
Install Numpy in VirtualEnv on Windows

How can I install numpy in virtualenv... easy_install numpy is throwing error.. I can not use the binary installer because this would install numpy in the python main installation and not in virtualenv.. Thanks ...

Django 1.2 admin - are the datetime widgets not working properly?

If you have a date time field within the admin, and you invoke the "Today" link it seems it throws an exception from calendar.js where it references an undefined global method get_format. This doesn't seem to be defined in any of the latest admin js files. Edit: It seems like it was using a different file from my standard djan...

Python can't locate distutils_path on Mac OSX.

I've been using virtualenv + pip for python development. I'm not sure what happened, but suddenly whenever I try to run a command-line tool or import libraries, I get this error message: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/kyle/.virtualenvs/fj/bin/pip", line 4, in <module> import pkg_resources File "/Users/kyle/.vir...

Problem creating a vritualenv using virtualenv with OS X

So I'm not sure what my problem is. Trying to configure a virtualenv this is the error I get: 20:59:51 $ virtualenv test -p /usr/local/bin/python Running virtualenv with interpreter /usr/local/bin/python New python executable in test/bin/python Please make sure you remove any previous custom paths from your /Users/nlang/

Does ruby have something similar to buildout or virtualenv?

I was wondering: In python, canon says to use buildout or virtualenv, to avoid installing into the system packages. It's second nature now, I no longer see anything ludicrously bizarre to the practice. It makes a kind of sense. In Ruby, is there something similar? How does ruby deal with this problem? Does ruby have this problem? ...

What does it mean when a package is installed as "non-active development"?

For whatever reason, my build system isn't installing one of my packages properly. When I use yolk (from within a virtualenv), I get the following: bin/yolk -l elig elig - - non-active development (/home/jason/src/interface_dev/elig) How exactly does a package go from active development to non-active developme...

Using Python Image Library with VirtualEnv on Windows.

I'm attempting to install the PIL library in an Virtual Enviroment that I have created. Usually to install PIL I'd grab the install, however this won't allow me to choose my virtualenv only my root Python folder (C:/Python26). I tried both pip install PIL and easy_install PIP but they didn't work. I've also tried downloading the TAR, e...

How to deploy a python webapp with dependencies using virtualenv ?

Hi, I'm looking for a way to automate deployment of web applications written in Python to a server. I would like to use virtualenv to have a clean environment for this application. However, I am wondering how to manage dependencies when deploying to the server ? In development, I have a virtualenv in which I install external libraries...

How do I install an old version of Django on virtualenv?

This may sound like a stupid question, since the very purpose of virtualenv is to this exactly: Installing some specific version of a package (in this case Django) inside the virtual environment. But it's exactly what I want to do, and I can't figure it out. I'm on Windows XP, and I created the virtual environment successfully, and I'm ...

Can I install Python windows packages into virtualenvs?

Virtualenv is great: it lets me keep a number of distinct Python installations so that different projects' dependencies aren't all thrown together into a common pile. But if I want to install a package on Windows that's packaged as a .exe installer, how can I direct it to install into the virtualenv? For example, I have pycuda-0.94rc.w...

What python virtual environment and deployment solution should I use?

I'm looking for a virtual environment solution for Python applications and I would like something that respects these requirements: Windows and Linux works with x86/x64 Python versions easy to use/maintain Python 2.6-2.7 compatible and preferably even 3.x source control friendly - I want to keep the packages in SCM. So far I identif...

Cron and virtualenv

I am trying to run a Django management command from cron. I am using virtualenv to keep my project sandboxed. I have seen examples here and elsewhere that show running management commands from within virtualenv's like: 0 3 * * * source /home/user/project/env/bin/activate && /home/user/project/ command arg However, even thoug...

Django, PIP, and Virtualenv

Hi, Got this django project that I assume would run on virtualenv. I installed virtualenv through pip install and created the env but when I try to feed the pip requirements file, I got this: Directory 'tagging' is not installable. File '' not found. Storing complete log in /Users/XXXX/.pip/pip.log Here's the entry on the log...

Revert the `--no-site-packages` option with virtualenv

I have created a virtualenv using the --no-site-packages option and installed lots of libraries. Now I would like to revert the --no-site-packages option and use also the global packages. Can I do that without recreating the virtualenv? More precisely: I wonder what exactly happens when creating a virtualenv using the --no-site-packag...

Run Pinax without VirtualEnv

Is there a way to run Pinax without virtualenv? I want to run it without virtualenv as I want to run it on a django-container on mediatemples grid-hosting service. Their containers can scale upto 1Gb of dedicated memory, so I wouldnt have to worry about my own VPS or scaling issues. But their response was: " because of the way the Djan...

site.addsitedir not fully processing .pth file

This is a apache/mod_wsgi/virtualenv/django stack. In the virtualenv site-packages dir I've got a virtualenv_path_extensions.pth file. The apache conf has a WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/my.wsgi my.wsgi has site.addsitedir('/path/to/virtualenv/site-packages') Now, if I start up a python shell, import site, and call the line above, my ...

Django virtualenv deployment configuration

I recently start to use virtualenvwrapper and created mkdir ~/.virtualenvs mkvirtualenv Virtualenvwarpper automatical create a virtualenv named under ~/.virtualenv so this is the central container for all virtualenvs. After than I installed django and some other packages via pip and my site is at /srv/www/ex...

virtualenv, sys.path and site-packages

i am setting up a virtualenv for django deployment. i want an isolated env without access to the global site-packages. i used the option --no-site-packages, then installed a local pip instance for that env. after using pip and a requirements.txt file i noticed that most packages were installed in a "build" folder that is not in

Does Python have something as robust as Ruby's rvm?

This is not a duplicate of this question. I am already aware of virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper and pip but they don't quite seem to have exactly what I want. I'm looking for a way that I can not only have multiple versions of Python installed but also multiple versions of Django (for example) and mix and match the "active" versio...

Running Django in Virtualenv using Apache with Mod_Python and Multiple Python installations

I would like to run a Django project on a server using virtualenv in Apache using mod_python. Now I know that the recommended apache module to use is mod_wsgi, but I don't want to install that for now. The default python installation on the server is python2.4, which is used by some other website on the server. Because my project was bu...