
Designing a Visual Studio 2010 Integration Package

I'd like to get started with the Visual Studio 2010 SDK and creating integration packages. All I would like to do for now is provide a new project type and language service. However, I don't know how I should design it... The package will provide an editor for a programming language that compiles for x86 or ARM processors. The problem i...

Evaluating expressions using Visual Studio 2005 SDK rather than automation's Debugger::GetExpression.

I'm looking into writing an addin (or package, if necessary) for Visual Studio 2005 that needs watch window type functionality -- evaluation of expressions and examination of the types. The automation facilities provide Debugger::GetExpression, which is useful enough, but the information provided is a bit crude. From looking through the...

How to dock a toolwindow by code in a VSPACKAGE

I'm trying to force a ToolWindow into the right docking area without success using : windowFrame.SetFramePos(VSSETFRAMEPOS.SFP_fDockRight, ref viewGuid, 0, 0, 0, 0); But I found out on MSDN that SFP_fDockRight, SFP_fDockLeft and SFP_fDockRight are now obsolete. MSDN doesn't says what to use instead. I know we can use the registry t...

How can I find all of the solution's assemblies

I'm writing a Visual Studio extension/add-in and I want to find the names of all of the assemblies created from the projects in the current solution. I don't have any technological limitation - I can use DTE, MEF or whatever else that gets the job done. ...

Is there a way to prevent a ToolWindow from being closed?

Is there a way to hide the "X" closing icon of a ToolWindow or is there a way to use IVsWindowFrameNotify3's OnShow method to discard (ignore) the event? It seems that the OnClose method is called only when VS exit. When the ToolWindow is called, the OnShow method is called with the __FRAMESHOW.FRAMESHOW_WinHidden state. thanks ...

Custom WPF editor using the Visual Studio Shell

For the project I'm working on, I want to have a custom form designer. I want to use WPF to create custom XAML. I don't know exactly which changes will be in the XAML but it will be custom XML tags. At the moment if I add those tags in a XAML file and try to edit it with VS, I get errors. The custom tag data would come from custom Tool...

VSX: ProjectFlavor-only item VSTemplates?

In Visual Studio 2005, 2008, and 2010, is it possible to define an Item Template that only appears in the Add Item dialog for projects of a particular ProjectFlavor? I'd rather not clutter all of the other unrelated projects' Add Items dialog if I can help it. Seems that the <ProjectType>CSharp</ProjectType> is a fixed enumeration and ...

Using IVsSelectionEvents.OnSelectionChanged for with the designer

I'm trying to use IVsMonitorSelection to know when the user is selection a control (label, textbox, etc.) on the designer. So far I get events when the user click on item from the "Solution Explorer" window and when he click on the designer window, but when the focus is already on the designer window and he select another control, there'...

WiX Installing Server Control to Toolbox

I've got a server control in a dll deployed as part of a wix msi installation. I have gotten the installer to make the control available in the toolbox's ADD ITEMS window, but the contol isn't added to the the toolbox by default. How can I configure wix the installer to automatically add the toolbox item to, say, toolboxes to be shown ...

How can I access the currently opened project's types(classes) from a Visual Studio add-in?

How can I access the currently opened project's types(classes) from a Visual Studio add-in(be able to create instances of those classes within the add-in)? Is this possible through reflection? Or maybe dynamically include the project's assembly as a reference? What I'd like to have in the end is a list of all types accessible from the p...

How can I get a reference to an output stream that writes to the Visual Studio "output" window?

I have a third-party .NET library that enables output of some key diagnostic information to a TextWriter instance. I'd like to have this information dumped to the output window of Visual Studio 2008 while in debug mode and ignored if not in debug mode. Is there any way I can get a reference to an output stream that uses this output win...

How to determine the folder where extension is executed from?

I'm writing some extension and I need to pull out data from the file that is included into vsix. But if I'll use Environment.CurrentDirectory I will not have this file because this folder points to VS folder not on the extension's one. How can I define it in a run-time? ...

Extending visual studio

I want to write an AddIn for visual studio (2010). My goal is to add a menuitem to the context menu of all .cs files in the solution explorer. Or maybe just to context menu of the code window, although I prefer the first thing. I've been browsing around on the Visual Studio Extensibility website but I must admit that I'm having a hard ti...

MSDN Help Integration Guidance

I'm aware of Sandcastle and DocProject, but I need some guidance on the structure of what I want to do before I can look up how to do it. What I need to build is is MSDN-style help integrated with context-sensitive F1 help for the Types and Members of my library. I already have the library, a bunch of inline XML documentation, and a wi...

VSPackage save all files button not working.

I have created VSPackage for my custom editor, I have written my save code in EditorPane 's int IPersistFileFormat.Save(string pszFilename, int fRemember, uint nFormatIndex) method, when i click save its working fine, But when i click save all files button from IDE this function wont get call ? Any idea why ? What is work around for thi...

how to configure the vs.net dsl's Rule dynamically

i want to configure the dsl's rule dynamically control the RuleOn dynamically [RuleOn(typeof(Entity),FireTime........] add parameter to Rule with xml file can I inheritance my customBaseRule? how to passing parameters. ...

How to implement code folding in C#

I'm beginning to work on a COBOL/BASIC IDE at work (to replace the one that we have currently that's a slight step up from Notepad). It'll be made in C#. The management is really interested in implementing some Visual Studio type features, and a big one is code folding. I've looked on MSDN, but I didn't see any good way to collapse li...

How to read in text from the visual studio debug output window

I've read several articles that tell you how to add text to the output window in visual studio from within an Add-On (specifically, a visual studio 2008 integration package, via the visual studio 2008 SDK 1.1), but no examples of how to read text from the output window. My goal is to parse text from the debug output window while debuggin...

How to apply stereotypes on UML Relationships' MemberEnds?

I'm running this code on a UML Class Diagram, and it works just fine, but when trying to apply stereotypes from PropertiesEditor in Visual Studio for relationship ends (FirstRole and SecondRole), the stereotypes combo doesn't load even if in code there seems to be applicable stereotypes valid for association properties. What should I put...

Changing the namespace for a Web Reference in a Project to be Made Into a VS Project Template

When I add a web reference to a project, it comes up with a default namespace of: com.wpdevs.myservice. This is the namespace I'd have expected it to use in the application. When I add the using statement to the project, I have to add: using MyProject.com.wpdevs.myservice; I'd like to find a way to eliminate having to reference the ...