 2003 - Good book on learning advanced VBA

Hey guys! Was wondering is anyone had any suggestions on books or other resources on learning novice to advanced VBA as it relates to access programming. I have bought and read the "Access Bible", "The only access book you'll ever need", and "Sams TY in 21Days" and they were all fine for learning the basics. Then I bought and read teh O...

MSAccess 2003 - VBA for passing a value from one form to another

So how can I pass a value from one form to another? For example: The user select's an organization from a list and this opens up a trip form that allows a user to enter various information regarding the trip. At one place I would like to add another little pop up form where they can enter contact information (just a name and phone for PO...

executing xls with macro fails to error 1004

The file exists, opening workbook works but Application.run gives 1004 Set wbtarget = Workbooks.Open(mypath + "\launcher.xls") Application.Run (wbtarget.Name & "!StartMerge") ...

Converting VB to VBA

Hi,Please Help me in following problem: this code work in VB but doesn't work in VBA: also I add in beginning a combobox with index 0 to form1 For i = 1 To 5 Load Combo1(i) Combo1(i).Visible = True Combo1(i).Left = Combo1(i - 1).Left + Combo1(0).Width Next i I will have this code in VBA. thank you ...

MSAccess 2003 - VBA for taking information from text boxes and inserting into table

So I have an input form that I want to use to update a table with certain fields of information. I have the ID of the record automatically coming up in a text box. I have three text boxes that I need to add to the table (excluding the ID) on a button click. Name Date Method are the field names. As_Name As_Date As_Method are the text ...

how to do reverse index in VBA

I don't know anything about VBA but I need to get the file name out of a file full path. So for a string like "c:\something\somethingelse\file.name" I need to get "file.name" out. Also how can you get a quote in a string such as " " "? backslash doesn't seem to work. ...

How to find auto-updating date-time fields that have been inserted into a Powerpoint?

I need to find and "fix" these fields (that were inserted with TextRange.InsertDateTime with the InsertAsField flag set to true). Word documents appear to have a nice Fields property that gives me centralized access to them, and I can find the representation in the .pptx file with 2007, but I can't seem to find anything in the PPT objec...

VBA - show clock time with accuracy of less than a second

Is there a way to use VBA (excel) to generate a clock time with accuracy to a tenth of a second or less? eg: Sub test() MsgBox Format(Time, "hh:mm:ss???") 'not sure what this format should be... End Sub ...