
Disable Windows Mobile security features

I'm currently writing an app for a Windows Mobile 5.0 app and it seems to possess some firewall-esqe feature where I need to permit the running of any deployed executable. Is there some kind of registry key I can use to turn this off during development as it's frustrating having to babysit the device. ...

Windows Mobile (C#) - Communicating between phone and PC

Hello. I'm working on a project where a program running on the mobile phone needs to communicate with a program running on the PC it's connected to. Ideally, I'd like to use USB, WiFi, whatever to communicate. The two programs should be able to communicate things like battery life, text messages, etc... But I can work on that later, ...

Develop games for windows mobile

Does anybody know a good place to find things about game development for windows mobile? thanks! ...

Is there a way to update a Windows Mobile 5 app over the air?

I want to be able to push out application updates to windows mobile 5 devices over the air, is this possible? Note, this is just an application, not a rom update. It doesn't have to be a strict push. It is just as well to have the user go to a web page and download a .cab file. Has anyone had success doing this? ...

Window Mobile 6, Allow Vibration durning Call

Is there any registry tweak in windows mobile that can enable vibration during a call. I have HTC touch with windows mobile6. ...

What is the best 2D graphics library for Windows Mobile?

The title speaks for itself... I've tried to find another question like it but must have missed it if it exists. I'm looking for anything, from a core library replacing GAPI to a .net wrapper... It's for building a nice UI so no 3D needed... ...

WM_GETTEXT button action

Hi, I would like to tie an action to a PocketPC button (biggest button at the center - don't know how it is called). I tried to tie the action to WM_GETTEXT message, but this message is sent on every key press and don't know how to add an action just to the specific button. Does anyone know how this could be done? Thanks! ...

Emulate Sleeping Windows Mobile Device

Is it possible to emulate a device sleeping and waking using the Microsoft-supplied device emulators? ...

What is the best geek phone for programming on Verizon?

What is the best geek phone in your opinion for Verizon Wireless that can be developed for? I want to write a location based program, but I am unsure of what platform to target. Can anyone provide any recommendations? ...

How to get file time by name in windows?

Windows has GetFileTime API which allows getting file time information by open file handle. What I wanted to know is, if it is possible to get this information by file name without opening the file explicitly. And if possible is it also applicable to Windows Mobile platform? ...

Is there a way to capture the send key on Windows Mobile and have it dial a specific number?

I have a Windows Mobile application using the compact framework (NETCF) that I would like to respond to someone pressing the send key and have the phone dial the number selected in my application. Is there a way using the compact framework to trap the send key? I have looked at several articles on capturing keys, but I have not found ...

How can I access the SMS messages in a Windows Mobile device

I'm searching for a code that will alow access to the SMS messages stored in a Pocket PC device with Windows Mobile so I can download/backup them to a Windows PC. Anyone knows how to do this? ...

How do I use DMProcessConfigXML to provision my Windows Mobile device?

I want to create a C# program to provision Windows Mobile devices. I have found MSDN documentation on a function called DMProcessConfigXML, but no instructions on how to use this function. How can I use this function in my Windows Mobile app? I suspect it has something to do with using pinvoke. Thanks, Paul ...

How to capture high resolution image on Windows Mobile

Hi, I would like to capture high resolution image with Windows Mobile device. I've tried the example from WM SDK, but it captures just a single frame of video camera and the resolution is poor. Has anyone any experience with image capturing on Pocket PC with C++? Thanks ...

Can I skip MIME-parsing to get an attachment??

Hi - I am new here so first of all my greetings to you I am writing an application to run on my Windows Mobile (Pocket PC). FYI, I am using VB.NET. My idea is to use my e-mail account with my provider, who gives me a lot GB:s to use, as a virtual online storage disk. In a few words, more or less like the GMAIL-drive which you may have ...

Entrek CodeSnitch with Windows Mobile 5/6

I have emailed Entrek and they seem to be asleep. Does anyone else here use Entrek CodeSnitch? If so, have you found a way to use it with Windows Mobile 5, 6, or 6.1 ? I really need to verify my application doesn't have any memory leaks, etc. And CodeSnitch does a great job of it. But only with Windows Mobile 2003. :/ Thanks. ...

Setting Zoom on Windows Mobile device with IAMCameraControl::Set()

Hi, I am developing an application for video capture and I would like to implement zoom functionality. Working with DirectShow I came across IAMCameraControlInterface. It has a method ::Set(), which should be used for setting several camera parameters. However I played around and I couldn't do anything with it. Then I tried to call ::...

How to reposition/resize the resource on the screen?

Hi, I want to embed the native camera application into custom form. The RECT r properties where I want to embed the camera are the following: = 26; r.bottom = 220; r.left = 0; r.right = 320; and this is the method which runs the native camera application: HRESULT CPhotoCapture::CameraCapture(HWND hwndOwner, LPTSTR pszFilenam...

How do I tell if a windows mobile device is connected to external power using VB.Net?

Windows Mobile devices have different behaviour for suspending when the device is on battery power, or on external power. in my application, written using, I need to be able to determine whether the device has external power connected. is there a method to get this status from the Compact framework? ...

.Net Compact Framework Tips, Tricks, and Gotchas

Hey everyone, We work extensively in the .Net Compact Framework and Windows Mobile. I've seen plenty of questions come up regarding specifics to development of ASP.Net apps or other .Net based desktop apps but nothing CF specific. Anyone else a mobile developer out there that can share some things to start doing, stop doing, and avoid ...