
Styling select borders in IE changes the arrow button

Our website has border styles on select boxes and text inputs to make them look like they would in the windows XP style on windows. This basically gives them a thin blue border rather than the grey bevelled one in windows classic. I have made no attept to change the style on the little down arrow button next to the selects. The CSS looks...

Application source code for contacts(android)

I want to run the code for contacts as a separate application from eclipse(and modify).... Is there any way to download the source code? I've read that u can download it locally by using git clone git:// but i use windows xp... i've tried creating the folders in the exact way as...

How do I write data over an ethernet connection to an IP:Port address?

I have a need to write a quick and dirty application to write some data over an ethernet connection to a remote machine. The remote machine is sitting waiting for data, and I just want to blat some data at it to test the connection and bandwidth etc. I'd like to be able to, say, send a known pattern of data (simple counting or repeating...

Serial Comms dies in WinXP

A bit of history: We have an application, which was originally written many years ago (1998 is the first date in PVCS but the app is about 5 years older than that as it originally was a DOS program). This application communicates with a piece of hardware via serial. When we got to Windows XP we started receiving reports of the app dying ...

What is the period of time that the window manager waits before marking a window as unresponsive?

How long does windows wait before deciding a window is unresponsive and brings up the the unresponsive chrome? Just from anecodotal experience, I assume it is different in XP and Vista, as they are handled very differently by the DWM in Vista and the Explorer shell in XP. ...

DOS choice command on xp/NT

Is there a way to prompt users for input (ie: Yes/No) from a Dos batch script that works on XP and Windows 2003 server? It seems some commands (ie: choice) only work on one OS and not others. ...

From a development perspective: How do I convice the bosses to upgrade to Vista / Windows 7?

Our current development environment at work is Windows XP pro. It is a fine operating system, but after using Vista and Windows 7 at home, I find myself wanting to use them at work where I spend majority of my time on a computer. The problem lies in that Windows XP does the job, and there's 0 cost in moving forward as obviously its alre...

Easier way to start and stop windows services in Windows XP

I occasionally find myself starting and stopping multiple windows services. The only tool I'm aware of for stopping and starting windows services is the "Services" program under "Administrative Tools" (%SystemRoot%\system32\services.msc /s). This program seems to only allow you to manipulate one service at a time, often pausing while i...

How can I get windows explorer to "browse to next folder"? (vbscript/batch etc...)

Hello. I use the basic windows explorer to browse a large collection of images. I have a very well organised group of folders and I don't need/want any of the extra functionality of photo organisers such as picasa etc... The only drawback is: I'd really like to be able to browse from one folder straight into the next, without having to...

How can I detect when an SD card is plugged in?

I'm writing a PC application in C++ that needs to detect when a user connects an SD card to his/her computer. I know how to detect when the card reader is connected, but I do not know how to detect when individual cards are connected/removed. Does Windows have an IO interface to detect arrival/removal of SD cards? [Update] the WM_DEVIC...

commit writes

Im programming win32 using fopen fread fwrite in C. How can I force windows to write data through to the disk? Is than an API call for this? I have a program that must absolutely make sure that data is saved to disk before it saves to a different indexing file, otherwise if there are crashes the index file can sometimes update but the ...

segfault on Win XP x64, doesn't happen on XP x32 - strncpy issue? How to fix?

Hi there, I'm pretty inexperienced using C++, but I'm trying to compile version 2.0.2 of the SBML toolbox for matlab on a 64-bit XP platform. The SBML toolbox depends upon Xerces 2.8 and libsbml 2.3.5. I've been able to build and compile the toolbox on a 32-bit machine, and it works when I test it. However, after rebuilding it on a 64-...

IIS Problem - Configuration Button Not Responding

I'm having some trouble with IIS on a Windows XP SP3 machine. When you go into the properties of the Default Website and go to the Home Directory Tab, there's a "Configuration..." Button that when clicked, is supposed to bring up a window where you can define application mappings. The problem I'm having is that when I click the button (w...

Moved hosts, how do I view the site?

Hi, I recently moved hosts with my blog and I have waited 72 hours for it t propergate properly. I just checked the site there and it's showing it on the old host. When i use a proxy, I can see the site perfectly on the new host. The problem seems to becoming from my PC. EDIT: Tried to flush the dns and it's the same story, it's quite ...

Opening a remote machine's Windows C drive

I'm trying to locally mount a machine's C drive that is on my LAN. I need to able to browse the contents of the other machine when tracing through code. I once saw a sys admin do some crazy windows incantation from the cmd prompt. Something like $remote_machine/local_access/C Is anyone familiar with how this is done? ...

IE 6/7 on Windows XP vs Windows Vista

Have you noticed substantial differences in website rendering on IE 6 or IE 7 when run on Windows XP versus when run on Windows Vista? ...

Storing User Settings

Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData *returns "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data" under XP that is writeable for all users *returns "C:\ProgramData[MyApp]\" under Vista and this is not writeable for regular users Now why i want CommonFolder ? Because, an admin will install my software database on XP (or ...

warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found after switching to vista

I'm getting several of the following warnings in VS2005 on an old project after moving from my old XP to a new vista PC: UnitTest++.vsnet2005.lib(TestRunner.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found with 'c:\projects\blah.lib' or at 'c:\projects\blah\debug\vc80.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info I know that this wa...

Risks of hosting public web site right on my network?

I want to set up IIS on an old XP box that I have on our our LAN at work so that I can host some Silverlight stuff on it that I am plying with so I show it to others on the internet. I have a public IP set up already that shoots straight through my firewall and straight to that machine, and I sometimes use Remote Desktop to log into that...

Is there any way to Hibernate an Application ?

(I am not talking about Hibernate or NHibernate ORM ) Windows OS (and some linux version) have 'Hibernate' option to save the state and shutdown the Machine. And Later when we restart we can resume from previous stored state. Is there any way to Hibernate an application alone ? I mean i want to close the application by saving its state...