Windows Mobile app copy file to desktop?
Is it possible to write a WinMo app that copies files from the device to the attached desktop? I know RAPI works from the desktop to the mobile, but I'd like to turn that around if I can. ...
Is it possible to write a WinMo app that copies files from the device to the attached desktop? I know RAPI works from the desktop to the mobile, but I'd like to turn that around if I can. ...
My process sometimes throws exception like dllnotfound after start. i have a monitor service responsible for maintaining the consistent state of the process. how can i keep track of state of my process using windows service. is there an open source implementation of windows service that maintains/track the state of process in windo...
Do any of you use tiling window managers in Windows? There are a ton of them for linux systems but mostly everything I see on the wiki are 1 person projects or old shareware. Does anyone have any experience with these managers or others? ...
Does anybody know how the NdrClientCall2() function in rpcrt4.dll can be called in code or how it can be used? We've gone through the MSDN help -, but didn't get any examples/samples how to use this function. Please provide help. Thank you. ...
@echo off for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=," %%x in (my.csv) do ( if %M% LSS %%x set M=%%x ) echo Max X Value= %M% Sometimes it works fine, sometime not with following error!! %x was unexpected at this time. ...
I created a backup disk image of my disk yesterday and the software told me to close all Windows programs to make sure the process finishes successfully. I did that, but I was wondering what happens when some program does write to the disk nevertheless during the process. Windows 7 is a complex system and surely various log files and su...
I created a search facility with ExtJS and PHP. The PHP file is the server side script with communicates with the database. On my Linux Environment, its working flawlessly. However, since I need to install this application on a Windows Server, I tried to copy it to my personal Windows XP. I installed Apache, PHP with the necessary exten...
Hi, i want to do the following from a Windows batch script: start proc1.exe start proc2.exe ... start procN.exe <wait for all N processes to complete> <-- What do i put here? So how do i wait for all spawned processes to complete? TIA. ...
Hello! I am desparately searching for place several graphics having a transparent background on the same background with GDI+. I did not have any programming experience with Windows or graphic programming (like games) before, so it is more difficult to find a solution. GDI+ has a transparent colour. GDI+ only uses the transparency infor...
OK. Our product works. Beta testers are actually getting their stuff done. Time for the next iteration. But how to ensure quality? We need a tester! How do I get someone fresh off the street started in testing? I have no clue on how to do it myself (I'm a developer, not a tester)! We are a tiny team: 2 architects (as in buildings, no...
Hi guys, My environment is XP 32-bit. I find when allocated memory is nearly the maximum size, 2GB, that means a little virtual space is available, allocationnew memory is very slow. So if I have a page file, my app need to analyze them. I have two ways. One is to read them all into system memory, then do the analysis. The other is to...
Can I check the page fault time or something else.. :) ...
I want to optimize my application number of threads. Almost all of them have IO beside CPU usage in an equal value. How much is the efficient number of threads when there are no other applications running in system. I want the answer for Windows and under JVM. ...
I have a WPF Window with several TextBoxes on it. I have an XSD dataset attached to a SQL server database, and the window is bound to a row from the tableadapter: public partial class PersonForm : Window { public PersonForm(int id) { InitializeComponent(); MyDatasetTableAdapters.personTableAdapter tableAdapter ...
try { pConnect = sess->GetFtpConnection(, ftpArgs.userName, ftpArgs.password, port, FALSE ); } catch (CInternetException* pEx) { loginErrCode = GetLastError(); printf("loginErrCode: %d\n", loginErrCode); if(loginErrCode == 12013) { printf("Incorrect user name!\n"); exit(0); } ...
Hey guys, Here's the scenario I'm currently running into: Programmer A (Using a Mac Version of Dreamweaver) edits file client.php and commits that file to the production branch of Project Foo's repository Programmer B (Using a Windows Version of Dreamweaver) edits file client.php to fix a bug in the that file. He then does a cp client...
Each time I typed: gem install rails it asked me for a dll. SO I downloaded the following: datasvcs.dll, icudt24l.dll, icuin24.dll, icuio24.dll, icuuc24.dll, libeay32.dll, libmex.dll, libmwservices.dll, libmx.dll, libut.dll, libz.dll, mpath.dll, msvcrt-ruby191.dll, mvalue.dll, m_dispatcher.dll, nscrt.dll, readline.dll, sslea...
In AutoIt v3 there's a function called: HotKeySet. It sets a hotkey that calls a user function when pressed. It's system wide hotkey meaning that the key when hotkey is set can't be used for anything else. Basically I would like to catch ESC or any other key like $ ` etc and when user presses it anywhere even outside of the app it shou...
We are looking to set up automated UI tests and were wondering what the best approach is, what are the potential pitfalls, is it expensive to set up? Thanks in advance. B ...
I implemented a wizard using property sheet. One one page I display tooltip if user enters something invalid. It is a tracking tooltip so I have to manually turn it on and off. Now I want to move the tooltip when the wizard page moves. It seems that only the property sheet window receives WM_MOVE event from Windows. The page does not. I...