
NTFS-compressing Virtual PC disks (on host and/or guest)

I'm hoping someone here can answer these definitively: Does putting a VHD file in an NTFS-compressed folder on the host improve performance of the virtual machine, diminish performance, or neither? What about using NTFS compression within the guest? Does using compresssion on either the host or the guest lead to any problems like read ...

Attempting to load a 64-bit application, how this CPU is not compatible with 64-bit mode

I have a Dell Studio 540, 64 bit OS Windows Home Premium. My CPU is supports Intel's virtualization technology, but I don't know how to enabled it on my machine. I saw that you can do it via the bios, but I didn't see this option when going through my BIOS. Is there another way to enabled this feature? Please let me know. I'm trying to i...

How do I get the Virtual Machines folder on Win7?

I'm writing a tool called XP-More, which should help manage Windows 7 Virtual Machines. The first thing the tool has to do when launched is find the VM folder. However, turns out that folder is not listed as a Windows Special Folder. I use a workaround, but it's unreliable. Ideally, Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.VM...

Run Windows XP on a usb drive virtually on Windows XP?

I am sick of not being able to run and install certain applications on my work computer due to admin restrictions (eg: Adobe AIR) . I have heard of smaller versions of Windows running on a usb thumb drive and have looked into it but can't find anything on running windows virtually from a usb drive. I would like to be able to login to th...

Where is the resize window option for Windows 7 Virtual PC

In VPC 2007 one could resize the window using the appropiate options in the guest operating system. Such does not seem to be the case with the new and improved Windows Virutal PC (a feature of Windows 7 ) When using "Display/Screen Resolution" to reset the resolution, the message is "The display setting can't be changed from a remote s...

What is a faster way to backup and restore a MySQL DB than mysqldump? (faster than 4 hours)

We have a database that is about 3GB (in text) after mysqldump is used to dump a text representation of it, and then mysql < mysqlstatement.sql is used to restore the database. But it takes 4 hours. Is there a way to quickly back up / restore the database instead? It is on a Mac using Ruby on Rails, so one time I set the test en...

Testing DirectX applications in Virtual PC?

I would like to test my WPF applications using Windows Virtual PC under Windows 7. In my C# code, I'm checking the WPF tier and if it's less than 2, I disable a DirectX call. In order to test on Windows XP, I'd like to use Windows Virtual PC but it seems to only run in software mode. Thus, the tier is always <2. Any ideas on how to enab...

Anyone having (or solved) these problems with Windows 7 Virtual PC (Recording sound, Drag 'n Drop, etc.)

Windows Virtual PC problems: There is no "Shared Folders" option to allow us to access folders on the Host machine within the Client machine using drive letters (E:\ etc.). We have several programs that I need to test and I need to access files on the E:\ drive, etc. Note that the Host folders that you see "D on " is not what I need. ...