
Should I build a Windows Service in order to run my C# code on a schedule?

Hi ! I've written a console app that sends MS Reports to emails.. (the reason was that i could check it easily if it works) I want this to run daily at 6 am. My idea was to write a service (so nooone will need to be logged in and the service will run). So I'd like to call the static Method directly in a WebService. I've a solution wit...

C# system tray context menu showing below the icon

I have a Windows Application that I have created that utilizes the system tray to "hold" the application when it is open and running behind the scenes. However, the popup context menu that I created for it (used Infragistics UltraToolbarsManager), the menu appears but below the icon cutting off most of the menu. How do I rectify this pr...

_popen: do not show the shell window (SW_HIDE)

When I execute the _popen command in c++ mfc it opens a shell window which I don't like, is it possible to make it hidden? for example when you try to execute commands with ShellExecute function it has the option to hide the shell window with SW_HIDE. ...

Unicode filenames on Windows with Python & subprocess.Popen()

Why does the following occur: >>> u'\u0308'.encode('mbcs') #UMLAUT '\xa8' >>> u'\u041A'.encode('mbcs') #CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KA '?' >>> I have a Python application accepting filenames from the operating system. It works for some international users, but not others. For example, this unicode filename: u'\u041a\u0433\u044b\u044...

way to implement IPC

what is the preferred way to implement IPC over windows ? i know of several like : named pipe, shared memory, semaphors ? , maybe COM (though i'm not sure how)... i wanted to know what's considered the most robust,fast,least error prone and easy to maintain/understand. ...

Odd behaviour with components with akRight alignment

In one customer computer (windows vista) almost all forms of my app are oddly unnaligned. Making some investigation I noticed that every component with akRight anchor acts oddly, being positioned way more for the right. Searching in SO I found this issue wich is similar to mine but not exacly the same. Since I cannot reproduce the iss...

Resize a file (down)

I'm attempting to shrink a file in place. I'm replacing the contents of one file with those of another and when I'm done I want to make sure if the source file is smaller than the dest file, the dest file shrinks correctly. (Why: because the dest file is a backup and writing to the media is very expensive, so I only write the deltas to ...

How to log and compare Windows Registry data before and after any program installation ?

I need to compare the windows registry data before and after install a program ? ...

What does ShFileOperation do when the recycle bin is full?

I use this procedure: function MoveToRecycle(sFileName: widestring): Boolean; var fos: TSHFileOpStructW; begin FillChar(fos, SizeOf(fos), 0); with fos do begin wnd := 0; wFunc := FO_DELETE; pFrom := PWideChar(sFileName + #0 + #0); pTo := #0 + #0; fFlags := FOF_FILESONLY or FOF_ALLOWUNDO or FOF_NOCONFIRMATIO...

How to customize windows default right click pop-up menu

Hi! I have two questions. My first one is, that how can i "put" something into the default windows right click pop-up menu? I mean, if i click with the right mouse button on an .exe, then the default things appers(like cut, copy, send to, run as...), but how can i put there one extra line, like "MyApp", which will start my application? ...

double quote escaping in os.system on windows

Hi, I want to escape '"' and all other wild chars in program name and arguments, so I try to double quote them. and I can do this in cmd.exe C:\bay\test\go>"" "a" "b" "c" hello ['C:\\bay\\test\\go\\', 'a', 'b', 'c'] but what's wrong with the following code using os.sytem? cmd = '"" "a" "b" "c"' print cmd os.syst...

Windows.h error

I am getting error : WINDOWS.H already included. MFC apps must not #include <windows.h> Help needed. ...

Visual Studio Setup project sequence control

Can I run several installers from one installer in a defined succession? I have a webproject which requires a windows service, which requires a 3rd party converter product. So I have a WebProject installer which should run itself first (the webproject), then it should run a 3rd party installer and after that the windows service install...

CSharp - 2D windows form controls in a 3D space

Hi, please forgive me if this is not the proper place to post this question. I'm new to dotNET and know nothing about Direct3D and WPF. The tutorials I found out there don't seem to be suitable for a beginner like me. I want to create a simple windows form in CSharp which has its 2D controls placed in a 3D space, please guide me in a s...

Client side http proxy in ruby

What is a good approach to a client proxy written in ruby that I can use to create a custom filter. So far I've found Ruby Proxy using webrick Mousehole, a scriptable Ruby proxy by _why (UPDATE this was not robust) A little on the fringe, this guy wants to Use rack as thin proxy with his question. I don't think he got an answer; or...

C# How do I disable interactive login for a local user account. Similar to Network Service account

I've created a special user account for my applications use, and I need to know how to disable the interactive login feature so that it's only available as a system account. Right now any machine I deploy this application on, the user shows up in the login menu. Any help is appreciated. Is it a setting on the account or a GPO? ...

GStreamer or DirectShow for Windows development?

I'm implementing a lecture-capture project for a local university. Multiple video streams will arrive at one PC: the presenter's desktop slides, a video camera image of the presenter himself and optionally a digital whiteboard capture. These incoming streams will be managed by a desktop application that displays, transcodes/mixes and eve...

Windows Workflow Foundation 4.0 and Persistence

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 to learn to use Workflow Foundation (WF) version 4.0 prior to the upcoming release of Visual Studio 2010. One thing I've noticed is that if I persist a Workflow in the SQL Database persistence store, and then load it back into the application later and complete the workflow, the record is removed from...

Writing concurrently to a file

I have this tool in which a single log-like file is written to by several processes. What I want to achieve is to have the file truncated when it is first opened, and then have all writes done at the end by the several processes that have it open. All writes are systematically flushed and mutex-protected so that I don't get jumbled outp...

If Service Exists Condition

How would you check if a WIN32 service exists and, if so, do some operation? ...