
Why doesn't Direct3D have it's own vertex structure?

I've always wondered the reasoning behind why we must always define D3DVERTEX. Is it because Microsoft wants to allow the opportunity to put this in a class and overload operators, or is there another reason? Thanks ...

Does putting data into std::vector in C++ create a copy of the data?

I am interested if creating a new std::vector (or calling its assign method) creates a copy of the data? For example, void fun(char *input) { std::vector<char> v(input, input+strlen(input)); // is it safe to assume that the data input points to was COPIED into v? } Thanks, Boda Cydo. ...

[R] How do I split a vector into two columns to create ordered pairs for random assignment

I am trying to generate random pairs from 34 subjects for an experiment. Subjects will be assigned ID #'s 1-34. To generate the random ordered numbers (1-34) I used the following code: ### Getting a vector of random ordered numbers 1-34### pairs<-sample(1:34,34,replace=F) pairs [1] 16 22 8 13 4 25 18 12 17 5 6 31 29 27 30 ...

sum of elements in a `std::vector`

What are the good ways of finding the sum of all the elements in a std::vector? Suppose I have a vector std::vector<int> vector with a few elements in it. Now I want to find the sum of all the elements. What are the different ways for the same? ...

How can I use an array-initializer syntax for a custom vector class?

I have a class roughly designed as such: class Vector3 { float X; float Y; float Z; public Vector3(float x, float y, float z) { this.X = x; this.Y = y; this.Z = z; } } I have other classes implementing it as properties, for example: class Entity { Vector3 Position { get; set; } } ...

std::vector is very slow?

Here is what I'm doing. I have a class which I instance and it has a std::vector. when I first instance the class this std::vector is empty. The way I use it is I exponentially add to it and clear. Ex: Add a number, clear the vector: Add 2 numbers, clear the vector: Add 3 numbers, clear the vector, Add 4 numbers, clear the vector...

Is there anything wrong with using C++ vectors in structures?

Ok, I'm coming from to c++. Im trying to use vectors in a structure, but the compiler yells at at me for it. What is wrong with the current statement? #include <vector> struct FactorSet { vector<long long> UpperFactor(0); vector<long long> LowerFactor(0); }; Output error (Visual Studio 2008): Error 1 error C2059: syntax e...

Std::vector fill time goes from 0ms to 16ms after a certain threshold?

Here is what I'm doing. My application takes points from the user while dragging and in real time displays a filled polygon. It basically adds the mouse position on MouseMove. This point is a USERPOINT and has bezier handles because eventually I will do bezier and this is why I must transfer them into a vector. So basically MousePos ->...

Which of these is faster?

I was wondering if it was faster to have a std::vector<std::vector<double>>where the nested vector always has 2 elements, or is it faster to have a std::vector<MyPoint>where MyPoint is defined like: struct MyPoint { double Point[2]; }; Thanks ...

Multiple std::vectors to fix cache problem?

I have a std::vector<DOUBLEPOINT> I'm making an application with bezier curves and the results are shown in real time. I convert bezier points into a bunch of short lines. I store the coordinates for the small lines in the vector above. Here is my issue:. When the size of my vector exceeds a cache line, things get very slow very fast. I...

Generating a cubic bezier curve from rough points

I'm looking for a way to make my application produce smoother results in freehand mode. Right now it simply adds each mousemove points and makes a polygon out of this. I noticed modern vector applications produce bezier curves to make it look much smoother and im wondering how this is done? So how can I get the 4 points to do bezier inte...

two different synchronized methods of the same object?

Hi, I have 2 synchronized methods in a class say method1() and method2(). A thread say "Thread 1" holds the lock on that object of the class by executing the synchronized method1().Can another thread say "Thread 2" , access the lock via method2() at the same time while "Thread 1" holding the lock. This case is analogs to java.util.Vect...

String[] type property mapping on possible?

Is possible mapping vector types on nhibernate? I have a property like this... string[] myDesc and I would map every vector value to a specific column of my table...for example: myDesc[0] --> myDbColumn01 myDesc[1] --> myDbColumn02 myDesc[2] --> myDbColumn03 ... Is there any way to do it? ...

Is there a way to do this?

Here is my issue. I have a std::vector<POINTFLOAT> Which stores verticies. The issue is that Vertex buffer objects take in a pointer to an array of float. Therein lies my problem. I cannot give it an array of pointfloat. Is there a way that I could instead push pointers to the individual components of each vertex without pushing in copie...

Given a bounding box and a line (two points), detemine if the line intersects the box

Title basically says it all. Given a bounding box, with definitions like bounds.min.(x/y/z), bounds.max.(x/y/z), and two points in 3D space (expressed as Vector3 objects), how can I determine if the line made by the two points intersects the bounding box? The language is C#, v2.0. ...

Outputting a vector of string objects to a file

I'm trying to output a vector of string objects to a file. However, my code only outputs the first two elements of each string. The piece of code below writes: 1 1 to a file. Rather then: 01-Jul-09 01-Jul-10 which is what I need. ofstream file("dates.out"); vector<string> Test(2); Test[0] = "01-Jul-09"; Test[1...

Overloading operator<< to work for string

Hi! In the following code: using namespace std; //ostream& operator<< (ostream& out,const string & str) //{ // out << str.c_str(); // return out; //} int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { ofstream file("file.out"); vector<string> test(2); test[0] = "str1"; test[1] = "str2"; ostream_...

Types not found while using Vector in AS3

I'm trying to use Vector. in a Flash Professional Project, Person being a custom class. Eclipse keep saying it cannot find the type in brackets, even if I try with basic types like int or String: public interface IRenderer { function init(persons : Vector.<int>) : void; function render() : void; } Type 1046: Type was not fo...

assign elements in vector declared with new. C++

I am trying to use a large 2D vector which I want to allocate with new (because it is large). if I say: vector< vector<int> > bob; bob = vector< vector<int> >(16, vector<int>(1<<12,0)); bob[5][5] = 777; it works. But if I say: std::vector< std::vector<int> > *mary; mary = new vector< vector<int> >(16, vector<int>(1<<12, 0)); mary[5]...

C++ vectors question

Hello! Does anyone know how to speed up boost::numeric::ublas::vector? I am using typedef ublas::vector<float, ublas::bounded_array<float, 3> > MYVECTOR3 and compare it's speed to D3DXVECTOR3 on plain operations. The test look the following way: #include <d3dx9.h> #pragma comment(lib, "d3dx9.lib") static const size_t kRuns = static_...