
Full-text search on App Engine with Whoosh

I need to do full text searching with Google App Engine. I found the project Whoosh and it works really well, as long as I use the App Engine Development Environement... When I upload my application to App Engine, I am getting the following TraceBack. For my tests, I am using the example application provided in this project. Any idea of ...

WHoosh (full text search) index problem

iam having the following problem with whoosh full text search engine. 1.After syncdb i am creating the intial index from the database objects. 2.it is working fine.I can able to search the data and see the results. 3.after that in one of my view i have added another document (via signals) to the index (during a request --response) 4....

Haystack Whoosh Spelling Suggestion too greedy

This questions is about Django Haystack, with Whoosh backend. I would like to use spelling suggestion in my search. The problem is that it is suggesting TOO much. Say I have two models: Apples and Oranges. If I have somethine like this: result = SearchQuerySet().models(Apples).filter( content=escaped_value).spelling_suggestion(esc...

Haystack / Whoosh Index Generation Error

I'm trying to setup haystack with whoosh backend. When i try to gen the index [or any index command for that matter] i receive: TypeError: Item in ``from list'' not a string if i completely remove my search_indexes.py i get the same error [so i'm guessing it can't find that file at all] what might cause this error? it's set to autodi...

Django haystack doesn't add to Solr index. [Works with whoosh, fails with Solr]

During development I used whoosh as a backend, and now want to switch to solr. I installed solr, changed the settings, to HAYSTACK_SEARCH_ENGINE, and HAYSTACK_SOLR_URL. Now when I try to update or rebuild the index it fails with Failed to add documents to Solr: [Reason: None] . All searches are also wrong with 0 results returned for ...

Whoosh index viewer

I'm using haystack with whoosh as backend for a Django app. Is there any way to view the content (in a easy to read format) of the indexes generated by whoosh? I'd like to see what data was indexed and how so i can better understand how it works. ...

Indexing CSV file contents in Python

Hi, I have a very large CSV file contaning only two fields (id,url). I want to do some indexing on the url field with python, I know that there are some tools like Whoosh or Pylucene. but I can't get the examples to work. can someone help me with this? ...

how to get all "index data" using whoosh ..

i use whoosh for full text search , and i want to know : how to get all 'index data ' that be added. this is my main.py import cgi,os from google.appengine.ext import webapp from google.appengine.ext.webapp import template from google.appengine.ext.webapp.util import run_wsgi_app from whoosh import store from whoosh.fields import Sc...

google-app-engine full-text-search ,which is better , "google custom search" or whoosh.

this is whoosh so ,did you know which is better ? thanks ...

how to make whoosh search chinese word .

this is my code : #coding:utf-8 import cgi,os from google.appengine.ext import webapp from google.appengine.ext.webapp import template from google.appengine.ext.webapp.util import run_wsgi_app from whoosh import store from whoosh.fields import Schema, STORED, ID, KEYWORD, TEXT from whoosh.index import getdatastoreindex,create_in from ...

Django-Haystack + Whoosh - Are misspelling suggestions possible?

Hi folks, I'm using Whoosh and Django-Haystack. I would like to make use of query suggestions for when users mistype words. e.g. Maybe you meant "unicorn" Is it necessary to use another search engine? Or can I successfully achieve this with Whoosh? ...

I cannot access suggestions? - Django Haystack + Whoosh

Hi folks, I'm using Whoosh 3.18. 1) I'm following the docs here. from whoosh.store import FileStorage is not working and therefore anything else I try to accomplish with it. 2) I cannot figure out how to include suggestions within my search templates. I'm using the template provided within the docs' tutorial. Help would be g...

Django-Haystack/Whoosh - Rebuild Index Error

Python 2.5, Django 1.2.1, most recent haystack, most recent whoosh This is my first delve into Django-Haystack. I was following the "Getting Started" guide from Haystack and everything seemed to be going along fine, until I went to build the index. So, running "manage.py rebuild_index" shot this back at me: Traceback (most recent call...

haystack multiple field search

Hi i m using haystack with a woosh as search engine: my model looks as follows class Person(models.Model): personid = models.IntegerField(primary_key = True, db_column = 'PID') firstname = models.CharField(max_length = 50, db_column = 'FIRSTNAME') lastname = models.CharField(max_length = 50, db_column = 'LASTNAME') ...

Django haystack multivalued doesn't work

Hi, I've added a MultivaluedField to my index (haystack), I need to search for a ManyToMany related field, but it doesn't work. The engine is WHOOSH. This how my index looks like: class PostIndex(SearchIndex): text = CharField(document=True, use_template=True) author = CharField(model_attr='author') body = CharFiel...

Haystack + Whoosh IndexError: Index was created on an architecture with different data sizes

When rebuilding my indices via ./manage.py rebuild_index I get this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "manage.py", line 11, in <module> execute_manager(settings) File "/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/django/core/management/__init__.py", line 438, in execute_manager utility.execute() File "/Library/Python/2.6...

Django+Haystack+Whoosh: how to deal with language inflection

Many languages in Europe are inflectional. This means that one word can be written in multiple forms in text. For example, word 'computer' in polish "komputer" has multiple forms: "komputera", "komputerowi", "komputerem", "komputery" , etc.. How should I use django+haystack+whoosh properly to deal with language inflection? Whenever I...

Changing tmp directory used by Haystack and/or Whoosh

I'm running Haystack + Whoosh under a Debian vserver setup with only 128MB for the /tmp directory and am running out of space in it during indexing (the individual Whoosh tmp files are 25MB+). I'd love to increase the tmp folder size, but that's out of my control. Is there a way to instruct Haystack or Whoosh to use an alternate tmp dir...

No results in Django Haystack search

I've read the getting started documentation and several other examples on the web. And this is what my search_indexes.py looks like: from haystack.indexes import * from haystack import site from models import Entry class EntryIndex(SearchIndex): text = CharField(document=True) headline = CharField(model_attr='headline') sub...