i am using 'Bat to Exe Converter' to convert my batch files to exe format.
Now, i am running into some problems.
Whenever i convert something, and i set 'Working Directory' to 'Current Directory', and i start my exe in echo on mode, this is what i end up with to check if there is a specific file in the directory of my exe:
the ...
How can a Windows application handle segmentation faults? By 'handle' I mean intercept them and perhaps output a descriptive message. Also, the ability to recover from them would be nice too, but I assume that is too complicated.
I am trying to port a C++ program from Linux to Windows using cygwin. I have it building and linking fine now, but when I launch the program, it exits immediately with an error. When I try it in gdb, I get the following 'unknown target exception' result:
$ gdb ../../bin/ARCH.cygwin/release/myApp
GNU gdb (cygwin...
i wrote a masm test program, compiled it with ml /c /coff /Zi then linked with link /debug /subsystem:console /entry:start test.obj kernel32.lib
it works after compile/link .
now , i just open the windbg 6.11, load the exe then press F10 twice, it doesnt show the source code.
and the test.pdb is not loaded.
my symbol path include the ...
I wondered if anyone can tell me simply (I know this is not a simple subject) how kernel timer objects are used to synchronize access to data structures in the kernel?
A kernel timer object is part of the kernel's dispatcher objects, which are the kernel's group of synchronization objects. I wanted to also know if the timer obje...
what is its data structure? is it xml based? how can it distinguish different content types? text, image, files...
Hi all
I searched within Microsoft web site. But you know, there were lots of samples and I didn't know which one is suitable for my purpose.
I'm looking for the best samples of Microsoft for developing c# win-based programs which connect to SQL Server Data base. What I mean is, samples which use OOP concepts, use .NET 3+ features....
i am working on a win32 app. i am currently using the text file which has tab delimited data as a source. i want to embed this as a resource so that i need not worry about shipping this file along with .exe file.
can anyone tell me how to do it?
I have some controls like TWebBrowser, TRichText etc. which I want to scroll them (horizontally and/or vertically) from my program.
How do I achieve this?
PS: I think that it is doable by sending some messages to their handles but I don't know now which ones.
What is the win-based application developing with C# equivalence of startup module we had in vb6.0? a static class ? or what?
I would like to do a specific action when the user left-clicks on a tooltip (except on the close button) but I did not find any way to be notified for this kind of events, is this something possible with the CToolTipCtrl control?
Is it possible to create a windows desktop shortcut that will restart a windows service?
I'd like a button to restart my apache service after I have made changes to the config file.
I have been reading about the kernel using timers for thread synchronization. I haven't been able to find a decent explanation on how thread sync with timers works, I wondered if anyone can help me?
MSDN: Kernel Dispatcher objects
DPCs and timer objects <-- here it talks about 'synchronization timers'
Also reading book Windows Intern...
I need to create a driver that presents itself to Windows as a video capture driver. The driver generates the video itself. How would I go about doing this? And please keep in mind that I'm using Visual C++ Express.
Currently I'm using a pixel reader via AutoItv3 to perform some actions in a program that is running direct X; A game. Right now the program works fine but as an exercise I've been rewriting it in python. Right now I can do:
import ImageGrab # Part of PIL
image = ImageGrab.grab() #Define an area to capture.
rgb = image.getpix...
I am trying to learn a little about driver development and my question is, which OS has an easier API to develop drivers with? Windows or Linux?
Remember that I am new to this.
Hi to all.
Developing an OpenGL application, I create a window, get the associated device context using GetDC, and create an OpenGL context on the device context handle returned by GetDC. It all ok.
Before creating the OpenGL context, I shall call SetPixelFormat. Documentation says that SetPixelFormat shall be called only once (I think ...
It happens on my father's machine that a service starts in the background, named PresentationFontCache.exe, as soon as my WPF app loads up. That process hogs 99% percent of the cpu constantly. As far as I know, PresentationFontCache.exe is a part of the .net framework 3.0.
How many tasks can task scheduler run at the same time?
I have set up three backup tasks from within SQLyog, all to start running at 12:00 am and run at subsequent 4 hours until midnight. Each task will backup all tables from three different databases to a network attached storage.
Will there be any impact on the MySQL Server performanc...
let's say i have a singleton object with a static function:
static int MySingletonObject::getInt()
now i would like to return a different int depending on which workingthread (MFC threading) is calling the function.
I know that i can pass parameters to the threadingfunction when creating the thread. But Is there a way to identif...