
whats web part and where it is used ?

Can anybody tell me what is web part and where it is used commonly ? Why should'nt we use user control instead of it ...(might be this is a blunder..but i donno whats it ) Thanks in advance! ...

New sharepoint environment and data connection b/w sharepoint webpart does not work

I do not see any Connection Configure dialog popping up when I try connecting 2 webparts. I even tried using designer to connect webpart even though it gives me confirmation it does not appear to have been connected.... I am totally clueless. ...

How to avoid personalization ion webpart

I have created a webpart...When I compile the same, I get a DB error as "SQL exception"...I googled and cam to know that it's related to the personalization. I do not need to personalize the same...but if I set the property "Enable Personalization" to false..am not able to see the minimize/close part in webpart :( Thanks in advance ! ...

Access information from one webpart and use it in another webpart in sharepoint 2010

My problem is this one, I am using Sharepoint 2010, I have a form created in sharepoint designer 2010, above that form I have a silverlight webpart. Now I need to be able to access information from the silverlight webpart when I click on it and insert that information in the form below it. Does anyone have any insight on how to do that?...

ListFieldIterator shows ["ColumnName" column value] for item from another list

On EditForm.aspx there is a standard ListFormWebPart in Edit mode. When I add my WebPart with ListFieldIterator in Display mode(or only ListFieldIterator w/o webPart) and bind this ListFieldIterator with item from another list, it shows ["ColumnnName" column value] for each field instead of real values. ItemID, ListID and ItemContext are...

How to Use DataSource Property in DataFormWebPart

I'm writing a custom web part that extends DataFormWebPart. public class MyCustomWebPart : DataFormWebPart{ // other methods public override void DataBind() { XmlDataSource source = new XmlDataSource() { Data = @" <Person> <name...

How can you create a new WebParts custom display mode?

The standard webpart display modes are Browse, Catalog, Connect, Design, and Edit. However, none of these display modes give me the functionality I need. Edit mode will display the webpart edit button, however it will not enable the TitleURL. The Browse mode will enable the link, but not the button. For my purpose, I need both of the...

Build Web Parts on Visual Studio 2008 for SharePoint 2010

What do I need to install for building a Web Part for SharePoint 2010 on Visual Studio 2008? BTW: I'm using Windows 7 64-bit and Office 32-bit ...

Streaming content from (sharepoint) web part

How does one stream files, html or custom AJAX responses from web parts? Our current quick-and-very-dirty solution is to make the web part call the current page with certain query parameters, which the web part checks and instead of performing normal load it writes the required things to output and calls response end. This sounds bad ...

In an asp.net, how to get a reference of a custom webcontrol from a usercontrol?

Hi I have a page which holds a custom webcontrol and a usercontrol. I need to reference of webcontrol in usercontrol class. So, I make the declaration of webcontrol as public in page class. But, when I do “this.Page.”, I don’t see the webcontrol listed in list provided by intellisense. Most probably, I am missing something. In an asp.n...

SharePoint 2010: WebPartZone not rendered when i'm not signed in

Hi all! I have a custom WebPart on my welcome page in SharePoint 2010. When I open the page without signing on, the whole WebPartZone remains unrendered (according to the responded html). When signed in, my WebPart works perfectly. Afaik, my WebPart does not require any special permission, it just pulls content from some lists on the sam...

How to make a SharePoint Web Part Property visible only to the Administrator ?

How can i make a browsable web part property which should be visible only to the Administrator and not to the normal users ? ...

SharePoint webpart connctions

Is it possible to have a bi-directional web part connection? I am aware that a web part can be both a provider and a consumer but it seems only one connection is allowed between two web parts. What I am trying to accomplish is a bi-directional connection where a field in web part A can update web Part B and a field in B can update web p...

Get page URL by using a program within a pageviewerwebpart in SharePoint

Hello, I have a simple hit counter written in c# .net. I placed that counter to many pages using the pageviewerwebpart. What I want to do is, not only counting the hits, but also which page triggered the hit counter. So how can I retrieve the page URL with my hit counter ? Thanks. ...

sharepoint (web part filtering) help

I have a Sharepoint question. For our web site we would like to be able to have a combo box from which the end user selects a “Province/State” where they are from. Depending on which “Province/State” he selects, some web parts will be shown (content) and some parts will not be shown... Is there any way to do this easily with Sharepoint? ...

How to Update Zone and ZoneIndex in an EditorPart

I created a custom EditorPart, and I want to set the Zone and ZoneIndex on the WebPartToEdit in the ApplyChanges method. However, these particular properties are read-only, so I can't set them. The LayoutEditor contains these properties, so it should be possible to update them. How can I set the Zone and ZoneIndex on a WebPart? ...

Passing Multiple parameters from Custome WebPart to Reporting services Report Viewer webpart

I working with Reporting services in Sharepoint Mode, I am able to show the report in Sql Server Reporting services report viwer , the report has multiple parameters , My question is how do I pass more thatn one parameter from a custome web part to this report. I am able to pass one parameter by implementing the ITransformableFilterValu...

SPMenuField refreshing page in update panel?

I have SPGridView that has SPMenuField. I placed SPGridview in UpdatePanel. SPMenuField has 2 MenuItemTemplates "Edit" "Delete". When I click on any of the the MenuItem, the whole page is refreshing. I dont want to do that. How can I avoid that? See my code below. <script type="text/javascript"> function CareerHistoryFunction(param) { ...

Presence icon only showing for first person

I am trying to show my colleagues in my custom webpart. So I adding presence Icon to each of colleague. It is showing fine when colleague is 1 only. If We have colleague more than 1 Presence Icon showing for 1st colleague you can dropdow that Icon also but other colleagues it is show simple Presense Icon (grayout) (not drop down is commi...

Inheriting Web Part from both ICellProvider and ICellConsumer

Hi there. What I'm trying to accomplish is to make a series of 3 web parts. One that acts as a provider, second - consumer of a first web part and at the same time a provider for a third web part, third web part - consumer of the second. When overriding the EnsureInterfaces Method the second parameter is InterfaceType and I'm able to ent...