I will write some thing in a file/memory just before system shutdown or a service shutdown. In the next restart of system, Is it possible to access same file or same memory on the disk, before filesystem loads? Actual requirement is like this, we have a driver that sits between volume level drivers and filesystem driver...in that part of...
I playing a sound file with a custom player, when the mobile goes in suspend mode (because the user pushed the red button) I would like to resume sound intensity when the mobile resume. How can I do ?
There's a ton and and a half of questions and even more answers here concerning people looking for bug trackers. However all of them (that I found) seem to be about web based solutions. Since I'm working on a local project where I don't want to set up a web / DB server, and I don't want to use a hosted tracker either, I'm looking for som...
I have a piece of Windows/C++ application which includes a hard coded expiry date, so that the release expires and stops running on a certain date like, 30 of august 2009.
Obviously the user can take back the system time to work around this limitation.
Is there a good way to stop my application running if the date has passed ev...
I want to know that Filename1, provided by the user is the same as stored in DB (Filename2).
I was about to use
string.Equals(Filename1, Filename2, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
but then I doubted whether I should use StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase.
Obviously, I need to do this the same way OS does, or use...
Is there a way to get a 2 character day-name of the week such as MO/TU/WE/TH/FR/SA/SU?
Currently I only know of using FormatDateTime():
"ddd" returns "Fri"
"dddd" returns "Friday"
The main reason is that I want to obtain localized version of the 1 or 2 character day names:
Say FRIDAY in "ddd" would return:
French Windows = "Vendre...
I have a console application (SRMan.exe) which derives from System.Windows.Forms.Form. I could be able to hide the form while exe is running. code i used is here
this.Opacity = 0;
this.Size = new Size(0, 0);
this.Location = new Point(-100, -100);
this.Visible = false;
Aslo, configured the form properties ShowIcon...
I'm using the following code (which is a sample from the MSDN slightly modified) to check whether i have debug privileges on a process. If I don't I try to set them.
int SetDebugPriv()
HANDLE TokenHandle;
LUID lpLuid;
if(!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, &TokenHandle))...
in a previous question I asked how to overcome the fact that in certain users the debug privileges were not there.
Now, since I can't set something that doesn't exist, how would I check if a user has debug privileges?
I know I have to use LookupPrivilegeValue(), I just can't figure where to read on the returned value that would indicat...
I encountered strange behaviour of my application. I would like to close frame window in MDI application, so I send WM_SYSCOMMAND (SC_CLOSE) to that window. After that, I receive OnSysCommand. Then I call CMDIChildWnd::OnSysCommand to proceed processing.
The problem is, that sometimes base implementation of OnSysCommand calls OnCl...
I want to be able to modify the application's language programatically, or at least use the language specified in Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options -> Formats.
If I add an english string table, make a french and a german copy of it, and delete the english one, I can programatically switch between loading the french and the ...
I'm trying to have python delete some directories and I get access errors on them. I think its that the python user account doesn't have rights?
WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied: 'path'
is what I get when I run the script.
I've tried
they all return the same error.
I'm coming from a Linux background, but I'd like to provide a version of my software on Windows. For users to run my program, they will need the Visual C++ redistributable. I would like to provide it for them as part of the package.
My worry is that there, in the future, will be an SP2 of the Visual Studio 2008 Redistributable. If I ...
Has anyone done any development of Compass for CSS/SASS in a standard C# ASP.NET environment (Windows XP, VS2008)?
Is there a single distribution I can just download that's ready to go for Windows or do I need install every piece of the equation and build compass myself?
Are there any plugins that make developing with Compass friendlie...
Forgive me if my understanding of this topic has some shortcomings, I only know what I know about domains and active directory because of what I've picked up from working with them.
There are two different "versions" of a domain name. The first is what I call the DNS domain name which would be like company.int (for the user max@company....
I'm working on a small clipboard manager which should remember recent copied text. I'm using Windows system messages for being notified when something has been copied to clipboard by WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD. The problem is some of the applications I use send multiple WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD messages to my application, for instance when I copy somethin...
How can I completely disable the keyboard using c++ in windows? And by completely disable I mean so even ctrl+alt+delete doesn't work. I did consider using a keyboard driver but I think you need to restart the computer after it is installed, but since I only need to disable it for a couple minutes that wouldn't really work.
I had a problem with this file, to be precise it was infected with a Patched.BG virus(Nod32 says so).
I accidently delete it, but I can still connect to Internet.
So my questions are: do I need this file, if I do, is it for security reasons only and is there any place on Internet where I can download it brand new, this file only?
I thought I'd be learning C++ at University, but it seems that they've now dubbed C# as an industry standard language.
I never thought I'd bother with it, but it's actually a very nice language.
The only problem I have right now is that I'm limited to the Windows platform.
So maybe, when I write Windows programs from now on, I should ...
I am currently attempting programming for a serial connection (RS232) through the COM1 port, using hardware handshaking. The OS is Windows XP 32, and I was planning on using C++ to program this (using the .NET serialport class). However, the only way I can currently conceive of doing it is by having a minor program running on start-up, w...