
Vista IPsec subnet Policy problem

I have a strange problem with Vista IPsec that I am hoping someone can help with. The exact setup below works fine on XP and Windows 7, but not on Vista for some reason: I would like to setup an IPsec tunnel between Windows and a Netgear router so that I can communicate between Windows box and the LAN side ( below) of the ...

Migrating C++ application from WinXP to Windows Vista

Hi All, We are migrating our software system developed in C++, MFC, ATL/COM (VS 2008 IDE) from WinXP to Windows Vista. Can anybody please provide any reference material that details information on the possible code issues that could arise during the migration? I found one at the DDJ site;jsessionid=...

Where is the best place to save temporary files in Windows

I am busy writing an application that runs under windows Where is the correct place to save temporary files ? ...

How to run a batch file from a network share in Vista without the warning dialog?

The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this software? How can I automatically run this bat file on startup without the popup blocking it? The batch file is on a network share on another computer. ...

Delphi 2009: How to communicate between Windows service & desktop application under Vista?

How can a desktop application communicate with a Windows service under Vista/Windows2008/Windows7? The application needs to send small strings to the service and receive string responses back. Both are written in Delphi 2009. (Please provide sample code also) ...

cronjob/trigger which can update the database everyday

Hi, I am using MYSQL as my database and PHP as my programming language.I wanted to run a cron job which would run until the current system date matches the "deadline(date)" column in my database table called "PROJECT".Once the dates are same an update query has to run which would change the status(field of project table) from "open" to...

file hidden flex vista

is there any way to create a file as a hidden in vista, xp, 2000,98 ,macintosh from flex by using var file:File = new File(""); or any other way ...

Windows Vista style popup when clicking Explorer headers (details view)

I am very interested in implementing similar functionality for .NET DataGridView as the popup that is displayed when you click on Vista's Explorer Details View hearders. Any suggestions ...

Vista UAC - Trouble Mapping Network Drives

We have an application that programmatically maps network drives. On Vista with UAC on, we get some strange issues. Our application maps the drive non-elevated, so if the user browses explorer and double clicks to run an exe, it prompts for UAC. So when they approve it, it prompts for a username/password for the share... Strange sin...

cron jobs or PHP scheduler

Hi, I am using MYSQL as my database and PHP as my programming language.I wanted to run a cron job which would run until the current system date matches the "deadline(date)" column in my database table called "PROJECT".Once the dates are same an update query has to run which would change the status(field of project table) from "open" to ...

can i extract the icon image from vista application? (mainly word and pdf)

i'm trying to extract the icon that shown in vista for pdf and word files. is there anyways for me to do so? also, the icon i want is the big one (128px by 128px probably?) a screenshot: ...

What is Windows Vista's equivalent for the Version tab in Properties?

In Windows XP, whenever you right-click to select Properties to a particular DLL, you will be able to access the Version tab. In windows Vista, there is the Details table, which had some, but not all, the usual displayable items in the Version tab. In particular, the Assembly Version is missing. This is a head-banging problem for me ri...

Zend Framework on Vista

Dear All, I am moving my first steps with the Zend Framework. I have it on my Linux partition and it works fine. Now, I want to use it on Vista. I have downloaded and installed Zend Server CE. Seems to work. However, when I try to edit some file inside my Apache htdocs directory, surprise: I have no permissions! I have found out that...

Some help working out kinks in a .bat

My current .bat file is as follows: @echo off rem iTunes tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq itunes.exe" /FO CSV > "C:/ForStartingStuff/ForItunes.log" FOR /F %%A IN (' "C:/ForStartingStuff/ForItunes.log" ') DO IF %%~zA EQU 0 GOTO end cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes" :end taskkill /im notepad.exe del "C:/ForStartingStuff/ForItunes.log rem WC3 B...

Windows Form Paints Repeatedly In XP, But Not In Vista

I am trying to solve an issue in my application. I am developing the application in Vista and it works fine there, but when I take it to XP, the form becomes sluggish and unresponsive. When I watch the windows messages using breakpoints, I find that in XP the form is repeatedly painted about once every second (even though it does not r...

One machine on network cannot connect to SQL 2005

I've got a small Windows network with 3 machines. One of them has SQL 2005 installed. As of last week, the other two machines have had no problems connecting to the SQL instance. Today, one machine - running Vista, if that matters - all of a sudden cannot connect. I get the generic message saying "A network-related or instance-specific ...


Hi, I'm using the FAXCOMEXLib api for sending faxes in C#. I've recently moved to a new development machine running Vista and now I'm running into an issue with the API. Microsoft released a new version with Vista and now when I compile the application on the Vista machine, I can't install and run it on an XP box without getting a fat...

"Is there a better way?" Error 12029 with wininet on Windows Vista

I kept recieving error 12029 (ERROR INTERNET CANNOT CONNECT, The attempt to connect to the server failed.) when using the the MFC wininet classes on Windows Vista. The cause of the error was due to Windows Defender. Is there a better way to get around this than completely turning off Windows Defender? I tried turning off "real time pr...

Vista - Program crash notification

My memory is fuzzy but I seem to recall that Windows Vista introduced an ability to know why an application crashed. But I cannot remember the name of the feature. My intent is that if my application crashed for some unknown reason, the next time it starts up I'd like to know why - or even just to know that it happened. Does anyone rem...

Cannot execute Java app on Vista Business - "Cannot find the main class... Program will exit"

Hi, I have written a Java GUI app (using Netbeans 6.7) requiring Java 1.6. I successfully run it on my XP PC and also my Mac OSX (10.5.7). My client is running Vista Business, and cannot run the application by double clicking the jar file. He can execute it from the command line: "javaw -jar ..." The error received is: "Cannot find th...