
Java WeakHashMap reference not being updated

Hi, In the code below I create a Pen object and initialize it's color to white. In the constructor of Pen, after setting the field 'penColor' to the value passed into the constructor, I update a global static weak hashmap that I'm keeping where the KEY is the 'this pointer - in my case a Pen, and the value is another weakhashmap whose ...

is there java.concurrent.util (or equivalent) for WeakHashMap?

Can the following piece of code be rewritten w/o using Collections.synchronizedMap() yet maintaining correctness at concurrency? `Collections.synchronizedMap(new WeakHashMap<Class, Object>());` i.e. is there something from java.util.concurrent one can use instead? Note that merely replacing with new ConcurrentHashMap<Class, Object>...

WeakHashMap: how to know the value that was associated with a removed entry

I've something like this private Map<MyObj1, MyObj2> map = new WeakHashMap<MyObj1, MyObj2>(); ... somewhere in the code ... MyObj1 myObj1 = new MyObj1(); map.put(myObj1, new MyObj2(); ... myObj1 = null; ... somewhere else in a thread ... (I would like to pass to a checkThis(MyObj2) method the Value associated with the entry that...

Can someone explain to me when it is useful to use MapMaker or WeakHashMaps?

Hi. I have read many people really like the MapMaker of Google Guava (Collections), however I cannot see any good uses of it. I have read the javadoc, and it says that it behaves like ConcurrentHashMap. It also says new MapMaker().weakKeys().makeMap() can almost always be used as a drop-in replacement for WeakHashMap. However, reading...