
wpf passwordbox caret

Hi all, How do I use a passwordbox control with a virtual keyboard using WPF? With the textbox control, it's fairly simple to just move the caret to the next text position; not so with passwordbox, which doesn't expose the caret position. Should I just derive my own? Seems like weak sauce. ...

Virtual keyboard for QtWebKit based browser or how can I get the currently focused text field?

Hello everyone, I'm working on implementing a virtual keyboard for a QtWebKit based browser. I'm having a lot of difficulty understanding how QtWebKit paints the controls within the actual page. Initially I thought they were QLineEdit instances, but they are not. Diving into implementation it appears that the glue code between Qt and Web...

Virtual Keyboard

Hello, I have an application developed to run on a particular cellphone running windows mobile. The application is configured to run in full screen using the phone physical keyboard as an interface. At this point the client wants the application to run on cellphones that don't have a physical keyboard. This means that my application wi...

Slow button response in WPF app.

For my WPF application I have developed a virtual keyboard. It runs fine on my development machine. However, on slower machines the button click response is slow. After the button is clicked, there is a delay before the display updates with the button down state and the buttons event. What can I do to remove this delay? Is the problem a ...

How to send the output of a software to a Microsoft Windows Virtual Keyboard?

I am using xvkdb with X11 to send the content of my Barcode reader to the Keyboard Focus Window. But I am looking to port this Barcode Reader on Microsoft Windows. How would you do that? Here is the bash script : zbarstream /dev/video | xvkbd -file - ...

SendInput() isn't "sending" the correct shifted characters?

void WriteChar(char c) { INPUT input = {0}; input.type = INPUT_KEYBOARD; VkKeyScanEx(c, GetKeyboardLayout(0) ) ; SendInput(1,&input, sizeof(INPUT)); } VkKeyScanEx returns different key codes for '/' and '?'(same key), however if you try using this method to write a message containing '?', it will only w...

Java input method for Virtual Keyboad

Hi, I am facing problem in implementing Input method for Virtual Keyboard, currently I am using robot class for sending input to any application from virtual keyboard. but for that I need to create mapping of key-code and unicode, which is not consistent on different keyboard layout, can I directly pass the UNICODE to any application us...

Unwanted virtual keyboard in Blackberry app

I have developed a Blackberry app for the 4.5 os series. It works fine on all device except on the storm 1 (storm2 untested). The problem (on the storm) is that the main screen of my application (and all other screens in fact) is shown with the virtual keybord. But there is no text field displayed on the screen that would justify the VK...

How to have virtual keyboard in qtwebkit ?

Hi Friends, I want to have virtual keyboard in qtwebkit, I am making mobile browser for full touch screen device. I had seen this link But I want to know that is there any other way than changing webpage 's javascript? ...

Integrating virtual keyboard on a HP TouchSmart with an Adobe AIR app

Hi, Does anyone know if it's possible to integrate the ToushSmart's virtual keyboard with an Adobe AIR application? In most programs (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc), when a user touches a text field a little keyboard icon automatically pops up which, when pressed, will bring up the virtual keyboard. However, this doesn't happen when ...

Display virtual keyword for password

Hi! I have a login page with an input of type "password" I would like to have a virtual keyboard to enter the password. I've searched and I found the jquery script for virtual keyboard. The code said to add this to my page $('input[type=password]').keyboard({ layout: "qwerty", customLayout: [["q w e r t y {bk...

vitual keyboard not working on microsoft surface but in the simulator

Hi, I did an application for the Microsoft Surface and the virtual Keyboard that appears when I focus the SurfaceTextBox did not appear when I tested it on a real Microsoft Surface yesterday. On the simulator it works fine and without any problems. What could the problem be? ...

Close virtual keyboard on button press

Hi, I have an Activity with an EditText, a button and a ListView. The purpose is to type a search screen in the EditText, press the button and have the search results populate this list. This is all working perfectly, but the virtual keyboard is behaving strange. If I click the EditText, I get the virtual keyboard. If I click the "D...

Specifying virtual keyboard type for EditText in XML

Hi, I'm creating a ListActivity. In each list item I have a View I've created which contains a RatingBar and an EditText. In the screenshot at the bottom, you can see the virtual keyboard contains a returnline key and no "Done" key. I would like to specify a different style of keyboard to use (and hopefully retain the spell checking ...

Buggy ListView makes me sad

Hi, I have a ListView where I've defined the layout of each item in a separate XML file. In this file I've included a RatingBar and an EditText. I've programmatically created 7-8 items in this ListView. When I scroll through them, it seems to be quite buggy. Here are some examples: 1) If I set focus to the EditText in the first row...

Progress Dialog causing Virtual Keyboard to not show on WebView

Hello guys, I have a weirb bug that is pissing me off. I have an app that is pretty much only a webview with some extra functionalities, one of them is a Custom Loading Dialog (Extended from the progress dialog) that I show on the onPageStarted call, and dismiss on the onPageFinished call. The problem is, if I do that (show the dialog), ...

Virtual Keyboard only shows after two taps

Hello all, I have an app that has only one Webview and some buttons. On the webview I show a website that contains one textbox. Sometimes, when I tap the textbox the virtual keyboard does not show, and I have to tap again. This only happens on OS 2.1 Has anyone else faced this? Anyone have any idea of what may be causing it? I tryie...

How to make keyboard appear at top of screen

When the user touches a UITextField a keyboard normally slides up from the bottom of the screen. Is there a way to make the keyboard appear at the top of the screen instead of the bottom? ...

why keyboard not launched from status bar edittext ??

Hi all, I implemented a edittext and a button on a status bar. The problem i face here is, when the edittext is focused and i click it, i couldnt see the Keyboard popup not happening. But if i focus it, cursor blinks, and when i type some characters it is handled by quick search box Activity(intent ).!!! I have implemented onCli...

Getting the keyevent info from Virtual Keyboard of symbian touch devices

Hi All, Is there any way to obtain the keypress info for the green-tick (green check marked key) present in the input panel/ virtual keyboard? Our application is for symbian touch devices. In my application I wanted the url to start loading as soon as the QLineEdit has been edited i.e., as soon as the green check marked key in VKB has...