
Displaying a listbox of viewboxes

Hi, I have a list box that I'm trying to populate with a list of viewboxes. The listbox takes in the list without a problem. However, when my function reaches its end, I receive the error: "Must disconnect specified child from current parent Visual before attaching to new parent Visual." The viewboxes are created from the same initial...

Replacement for ViewBox in free for commercial use framework under Windows

Hello, I want to develop windows C/C++ program, but i need in it functionality like a Viewbox from .NET WPF. But i don't want buying Visual Studio platform because it has this control. Can anyone tell me something replacment for this? I want to do window, which after resizing, resizes its contents with good proportion (images buttons ...

Specifying a WPF's databound attribute's design-time value in XAML

I'm playing around with a Canvas inside of a Viewbox, and unforunately, the only way to see the elements in the Canvas, I have to assign it a Height and Width. However, the problem is that my Height and Width values come from my ViewModel via databinding. I know that Blend gets around this with the d: designer namespace, which is set t...

Stretching the items in a WPF ListView within a ViewBox

Hi, I have a frustrating problem that I would much appreciate some help with. I have a ListView within a ViewBox and I can't get the items within the ListView to stretch horizontally. Here is the XAML: <Window x:Class="WpfApplication3.Window1" xmlns="" xmlns:x="http://s...

How to convert a ViewBox to an ImageSource?

I'm using a Viewbox to create a set of icons that I will dynamically bind to a WPF view. I'm binding to the resource name and using a Converter to convert the resource name to an ImageSource. I know how to do it if the resource is a Path, but how to do it with a Viewbox? This is how I convert the resource name, if the resource is a Pa...