
How Do You Get the bufspec While Using Vimdiff Through Git

I've read Vimdiff and Viewing differences with Vimdiff plus doing various google searches using things like "vimdiff multiple", "vimdiff git", "vimdiff commands" etc. When using do or diffg I get the error "More than two buffers in diff mode, don't know which one to use". When using diffg v:fname_in I get "No matching buffer for v:fn...

how you usually quiting/closing vimdiff mode?

Hello, I am using vim with fugitive extension It has :Gdiff command which brings you into vimdiff mode, but what is the right/quick way to close/quit vimdiff mode? i.e. let's say I am editing file FooBar.txt under git repository, then firing up :Gdiff, review my changes in vimdiff an...

How do you cancel an external git diff?

I've got vim setup as my external diff tool: [diff] external = git_diff_wrapper #!/bin/sh vimdiff "$2" "$5" Say I have 300 files that have been modified; via bash, I type "git diff". It launches 300 vimdiffs sequentially, how do I abort it? ...

(Vim)diff two subroutines in same file

Is it possible to diff or even vimdiff two almost similar fortran subroutines which occur in the same file? If so, how? I can think of copying the two subroutines in two separate files and then diff them, but is there a way to do it within the original file? Thanks! ...

Open a non-diff window in vimdiff

Sometimes I'm using vimdiff and want to grab code and drop it in a 3rd window/buffer for later reference. When that window is open, though, just about everything is identified as a diff (because it's purposely different than the other two files). How can I open a window in non-diff mode while using vimdiff? ...

Viewing all `git diffs` with vimdiff

I have setup git diff to wrap into vimdiff (using this guide) and it's working as expected unless there are many files with changes. When there are multiple files with changes and I run git diff, it opens the first file and after quitting the first instance of vimdiff I'm presented with the following message: "external diff died, stoppi...