
Does Windows Server 2003 SP2 tell the truth about Free System Page Table Entries?

We have some Win32 console applications running on Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 that regularly fail with this: Error 1450 (ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES): "Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service." All the documentation we've found suggests it is linked to the number of Free System Page Table Entries...

Programmatically change combobox

I need to update a combobox with a new value so it changes the reflected text in it. The cleanest way to do this is after the combobox has been initialised and with a message. So I am trying to craft a postmessage to the hwnd that contains the combobox. So if I want to send a message to it, changing the currently selected item to the n...

How to replace WinAPI functions calls in the MS VC++ project with my own implementation (name and parametrs set are the same)?

I need to replace all WinAPI calls of the CreateFile, ReadFile, SetFilePointer, CloseHandle with my own implementation (which use low-level file reading via Bluetooth). The code, where functions will be replaced, is Video File Player and it already works with the regular hdd files. It is also needed, that Video Player still can p...

Overlapped I/O on anonymous pipe

Is it possible to use overlapped I/O with an anonymous pipe? CreatePipe() does not have any way of specifying FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, so I assume ReadFile() will block, even if I supply an OVERLAPPED-structure. ...

Windows API Dialogs without using resource files

I'm trying to create a dialog box using C++ and the windows API, but I don't want the dialog defined in a resource file. I can't find anything good on this on the web, none of the examples I've read seem to define the dialog programmatically. Anyone know how to do this? A simple example is fine, I'm not doing anything complicated with i...

How to determine the size of the button portion of a Windows radio button

I'm drawing old school (unthemed - themed radios are a whole other problem) radio buttons myself using DrawFrameControl: DrawFrameControl(dc, &rectRadio, DFC_BUTTON, isChecked() ? DFCS_BUTTONRADIO | DFCS_CHECKED : DFCS_BUTTONRADIO); I've never been able to figure out a sure fire way to figure out what to pass for the RECT. I've been u...

User Interface Controls for Win32

I see many user interface control libraries for .NET, but where can I get similar stuff for win32 using simply C/C++? Things like prettier buttons, dials, listviews, graphs, etc. Seems every Win32 programmers' right of passage is to end up writing his own collection. :/ Thanks, Sebastian ...

How do I display dynamic text at the mouse cursor via C++/MFC in a Win32 application.

I would like to be able to display some dynamic text at the mouse cursor location in a win32 app, for instance to give an X,Y coordinate that would move with the cursor as though attached. I can do this during a mousemove event using a TextOut() call for the window at the mouse coordinates and invalidate a rectange around a stored la...

Capturing the desktop with Windows Media Format(WMF)

I am using Windows Media Format SDK to capture the desktop in real time and save it in a WMV file (actually this is an oversimplification of my project, but this is the relevant part). For encoding, I am using the Windows Media Video 9 Screen codec because it is very efficient for screen captures and because it is available to practicall...

How to get name associated with open HANDLE

What's the easiest way to get the filename associated with an open HANDLE in Win32? ...

How do I convert GMT to LocalTime in Win32 C?

I want to convert various location/date/times in history from GMT to local time. It seems that SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime is better than FileTimeToLocalFileTime. When the date/time pairs also include various locations, the conversion gets hairy. I've found a data set at that seems to be nicely complete ...

Get the current mouse coordinates

I have an iMac, and I want to be able to turn off the monitor when I go to sleep,. Alas, the iMac has no switch for this. I do not want to put the iMac into sleep mode, i want to write a "expose" like application or service, which when the mouse is put into the upper left hand corner of my screen, the display will sleep. Likewise, if ...

How do you make an infinite scrollbar control with Windows Core API?

How do I make one? I am kind of a newbie in Windows API. Is there some sort of manual for this sort of thing? I am specifically interested in a Core API. Thank you for any help. ...

How to play a standard windows sound?

How do I find out which sound files the user has configured in the control panel? Example: I want to play the sound for "Device connected". Which API can be used to query the control panel sound settings? I see that there are some custom entries made by third party programs in the control panel dialog, so there has to be a way for the...

How to make the taskbar blink my application like Messenger does when a new message arrive?

Is there an API call in .NET or a native DLL that I can use to create similar behaviour as Windows Live Messenger when a response comes from someone I chat with? ...

Programmatically select an MFC radio button

When I'm initializing a dialog, I'd like to select one of the radio buttons on the form. I don't see a way to associate a Control variable using the Class Wizard, like you would typically do with CButtons, CComboBoxes, etc... Further, it doesn't like a CRadioButton class even exists. How can I select one of the several radio buttons? ...

Getting actual file name (with proper casing) on Windows

Windows file system is case insensitive. How, given a file/folder name (e.g. "somefile"), I get the actual name of that file/folder (e.g. it should return "SomeFile" if Explorer displays it so)? Some ways I know, all of which seem quite backwards: Given the full path, search for each folder on the path (via FindFirstFile). This gives ...

How do you quickly find the URL for a Win32 API on MSDN?

How do you quickly find the URL for a Win32 API on MSDN? It's easy for .NET methods -- just add the method name (for example, System.Byte.ToString) to However, for Win32 APIs (say GetLongPathName), this doesn't work: I want to be able to use t...

How can I prevent URLDownloadToFile from retrieving from the cache ?

I am using URLDownloadToFile to retrieve a file from a website. Subsequent calls return the original file rather than an updated version. I assume it is retrieving a cached version. ...

Is it possible to send WM_QUERYENDSESSION messages to a window in a different process?

I want to debug a windows C++ application I've written to see why it isn't responding to WM_QUERYENDSESSION how I expect it to. Clearly it's a little tricky to do this by just shutting the system down. Is there any utility or code which I can use to send a fake WM_QUERYENDSESSION to my application windows myself? ...