
Can I link an MS Access Application to Postgre SQL on a Linux Server? Can / Should I use ODBC?

I write MS Access / VB / SQL Applications, customized. One of my clients has a truly massive Access application I wrote them, and their number of active users have just expanded to over 15. Running into more data corruption issues, I am recommending they port to an SQL backend for stability. (Of course). They would prefer to invest in a...

Determining if the program is running on Windows Server

I would like to determine if my program is running on a version of Windows Server. Apparently, System.Environment does not contain information about the fact that Windows is a server version (there is no such info in the OS version object). I know that I can use SystemInformation.TerminalServerSession to check whether my program is runn...

The main differences between IIS6 and IIS7

Hi, I am writing a installer using WiX that will create a website and virtual directory, amongst other things, in IIS. I have been having trouble ensuring that the installer will work on both Windows Server 2003 with IIS6, Windows Server 2008 with IIS7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 with IIS7.5. One of the first problems that I came across...

Batch script command add/change number # in variable name

I have problem with "%_Link%%num%" its not working show up link after load from txt format. I think "%_Link%%num%" is wrong syntax function. but I know %_Link1%,%_Link2%,etc can work... but i want loop that will add/change number # in variable name like "_Link#" changeable number as #. here code below... TEXT FORMAT (NOTEPAD): http://w...

wamp with php5.3.3 ? i want to test it on windows but it seems there isnt a fast wamp server that fits 5.3.3 are there any today ? thanks ...

How to enable suspend mode on a Windows Server 2008 R2 box?

I want to use Wake-On-LAN for my two office machines, both of which run Windows 2008 Server R2 (for Hyper-V), but it seems the Server SKU doesn't offer a suspend option anyway. I'm sure it's just a registry key or something. How can I enable my servers to sleep? ...

FTP Error 530 User cannot login

I am trying to FTP to a new FTP site I setup with IIS 7.0 for the Windows Server Web (64-bit) edition. But I get the above error when I try to login to this site. But I can login to my other FTP sites. Also, when I select this website from IIS Manager, the FTP section does not display in the middle section although it does display in...

Security Exceptions while initializing Nlog event log target

Hi all, I'm using NLog in my ASP.NET application hosted on IIS and Windows server 2003. When I run the code on my develop machine, everything is Okay. But when I deployed the code to the server. The initialization of NLog target will cause an security exception: Security Exception Description: The application attempted to perform an o...

Windows server person wanting an easy way to migrate to Linux/Java (LAMP I guess)

Hi, open ended question I realize.. and probably well documented somewhere! I used to write a lot of Java server code way way back - mostly banking etc... I have been using mostly a windows platform for quite some time.. so I am about to re-embark on the Linux/Java/PHP/MySQL travels... Just wonder, given the administration for Windows...

Where can I get PHP to install on windows server (x64).

Hi. I'm trying to find PHP to install on a windows server machine (x64), but don't seem to find it on A ftp link would be helpfull thank you. ...

Finding processor usage through WMI.

I am trying to use the Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_Processor class on a windows server enterprise 2007 remotely to find the CPU usage. But I am getting huge 14-15 digit values like 11745679223456 %. Any idea why it is giving erroneous result? It seems to work fine on my server 2008. Is there any way I can reinstall these classes? P.S : I d...

pushing code to windows servers in a scriptable way

I'm looking for a good way to push code quickly and securely to my company's Windows web servers for release deployments. I have a *nix background and in the past have always used rsync in conjunction with ssh for such tasks because it is quick, secure, and scriptable. Right now our deployment process is very manual and requires loggin...

Is there any API for creating custom server roles in Windows Server 2008?

Subject is self-explaining ...


I have problem about IF ELSE in Command Batch script... In Notepad: Code: :CHECKACCOUNT if /I "%user%"=="insertusername" ( GOTO :ACCOUNT ) ELSE ( GOTO :CHECKPASSACCT ) :CHECKPASSACCT if /I "%pass%"=="insertpassword" ( GOTO :ACCOUNT ) ELSE ( GOTO :COUNTER ) In COMMAND: Code: ( was unexpected at this time. FULL Script Code: @ec...

Server 2003: How the administrator can login as another user?

I am helping my friend to manage a small network at his company. One of two servers they have is a Server 2003 providing terminal services. Another is a Server 2008 SBS running the domain controller, Exchange etc. My part includes helping setting up new user accounts, and configure their terminal server environments. There are things use...

What are the major pros and cons to developing .NET Web Apps on Windows Server 2008 R2 vs. Windows 7?

My question is in the context of ease of development with MS development tools and IIS. What are the pros and cons to developing directly on Windows Server 2008 R2 instead of Windows 7? ...

is Tomcat compatible with Windows Server and Plesk panel ?

is this correct to use the following for a java web application. Windows Server OS 2003 or 2008 Panel : plesk java Application Server : Tomcat what are the problems and the benefits of using this Host is Tomcat compatible with Windows ? ...