Remove .listing files recursively from Windows filesystem
Is there any command to recursively remove .listing files from a Windows folder? ...
Is there any command to recursively remove .listing files from a Windows folder? ...
I'll write a program for Interactive UNIX ( But in a year it will be ported to Windows. I'll write it in ANSI C and/or SH-script. When it runs on Windows it will be run as a Windows service. How do I make it as easy as possible for me? I want to change as little as possible when I port it...
I want to know if there is an equivalent cron in Windows and how I can use it programmatically using PHP. ...
WPF is promising us a lot of niceties, but some of them don't live up to our expectations. One example is the borderless window. So just this simple code added to the Xaml of the window: AllowsTransparency="True" Background="Transparent" WindowStyle="None" will make my it look nice like this: (ignore the ugly colors they got messed ...
In my (PowerBuilder) application, I'd like to be able to determine the graphicobject object which corresponds to a given window handle. Simply iterating over the Control[] array and comparing the value returned by the Handle() function for each of the child controls doesn't work, since not all objects in my application are children of t...
Hi, I'm loading a .p7b certificate file into memory and then calling CertCreateCertificateContext on it, but it fails with the error "ASN1 bad tag value met.". The call look like this: m_hContext = CertCreateCertificateContext(X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, pbCertEncoded, dwCertEncodedLen); This returns NULL and GetLastErro...
First,Im running a windows service that should contain a lot of funcionality.There will be a business layer and the results comming from this business layer will be sent over WCF to the presentation layer. I dont know how to structe all this functionality. So my questions are : 1. Should I create somekind of a Facade pattern class tha...
Does anyone know how to grant logon as a service permission in a C# code? ...
Starting with Windows Vista, Microsoft added a class of compatibility shims that will allow an application that assumes it has administrative file and registry access to continue to function. In other words: An application that failed on Windows XP would run on Windows Vista. These OS provided bug-fixes can be disabled by adding a sec...
Greetings dear Experts! Could you please advice me on how to cope with the problem: @echo off cls setlocal enabledelayedexpansion path=%CD%;%path% set NumberOfPages=553 rem set /A MaxFileIndex=%Counter% - 1 set MaxFileIndex=1 del Output.txt for /l %%i in (0,1,%MaxFileIndex%) do call :GenerateFileList %%i goto :eof :::::::::::::...
Is there any way to add folders to the sidebar in an MFC CFileDialog? (You know, the bar with shortcuts to "Recent Documents", "My Documents", etc. on the left side of the dialog.) Note that I do not mean that I want the user to have to hack the registry or something to permanently add folders to the sidebar system-wide, I'm talking abou...
Windows Server 2008. How can I quickly use up RAM so to induce GC in my app. If there is a way to do it without needing Visual Studio or installing a language runtime it would be good. EDIT: I don't want to have to write an app and then copy it over to the server. I'm looking for a way to do it quickly without writing an app that requir...
I have a Win32 Gui Application is there any way with Win32::GuiTest/or any other cpan module to automate this action : intercepting the keyboad sent by the user and change it then send it to the application ,if yes could someone show some example ? ...
For example, if writing a shell extension, is it necessary to register the typelib with CComModule::RegisterServer (i.e., I'm wondering if calling it with FALSE will cause some issues). ...
Windows has the capability to apply shims to mis-behaving applications. Shims are used to intercept API calls and change it. For example, shims can be used to: change the incoming paramters lie about the return values change it to call something else The Application Compatibility Tookit has quite a few existing shims you can apply to...
I have an application I'm writing using Qt 4.5.2 on Windows. I'm storing some settings in an INI file and using QSettings to load and save the settings. I'd like to have some comments in the INI file. For example: ; Meta-info to store with the file [General] MainWindow\size=@Size(1280 600) MainWindow\pos=@Point(0 300) Debugging=true ...
It should at least support asp/,best support PHP too. ...
I am getting this error when I create a new folder, and upload files to it. I have an existing site that's built, but I don't want to add this to the site, but rather have it be an application all by itself. Any ideas? ...
How can I, programmaticaly, read the hardware information of my drives? ...
I've always wanted a minimal windows NT build . Sounds like one's already there : MinWin. Can anyone tell me the exact design or architecture of MinWin and is it used in Windows 7 ? Windows Server 2008 already has a minimal Core build available for deployment . Why not Windows 7? ...