Is it possible to test for folder redirection in .net? I don't mean reparse points/junctions, I mean when a folder (usually My Documents) is redirected to a server.
In such cases, if you are traversing the folder system of a PC you'll encounter an IO error if you reach the local version of the folder. So it would be useful to be able t...
Is there an API in Windows similar to Linux's chown?
How to convert __int64 to long in Windows (MSVC8 & MSVC6)?
Will a normal typecasting work?
Also, how about converting long to __int64? If the long is a negative value, will it work?
Note - I am talking of a scenario in which the __int64 variable will always contain a value which will not be more than 32 bits long.
Where can I get the structure for an HID device?
For example:
raw data from a device, using GetRawInputData:
( 0 137 117 0 146 130 24 128 0 )
( 0 137 117 0 146 130 8 128 0 )
at this I can see that || there is being a button released
that means, at the 6-th char at 4-th bit
By analyzing the...
There are lots of PE file browsers. Here is a list of good ones if you are interested:
PE File format viewers:
PE Explorer
PE VIew:
PEBrowse Professional
PE Browse Professional Interactive ...
I want to find out the process path of a service from a user session process. Basically I'm doing:
pid = pid of service process
CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, pid )
I get access denied when calling the above API. Is there other way to get the service process path given its PID bypassing the security check from a user ses...
Hello SO,
Is the max limitation for malloc (virtual heap I guess?) for a 32-bit app on a 64-bit system (Windows 2003 SP2 x64, to be specific) 2GB?
I'm basically trying to push a program beyond that with no luck. So I was wondering if that holds true for ALL 32-bit apps on Win x64 bit platforms.
Thank you!
Scenario :
I mapped a network drive on a Win XP machine and I double click a .bat file to execute this Ruby script. The .rb and .bat file reside on this networked drive.
The batch file is as follows :
cd Z:\ABC\StatusCheck\
"C:\Program Files\Ruby\Bin\ruby.exe" Z:\ABC\StatusCheck\rubyScript.rb 6
The Ruby file is as follows :
I have a small HTTP server script I've written using eventmachine which needs to call external scripts/commands and does so via backticks (``). When serving up requests which don't run backticked code, everything is fine, however, as soon as my EM code executes any backticked external script, it stops serving requests and stops executing...
I need to get the mapping of MAC to IP stored on DHCP server, either through a program running on the server itself or preferably through a program running on one of the DHCP clients.
I understand netsh utility can be used to get the dump however i have not had much success with that.
Any working examples or hint on that?
I have admin...
I often need to display a list of files to the user, say, as a result of a search query.
Typically I describe my own simple DataTemplate for FileInfo. But I'm lazy to re-implement all the Explorer's functionality: the Views, Sorting, Context Menus and drag&drop.
I feel like the problem is common and someone has already assembled a go...
What is a good way to compare two individual characters (either char or UTF-16 wchar_ts) ignoring case?
A trivial implementation would be upper- or lowercasing both. Is one of these considered better, or are there other methods?
I understand that a completely correct comparison is not possible with all details of Unicode. The comparis...
I'm trying to create a remote directory, and then write a file to it. Every great once in a while, the application fails with a System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException while trying to write the file.
When I write the file, I'm using the returned DirectoryInfo object to help create the file path, so the application seems to think that the d...
My apologies if this has been asked before, I wasnt quite sure if this question should be asked on a programming forum, as it more relates to programming environment than a particular technology, so please accept my (double) appologies if I am posting this in the wrong place, my logic in this case was if it effects the code I write, then...
Risk Factors for File Fragmentation include mostly full Disks and repeated file appends. What are other risk factors for file fragmentation? How would one make a program using common languages like C++/C#/VB/VB.NET to work with files & make new files with the goal of increasing file fragmentation?
WinXP / NTFS is the target
Edit: Wou...
Is there a way to know when a process is hung? is there a win32 call for this?
When I run an executable that I built, I get the following error:
The system cannot execute the specified program
My immediate thought was that it was a dependency problem with one of the VC8.0 re-distributable DLLs (msvcr80d.dll et al.). We have had a few problems with patched versions of these DLLs affecting our programs.
When I...
I found the windows style WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW but this changes the title bar. Is there a way to not have the tasktray icon but keep the normal window titlebar?
I'm trying to get the file corresponding to a given system font, e.g: In my system I have the font "Algerian" with the corresponding file "C:\Windows\Fonts\ALGER.TTF", and the font Batang, with the file "C:\Windows\Fonts\batang.ttc".
I've seen a couple of posts saying that I can do this by iterating the fonts folder and extracting t...
I've developed an application with Strawberry Perl using wxPerl. The application is compiled using:
wxpar -f Crypto -F Crypto -M Filter::Crypto::Decrypt --compress=9 --gui --icon=icon.ico --lib=./lib --module=App::Order --module=Wx --module=App::GUI::Main --module=App::GUI::Frame --module=App::GUI::Forms::Settings --mod...