
iPhone/Mac - C++ vector or NSMutableArray

I'm creating an application for iPhone which needs to handle large data. So, I would like to know which one will be better to use : C++ Vectors or ObjectiveC's NSMutableArray? Which one will be faster to access elements, delete elements, add elements etc. Can some one guide me please? ...

which is better in general, map or vector in c++?

As I know that accessing an element in vector takes constant time while in map takes logarithmic time. However, storing a map takes less memory than storing a vector. Therefore, I want to ask which one is better in general? I'm considering using one of those two in my program, which has about 1000 elements. I plan to use 3 dimensional v...

C++ Memory allocation question involving vectors

vector< int > vect; int *int_ptr = new int(10); vect.push_back( *int_ptr ); I under stand that every "new" needs to be followed by a "delete" at some point but does the clear() method clean this memory? What about this method of doing the same thing: vector< int > vect; int int_var = 10; vect.push_back( int_var ); From what I under...

Why can't I access a const vector with iterator?

My example is as below. I found out the problem is with "const" in function void test's parameter. I don't know why the compiler does not allow. Could anybody tell me? Thanks. vector<int> p; void test(const vector<int> &blah) { vector<int>::iterator it; for (it=blah.begin(); it!=blah.end(); it++) { cout<<*it<<" "; } }...

variable scope when adding a value to a vector in class constructor

I have a level class and a Enemy_control class that is based off an vector that takes in Enemys as values. in my level constructor I have: Enemy tmp( 1200 ); enemys.Add_enemy( tmp ); // this adds tmp to the vector in Enemy_control enemys being a variable of type Enemy_control. My program crashes after these statements complaining abou...

Finding the centroid of a polygon?

I have tried: for each vertex, add to total, divide by number of verities to get center. I'v also tried: Find the topmost, bottommost -> get midpoint... find leftmost, rightmost, find midpoint. Both of these did not return the perfect center because I'm relying on the center to scale a polygon. I want to scale my polygons so I may put...

Vector deltas and moving in unknown areas

Hi All, I was in need of a little math help that I can't seem to find the answer to, any links to documentation would be greatly appreciated. Heres my situation, I have no idea where I am in this maze, but I need to move around and find my way back to the start. I was thinking of implementing a waypoint list of places i've been offset ...

C++ template typedef

I have a class template<size_t N, size_t M> class Matrix { // .... }; I want to make a typedef which creates a Vector (column vector) which is equivalent to a Matrix with sizes N and 1. Something like that: typedef Matrix<N,1> Vector<N>; Which produces compile error. The following creates something similar, but not exactly what...

Why can't I reserve 1,000,000,000 in my vector ?

When I type in the foll. code, I get the output as 1073741823. #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; int main() { vector <int> v; cout<<v.max_size(); return 0; } However when I try to resize the vector to 1,000,000,000, by v.resize(1000000000); the program stops executing. How can I enable the program to all...

Bind xaml vector images dynamically

I'm looking for a way to bind xaml images dynamically in code. There are lots of examples online to show how to bind png or xaml images in the window's xaml, or to load png files in code. But I have found no examples for xaml files with build action=page. XmlReader can't handle them since they are compiled to baml. LoadComponent(new ...

C++ std::vector insert segfault

I am writing a test program to understand vector's better. In one of the scenarios, I am trying to insert a value into the vector at a specified position. The code compiles clean. However, on execution, it is throwing a Segmentation Fault from the v8.insert(..) line (see code below). I am confused. Can somebody point me to what is wrong ...

how to implement a sparse_vector class

I am implementing a templated sparse_vector class. It's like a vector, but it only stores elements that are different from their default constructed value. So, sparse_vector would store the lazily-sorted index-value pairs for all indices whose value is not T(). I am basing my implementation on existing sparse vectors in numeric librar...

SVG coords to VML coords

i have svg file <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="200px" height="" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 69.1341 93.4405" xmlns:xlink="

Referenced vector does not pass through functions

The referenced vector to functions does not hold the information in memory. Do I have to use pointers? Thanks. #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <vector> #include <string> using namespace std; void menu(); void addvector(vector<string>& vec); void subvector(vector<string>& vec); void vectorsize(const vector<string>& vec...

Double Free inside of a destructor upon adding to a vector

Hey, I am working on a drum machine, and am having problems with vectors. Each Sequence has a list of samples, and the samples are ordered in a vector. However, when a sample is push_back on the vector, the sample's destructor is called, and results in a double free error. Here is the Sample creation code: class XSample { public: ...

Capturing WPF Vector Information BEFORE it Renders to Screen

I'm trying to "capture" or record the vector display information of a WPF (maybe Silverlight) application and play it back. However, instead of capturing bitmaps of what is rendered, I would like to capture the vector information BEFORE it gets rendered so that I can play it back at different resolutions without loss of quality. Ideall...

Using std::ifstream to load in an array of struct data type into a std::vector

I am working on a bitmap loader in C++ and when moving from the C style array to the std::vector I have run into an usual problem of which Google does not seem to have the answer. 8 Bit and 4 bit, bitmaps contain a colour palette. The colour palette has blue, green, red and reserved components each 1 byte in size. // Colour palette ...

Vectors or Java arrays for Tetris?

I'm trying to create a Tetris-like game with Clojure and I'm having some trouble deciding the data structure for the playing field. I want to define the playing field as a mutable grid. The individual blocks are also grids, but don't need to be mutable. My first attempt was to define a grid as a vector of vectors. For example an S-block...

Angles between two n-dimensional vectors in Python

In need to determine the angle(s) between two n-dimensional vectors in Python. For example, the input can be two lists like the following: [1,2,3,4] and [6,7,8,9]. Can anybody help me? Thanks in advance! ...

How to call a method via a vector?

Hi! How do I call a method of an object which is stored within a vector? The following code fails... ClassA* class_derived_a = new ClassDerivedA; ClassA* class_another_a = new ClassAnotherDerivedA; vector<ClassA*> test_vector; test_vector.push_back(class_derived_a); test_vector.push_back(class_another_a); for (vecto...