
on which os should i try the vs2010 beta1? which emulator is faster?

I just downloaded the VS 2010 Beta1 Pro and I want to setup a vm to try the new devenv. Which os and which emulator software should I try for the best performaces? (currently I've XP sp3, Win 7 RC, Win 2008). ...

How to check if specific web browser is installed on system?

How to check if specific web browser (chrome, firefox, opera) is installed on system? (C++/Windows platform). Maybe this can be check in somewhere in registry? ...

(C#) Windows Forms - Transparent background whilst capturing mouse events?

Hi everyone - there seems to be a similar question to this on here but with the 'opposite' problem (He didn't want mouse events captured). I have a form with a panel. The window is borderless and set to the exact size of the panel (for all intents and purposes, it is as if the panel is 'free floating'). I can set the panel's BackColor t...

Dragging files to an .exe sets different working directory

Hi! If I have a regular console application (or any other application for that matter) and drag a file onto the .exe file using windows explorer (in order to use the file as "command-line-input"), the current directory is set to some other directory (my home folder?), rather than the directory where the application is located. If I star...

How do I make iCacls grant access at the folder level so it can be inherited?

Using the command: iCACLS.exe \\server\serverroot\siteroot /grant:r domain\id:RX /T /C I can grant access to every file within the site root folder, but the folder itself does not receive the access. The problem being any new file that gets added lacks the read access until the command is run again. What am I not understanding? ...

How to determine if an process is the currently active / foreground application.

Hi, I'd like to be able to query some function and give it a processID or processName - It then should return true or false on wether that process is in the foreground or not. So i.e. the query for Firefox would return true (because right now I'm in FireFox, typing this) and everything else should return false. Is that even possible...

How can I emulate a video capture device and provide dynamic video content?

I would like to emulate video input from a webcam for testing purposes. So I need to be able to emulate a software video capture device in Windows and be able to dynamically generate its output. How can I achieve this? I would prefer a solution in C# or C++. ...

How can I get Powershell TabExpansion to print all the possible completions?

The default TabExpansion in Powershell cycles through the possible completions for the fragment on the command prompt. Internally in the PowerShell host, there's a circular buffer, and the first TAB fills the buffer and puts the first potential completion on the prompt. Subsequent TABs cycle through the list of possible completions. ...

How do you keep a persistent reference between two apps on the windows platform even if one crashes and re-opens?

What are some options for keeping a persistent reference to two applications even if one crashes so that when re-opening the first one, it can get a reference to the second one and call methods on it. The situation is as follows: App1 (a web browser plugin) instantiates App2 via a object reference in an HTML page and gets a reference ...

Emacs - Error when calling (server-start)

I am currently using GNU Emacs in Windows Vista SP1. In my .emacs file I make a call to (server-start) and that is causing an error with the message The directory ~/.emacs.d/server is unsafe. Has anyone seen this and know a fix or workaround? ... other than leaving server turned off ;) Here is the stack trace: Debugger enter...

How can I intercept all key events, including ctrl+alt+del and ctrl+tab?

I'm writing a screen saver type app that needs to stop the user from accessing the system without typing a password. I want to catch/supress the various methods a user might try to exit the application, but all research I do seems to point me to "you can't". Anything in C# or C++ would be great. I've thought of disabling the keyboard,...

Application Bars and 'Show Desktop'

I have a Windows app that uses the AppBar API to install as an application bar at the top of the screen (similar to the Windows task bar itself). This works great and the desktop size is adjusted accordingly, so my application is always visible. However, if the user choose 'Show Desktop' (Windows+D), my application is hidden. Does any...

How to best convert VARIANT_BOOL to C++ bool?

When using COM boolean values are to be passed as VARIANT_BOOL which is declared in wtypes.h as short. There are also predefined values for true and false: #define VARIANT_TRUE ((VARIANT_BOOL)-1) #define VARIANT_FALSE ((VARIANT_BOOL)0) Which is the best way to convert from VARIANT_BOOL to C++ bool type? Obvious variants are: compare...

Installer for Windows application

I have to create an installation file for ActiveX components. This ActiveX components will be downloaded as an *.exe installer file, executing this installer file will install the required ActiveX components on the user's PC. To create such an installation file I came across two installer software - Install Shield NSIS (Nullsoft Scrip...

How to make windows batch file pause when double-clicked?

Hi. I've written a batch file to automate some tasks. I can run it from a command window and it runs and displays results. If I double click it from explorer though, it runs and terminates immediately so I can't see the results. Is there a way I can make batch file window stay open until I dismiss it if I started it by double-clicking ...

How to get the exit status of a Java program in Windows batch file

Analogous to the $? in Linux, is there a way to get the exit status of a program in a Windows batch file (.bat)? Say for example the program has a System.exit(0) upon successful execution, and a System.exit(1) upon a failure, how do I trap these exit values in a .bat file? ...

Why is Windows 'Run:' different from CMD line?

When I type ' at the Windows Run: prompt it launches my default browser. But when I do it at the CMD or Commnad prompt it does not. I assume that there is some form of RunDLL command being issued but I can't find out what. Does anyone have any insight? ...

Source code from Professional NT Services by Kevin Miller?

Hi folks, I've just bought a copy of a fairly old book (Professional NT Services by Kevin Miller, published by Wrox Press in 1998) and it says the source code for the examples in the book can be downloaded from Unfortunately, denies all knowledge of this book's existence. Does anyone have a copy of the source code fro...

How to find Windows SDK's SetEnv.cmd / SetEnv.cmd Does not work correctly

We have a Team City Build Server running and want to compile a Visual C++ project. So far this would be easy, since I've setup our Windows Build Agent with the Windows SDK, but we don't have a solution / project file. The project files are instead created with CMake. CMake seems to be a little bit dumb (can't generate Solution when Visu...

C++ WinInet Wrapper for Windows Mobile

Environment: Win32, C++/VS2008 I'm getting into the need to make HTTP (not HTTPS) requests from the internet using a Windows Mobile phone and to save time + reinventing the wheel, wondered if anybody here might have kindly shared a simple C++ (Win32?) WinInet wrapper or similar class? The closest I found so far using Google is on code...