
CMD: Bat to Exe Converter - Temp directory problem

Hello, i am using 'Bat to Exe Converter' to convert my batch files to exe format. Now, i am running into some problems. Whenever i convert something, and i set 'Working Directory' to 'Current Directory', and i start my exe in echo on mode, this is what i end up with to check if there is a specific file in the directory of my exe: the ...

How to handle seg faults under Windows?

How can a Windows application handle segmentation faults? By 'handle' I mean intercept them and perhaps output a descriptive message. Also, the ability to recover from them would be nice too, but I assume that is too complicated. ...

Cygwin port not working => exits immediately on launch

Hi, I am trying to port a C++ program from Linux to Windows using cygwin. I have it building and linking fine now, but when I launch the program, it exits immediately with an error. When I try it in gdb, I get the following 'unknown target exception' result: $ gdb ../../bin/ARCH.cygwin/release/myApp GNU gdb (cygwin...

windbg 6.11 doesnt work properly, and didnt load my pdb file. the old version works

i wrote a masm test program, compiled it with ml /c /coff /Zi then linked with link /debug /subsystem:console /entry:start test.obj kernel32.lib it works after compile/link . now , i just open the windbg 6.11, load the exe then press F10 twice, it doesnt show the source code. and the test.pdb is not loaded. my symbol path include the ...

kernel timer objects and synchronization

I wondered if anyone can tell me simply (I know this is not a simple subject) how kernel timer objects are used to synchronize access to data structures in the kernel? EDIT: A kernel timer object is part of the kernel's dispatcher objects, which are the kernel's group of synchronization objects. I wanted to also know if the timer obje...

how does clipboard work in windows

what is its data structure? is it xml based? how can it distinguish different content types? text, image, files... ...

Where's the best samples of Microsoft for developing c# win-based programs which connect to SQL Server Data base?

Hi all I searched within Microsoft web site. But you know, there were lots of samples and I didn't know which one is suitable for my purpose. I'm looking for the best samples of Microsoft for developing c# win-based programs which connect to SQL Server Data base. What I mean is, samples which use OOP concepts, use .NET 3+ features.... C...

how to use a resource file (txt - tab delimited) as a data source for win32 application

hi, i am working on a win32 app. i am currently using the text file which has tab delimited data as a source. i want to embed this as a resource so that i need not worry about shipping this file along with .exe file. can anyone tell me how to do it? ...

How do I programmatically scroll a control in Windows?

Hi, I have some controls like TWebBrowser, TRichText etc. which I want to scroll them (horizontally and/or vertically) from my program. How do I achieve this? PS: I think that it is doable by sending some messages to their handles but I don't know now which ones. TIA. ...

What is the C# equivalence of startup module we had in vb6.0?

hi What is the win-based application developing with C# equivalence of startup module we had in vb6.0? a static class ? or what? ...

MFC: CToolTipCtrl and user click

I would like to do a specific action when the user left-clicks on a tooltip (except on the close button) but I did not find any way to be notified for this kind of events, is this something possible with the CToolTipCtrl control? Thanks. ...

Desktop shortcut to restart a windows service

Is it possible to create a windows desktop shortcut that will restart a windows service? I'd like a button to restart my apache service after I have made changes to the config file. ...

How do 2 or more threads get synchronized using a timer in the Windows kernel?

I have been reading about the kernel using timers for thread synchronization. I haven't been able to find a decent explanation on how thread sync with timers works, I wondered if anyone can help me? MSDN: Kernel Dispatcher objects DPCs and timer objects <-- here it talks about 'synchronization timers' Also reading book Windows Intern...

How to create a virtual video capture driver for Windows?

I need to create a driver that presents itself to Windows as a video capture driver. The driver generates the video itself. How would I go about doing this? And please keep in mind that I'm using Visual C++ Express. ...

Faster method of reading screen pixel in Python than PIL?

Currently I'm using a pixel reader via AutoItv3 to perform some actions in a program that is running direct X; A game. Right now the program works fine but as an exercise I've been rewriting it in python. Right now I can do: import ImageGrab # Part of PIL image = ImageGrab.grab() #Define an area to capture. rgb = image.getpix...

Which is easier to write drivers for? Windows or LInux?

I am trying to learn a little about driver development and my question is, which OS has an easier API to develop drivers with? Windows or Linux? Remember that I am new to this. Thanks ...

Enumerating devices, and obtain their context

Hi to all. Developing an OpenGL application, I create a window, get the associated device context using GetDC, and create an OpenGL context on the device context handle returned by GetDC. It all ok. Before creating the OpenGL context, I shall call SetPixelFormat. Documentation says that SetPixelFormat shall be called only once (I think ...

PresentationFontCache.exe using 99% cpu after starting a WPF app

It happens on my father's machine that a service starts in the background, named PresentationFontCache.exe, as soon as my WPF app loads up. That process hogs 99% percent of the cpu constantly. As far as I know, PresentationFontCache.exe is a part of the .net framework 3.0. ...

How many tasks can task scheduler run simultaneously

How many tasks can task scheduler run at the same time? I have set up three backup tasks from within SQLyog, all to start running at 12:00 am and run at subsequent 4 hours until midnight. Each task will backup all tables from three different databases to a network attached storage. Will there be any impact on the MySQL Server performanc...

c++ identify current thread in function?

Hi! let's say i have a singleton object with a static function: static int MySingletonObject::getInt() now i would like to return a different int depending on which workingthread (MFC threading) is calling the function. I know that i can pass parameters to the threadingfunction when creating the thread. But Is there a way to identif...