
Does WCF scale well using WebOrb ?

Hi everyone, I'm looking for feedbacks regarding performances using WCF with amf. Here's an old benchmark which doesn't use WCF : http://www.themidnightcoders.com/products/weborb-for-net/developer-den/technical-articles/amf-vs-webservices.html I'm aiming to few hundred/thousand concurrent connections at the same time. I think there's ...

Wcf username authentication by code

hi, actually I'm able to implement a username authentication mode through web.config, but now i would accomplish the same solution just only using code with netTcpBinding. how can I transform the following section in c# code? <behavior name="Service1Behavior"> <serviceCredentials> <userNameAuthentication userNameP...

Getting around base64 encoding with WCF

I'm using WCF, REST and "pretty URI's" as shown in this blog post with the Online Template for VS 2010 .NET 4.0: http://christopherdeweese.com/blog2/post/drop-the-soap-wcf-rest-and-pretty-uris-in-net-4 I have one problem though. I want to return a a raw byte[] array but it automatically gets base64 encoded. Unfortunately for my program ...

WCF for web sites?

Hello community. I'm working For my company on a .NET N-tier architecture and have several questions. Basics: the project should be split into layers and should not allow tues develop as easy as possible additional modules for modules like logging, ratings, user management etc. Environment: VS2010, EF4, SQL Server 2008, LinqToSql, c# ...

wcf client configuration

Hi, I have wcf client. It uses .NET 3.5. When I compile the client I get two files: client.exe and client.exe.config. The second file contains configuration for the wcf client. In my case I need to prevent the user sitting on the computer to see the urls and change some other parameters from the config file. So the requirements are...

How to lower integrity of WCF named pipe

I have an Internet Explorer add-in, written in C#, which talks via a WCF named-pipe to a .NET desktop application. The desktop app creates the ServiceHost for the netNamedPipeBinding, and each instance of the IE add-in creates a ChannelFactory to talk to the app. Everything works fine under Windows XP, but an exception is thrown under ...

Why use a trusted certificate for WCF message security?

What is the advantage of using a trusted certificate instead of self-signed for message security in WCF? As far as i understand it's only used for encryption, not really validating the identity. ...