
How do I rename an entire project in VC++ 2005

I've got a really large project I made for myself and rece3ntly a client asked for their own version of it with some modifications. The project name was rather silly and my client wants the source so I figured it'd be best if I renamed all my files from sillyname.h sillyname.cpp sillyname.dsp etc.. Unfortunatly after I added everythi...

Programmatically tell difference between git-svn and git repos?

I've got some shell stuff set up that dynamically defines aliases depending on what sort of VC repo the CWD contains -- so, for example, 'd' runs 'svn diff' or 'git diff', depending. (Based on this blog post, if anybody is interested...) I'd like to define some aliases differently depending on whether I'm in a git repo versus a git-svn ...

What does `vcall'{0,{flat}}' signify in below example ?

I am not sure if the question is already addressed. I was checking the one of the Stack overflow function and got this doubt. Lets check the code first: #include <string> #include <map> #include <iostream.h> class MyClass { public: virtual int Func() { return 0; } int Func2() { return 0; } }; cla...

How to edit DsoFramer 1.3?

I'm using DsoFramer 1.3 in my project to hold Excel (2007) documents. But it have a big problem, that is: All the Excel documents opened by DsoFramer share only one Excel process. The result is when the second Excel document opened by the DsoFramer, the first document is uneditable. Even more, when I double click an Excel document in W...

How to double click one row of a SysListView32 via another application?

Hi! I want to double click one row of a SysListView32 via another application. My codes are as follows: NMHDR *pnmhdr = (NMHDR*)VirtualAllocEx(hProcess, NULL, sizeof(NMHDR), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); NMHDR nh; nh.hwndFrom = listview; nh.idFrom = ::GetDlgCtrlID(listview); nh.code = NM_DBLCLK; WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, pnmhdr...

VC++ win32 API programming :how can i get the image out of the clipboard and display it in a winodws?

hi there ,i m new here . stackoverflow is a good place to help others and being helped. so i post my problem here.i'va asked quite a few people and find no answers. thanks Use SelectObject() on your memory DC to select the bitmap into it.This makes me puzzled. i read the msdn but still don't konw how to fill the second parameter of Se...

[win32] can _open() return valid negative fd ?

Is it possible that win32's _open() return valid FD that is negative ? In other words, is comparison if( (fd=_open(...)) < 0) error...; as safe as form if( (fd=_open(...)) == -1) error...; ? I am asking because all msdn examples are in form if(fd == -1 ), and never form if( fd < 0). ...

how to reliable capture display setting changed

static void Main() { // Set the SystemEvents class to receive event notification when a user // when display settings change. SystemEvents.DisplaySettingsChanged += new EventHandler(SystemEvents_DisplaySettingsChanged); // For demonstration purposes, this application sits idle waiting for even...

For real-time application, which is better C or C++?

I’m electronic engineer with experience with both language C and C++ (I wrote with C for micro-controller and with C++ I wrote for Windows with Borland C++ Builder) My company develops motor control products, and we are working with STM32 and IAR compiler. I recognize the technical differences between the languages, I interest in the d...

Need convert VC code to Delphi

Hi all, I need call a DLL file in my delphi code, here is the code snippet of the DLL Head file: #define BookInfoDLL __declspec(dllexport) struct _BookTime { unsigned char day; unsigned char month; unsigned short year; }; struct _stBookData { unsigned char encrypt; _BookTime bkTime; unsigned int PageCount; };...

Any way to force local variables to the stack in 64bit VC application

When a 64 bit VC 2005 application is compiled with optimization turned on, it is not possible to see all local variables in a crash dump file. In many cases, the local variables or parameters are stored in registers instead of on the stack. Subsequent calls to other functions, such as error handling functions, will sometimes overwrite th...

Is this valid standard c?

I am reviewing some optimisation libraries and came across the function signature double solvopt(unsigned short n, double x[], double fun(), void grad(), double options[], double func(), void gradc() ) note that fun() and gard() are passed as function. My q...

will CFileFind's GetLastWriteTime() throw exception?

Will CFileFind's GetLastWriteTime() function throw exception? If yes, When will it throw exception, which type? Many Thanks! ...

new operator in DllMain of MFC Extension Dll

Hi, Dll best practices document from Microsoft available Here recommends avoiding use of memory management function from the dynamic C Run-Time (CRT) within DllMain. But DllMain function of MFC Extension DLL is dynamically allocating the memory for CDynLinkLibrary in the code snippet available at MSDN "

Does OpenSSL has any event callback function for 'Read' data?

I was looking for event callback function when OpenSSL has incoming 'Read' data. Does OpenSSL has this kind of function? If yes, could you please show me some example code please? I'm thinking to write a simple wrapper for my application. This wrapper will make a callback when data arrive. My initial thought would be create a thread loo...

How to read data from excel file in C++/VC 6.0 without MFC ?

Have to read data from MS Excel File, the data contains name DOB as well as some numeric values... ...

How to make checkbox background transparent ?

i use the following code to make check box background transparent or in my case off white but i can't find what wrong with this plz help me how to do this? HBRUSH CfvcolorDlg::OnCtlColor(CDC* pDC, CWnd* pWnd, UINT nCtlColor) { HBRUSH hbr = CDialog::OnCtlColor(pDC, pWnd, nCtlColor); pDC->SetBkColor(MYCOLOR); if((HBRUSH)brush == NULL...