
Why would waveOutWrite() cause an exception in the debug heap?

While researching this issue, I found multiple mentions of the following scenario online, invariably as unanswered questions on programming forums. I hope that posting this here will at least serve to document my findings. First, the symptom: While running pretty standard code that uses waveOutWrite() to output PCM audio, I sometimes ge...

What is the latency (or delay) time for callbacks from the waveOutWrite API method?

I'm having a debate with some developers on another forum about accurately generating MIDI events (Note On messages and so forth). The human ear is pretty sensitive to slight timing inaccuracies, and I think their main problem comes from their use of relatively low-resolution timers which quantize their events around 15 millisecond inte...

Query wave format for a HWAVEOUT handle

Context: I have a piece of code that knows the value of a waveOut handle (HWAVEOUT). However the code did not create the handle, thus the WAVEFORMATEX that was passed to waveOutOpen when creating the handle is unknown. I want to find out the contents of that WAVEFORMATEX struct that was passed to the waveOutOpen call. Some more details...

How long is the delay between Control.Invoke() and the calling of its Delegate?

I have a code engine that plays long WAV files by playing smaller chunks in succession using the waveOutOpen and waveOutWrite API methods. In order to update my UI as the file plays, from the callback function as each buffer completes playing I Invoke a separate thread (because you want to do as little as possible inside the callback fu...

Problem with waveOutWrite and waveOutGetPosition deadlock

I'm working on an app that plays audio continuously using the waveOut... API from winmm.dll. The app uses "leapfrog" buffers, which are basically a bunch of arrays of samples that you dump into the audio queue. Windows plays them seamlessly in sequence, and as each buffer completes Windows calls a callback function. Inside this functi...