
where do I store my unit test files in my php project?

I have a php project in subversion, with the typical /project/trunk/, /project/test/, /project/branches/ structure. I want to start writing some unit tests with PHPUnit. Where is a good place to store these files in version control? If I put them in /project/unittests/, I would have to check out the directory they test in parallel, so ...

Omit Versioned Files or Folders from Commit List

Follow-to this question: Is there any way to accomplish the second scenario? i.e. Stop Tortoise SVN or plain SVN from listing a fixed set of files which have local modifications but are under version control from appearing in the commit list? I am on a project wher...

Adding a Git subrepository to Mercurial

I've been trying to set up a project using bitbucket which has project dependencies hosted on github. Using the Hg-Git Mercurial plugin I am able to almost get there. But when it comes time to push, things become troublesome. The documentation for Mercurial subrepositories states: 2.4 Push Mercurial will automatically attempt ...

Which Version control?

If a project has multiple people, say, A,B,C working together and they all edit a same source file. Couple months later, they realize that what A has been doing is wrong and they want to roll back the file in such a way that only parts/functions/lines/... that A "touched" are removed and the work B and C did is still in the roll back v...

TFS: How to compare changesets between two branches

Hi How can I find changesets in Branch A that were not merged to branch B programmatically. This what Merge Window does in TFS client GUI but I need to programmatically get the list of changesets. Say I have Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.Workspace reference. ...

Graphs and version control

I have a directed graph data structure, where I am trying to implement individual version control for each vertex. This creates some interesting scenarios, and I would much appreciate any ideas that you guys have. Specifically, I am looking to resolve the default behavior of the system when encountering the stated scenarios. See the fol...

Switching between Mercurial branches

If I look at Mercurial's site, it seems to tell me to use update -C to switch between branches. Another Stack Overflow answer says to use checkout instead. What are the differences? It seems to me that checkout updates the files in the working directory to the branch too, like update -C. ...