
First try wcf data service always times out from client

I have read all other posts and have been googling this for the last 2 hours! I started WCF Data Services about 3 hours ago btw. My service is on an asp.net4 app, the ado entity model exposes an sql server db. Here is FasDataService.svc.cs public class FasDataService : DataService<FASStoreEntities> { public static void InitializeSe...

How can I load second degree entity relations with a WCF data service?

I am trying to query a single entity in a database with a DataServiceQuery. The entity I am trying to load has relations to a graph of other entities that I want to load as well. MSDN describes here and here that I can load my referred entities using either DataServiceQuery<TElement>.Expand or DataServiceContext.LoadProperty. This work...

How to Improve WCF Data Services Performance

I'm new to WCF Data Services so I've been playing. After some initial tests I am disappointed by the performance of my test data service. I realize that because a WCF DS is HTTP-based there is overhead inherent in the protocol but my tests are still way slower than I would expect: Environment: All on one box: Quad core 64-bit laptop ...

Getting composite fields using Data Services

I have a class that contain a base class by composition. So Foo.BaseClass is needed when you load Foo. I have another class that contain a collection of Foos (Bar.Foos). Using DataServices is there a way to force the expand of the Foo/BaseClass from the Bar.Foos field. Sending a serie of LoadProperty for each baseclass of the collectio...

Entity Framework and WCF Data Services : Calling business logic after persisting entity

We have an Entity Data Model which is used by a WCF Data Service that needs to run some business logic after persisting an entity to the database. In this case it needs to pass the id generated for the persisted entity to another service via a WCF web service call. The question is how do we run some business logic after saving the enti...

IIS error hosting WCF Data Service on shared web host

My client has a website hosted on a shared web server. I don't have access to IIS. I am trying to deploy a WCF Data Service onto his site. I am getting this error: IIS specified authentication schemes 'IntegratedWindowsAuthentication, Anonymous', but the binding only supports specification of exactly one authentication scheme. Val...

SQLCLR trigger vs Windows service. When is it appropriate to use SQLCLR?

We have a .NET e-commerce application with a SQL Server 2005 back-end. A new order requires certain "post-processing". These tasks include sending emails, creating files, uploading files to an FTP server, and performing CRUD operations against a WCF data service. The code to perform all these tasks is already in place as several .NET cla...

Client channel factory for WCF Data Services

I hate using service references for many different reasons, instead I use interfaces and System.ServiceModel.ChannelFactory I would like to be able to use something similar when connecting to WCF Data Services. I mean when I'm creating the DataService Endpoint it's just DataService why can't I new up a DataServiceContext when creating ...


Is it possible use nettcp binding with DataServiceHost ...

can I sort a deferred loading collection property on a wcf dataservice entity

I have a wcf dataservice I am calling from Silverlight and I am expanding a collection property on an entity and I want to be able to sort the items in the expanded property by specifying it in the query. Is there a way to do this? here is the expand linq : - I want the Videos collection to be sorted by a property called SortOrder on t...

WCF Data Services and Self Tracking Entities

I have seen a couple of references stating that WCF Data Services handles change tracking automatically. Does that mean you don't need to create Self Tracking Entities (STE) and it works automatically with any entity object type? Sorry, a bit confused here and have been struggling to find a resource that clears this up for me. Thanks ...

Log WCF Data Services POST contents

What is the best way to log the contents of anything POSTed to a WCF Data Service? I have tried using the service trace viewer but only see WebHeaders? Thanks ...