
ms-access loading data question

i have a pretty complicated form. as you can see below: however, i have only maybe 8mb of data total in the database. the way it works is it populates the listbox all the way on the left with all the record names. when you scroll through the records it loads the appropriate data for each record when i scroll through the listbox all...

ms-access calculated controls

can someone give me an example of what a calculated control is in ms-access? ...

ms-access - someone else's project

i have been hired to take over a ms-access database. i know sql and vb.net and vba; however i dont have experience with ms-access. this is what it looks like: what steps should i take to start to understand the structure ? ...

How to access the label of a control in code

Hi! Often a label control is bound to a textbox or similar. I know that there is a way to access the label through code, but I do not remember now how to do it. Anyone that knows? Maybe something like: Me.txtName.Child!lblName.Value Or Me.txtName.Parent!lblName.Value I will use this when I am enumrating through the controls on a...

How to make a library I can access in VBA in Excel

I am doing a lot of similar tasks among some VBA scripts I am writing and would like to develop a library (a bunch of convenience functions using the typelib I'm working with) which I can call from all my various scripts. I am new to the VBA world and do not know how this is done and have had a surprisingly hard time trying to figure it ...

Get the week number from a given date

Examples: 'DD/MM/YYYY "1/1/2009" should give `1` "31/1/2009" should give `5` "1/2/2009" should also give `5` Format("1/2/2009", "ww") returns 6. So, how can I get the correct result? ...

Enumerating the items under a selected group header in Outlook 2007 with VBA

The ActiveExplorer.Selection returns a count of 0 if the selection is a group header. Does anyone know if it's possible to enumerate the items under that group header using VBA or an add-in? ...

Outlook 2007 - Email Flag Status

This might be a duplicate of this question? Is there a way in Outlook 2007 using VBA to set a follow-up flag on an email object? It looks like it was supported in Outlook 2003 with .FlagStatus property, but I can't find it in 2007. In advance, thanks! I got a vote for this to be moved to SuperUser and considering this is VBA, it seem...

How to register a type library in VBA

I am trying to register a type library programatically from VBA code, using two variants of a technique found using Google (Subs RegisterTypeLibrary and RegisterTypeLibrary2 below). The code below crashes with an access violation on the call to LoadTypeLib / LoadTypeLibEx. What am I doing wrong? In case it's relevant, the type library...

What do I need to do in order to get OpenOffice.org Calc to read the VBA code in an Excel file?

My employer is considering installing OpenOffice.org's suite of Office products instead of using Microsoft Office. I've written several advanced applications in Access and Excel, and I'm trying to figure out what will and will not be compatable with OpenOffice.org. Specifically, what do I need to do to have Calc (OpenOffice.org's ver...

How do I deliver an Excel 2007 VBA script?

Once I've finished writing an Excel 2007 VBA script how to I deliver the Excel 2007 VBA script to the rest of the team members? Is there a way to package an Excel 2007 VBA script so that it can be provided to other team members? Thanks again for any feedback. ...

FileSearch strictness issue

I'm currently trying to search directories for any file labelled "??.??.????.xls" (for mm.dd.yyyy.xls). The problem I have is that the code I'm using also matches filenames such as "my-restaurant.12.01.2006.xls". I only want to match filenames with specifically the notation I used above. Dim Invoices As FileSearch Set Invoices = Appli...

Cropping an image using VBA

I need to crop an image on a Powerpoint slide using VBA - in my particular case I'm cropping from the top and left edges. Can anyone offer any advice? ...

VB - How do I test if optional arguments are supplied or not?

How do I test if optional arguments are supplied or not? -- in VB6 / VBA Function func (Optional ByRef arg As Variant = Nothing) If arg Is Nothing Then <----- run-time error 424 "object required" MsgBox "NOT SENT" End If End Function ...

Grouping controls together on an Access form

Hi, I have an Access2003 form where I wanted to group several controls together and change visibility programatically, though VBA code. Is this possible? I do know that I can group items through Format -> Group, but if I do that, how do I refer the the entire group in my code? Thank you ...

Range limit conundrum

Hi, Is there some limit to what I can select in a range via VBA? Basically what I found is that if I were to hide an entire row while in a loop, it takes quite a while if there are lots of rows to hide. ex) - Hide any row that doesn't have a value in column A For i = 1 to 600 With Range("A" & i) If .value = vbEmpty then ....

how to map PR_CONTAINER_CLASS of a folder to an outlook icon using vba

Does anyone know how I can map PR_CONTAINER_CLASS to an outlook icon using vba? This is to display a treeview of all the folders incorporating the correct icons. ...

Using MS Access 2000 VBA to send a Direct Message via the Twitter API

I am trying to send a direct message via the Twitter API from Access 2000 VBA. I can post a status update to my Twitter account with the following code: tUsername = "TwitterUser" tPassword = "theirpassword" tStatus = "some sample text" xml.Open "POST", "http://" & tUsername & ":" & tPassword & "@twitter.com/statuses/update.xml?s...

How can I call a VBA macro that is defined in a different file?

The situation is the following: Macro Foo is defined in File foo.vss Macro Bar is defined in File bar.vsd. Bar() is at some point supposed to call Foo(). Is that possible? If it helps: foo.vss is a stencil file that is opened in bar.vsd. FYI: They are forcing me to use Visio/vba. Its a strange old System that generates SQL from the d...

Requested operation requires an OLE DB Session object... - Connecting Excel to SQL server via ADO

I'm attempting to take Excel 2003 and connect it to SQL Server 2000 to run a few dynamicly generated SQL Queries which ultimately filling certain cells. I'm attempting to do this via VBA via ADO (I've tried 2.8 to 2.0) but I'm getting an error while setting the ActiveConnection variable which is inside the ADODB.Connection object. I ne...