
Get all windows which overlap my window

I want to find all windows which entirely or partly overlap my window (are on top of it). As a special case, if I have two window handles (hWnd1 and hWnd2), I want to find if hWnd2 partly or completely overlaps hWnd1. The windows in question are desktop windows (not children/siblings in the same process). ...

strange result when calling SHFileOperation to delete file after install MS office2003

I use following code to delete a file. it wroks well. SHFILEOPSTRUCT FileOp; ZeroMemory(&FileOp, sizeof(SHFILEOPSTRUCT)); FileOp.hwnd = m_hAppHandle; FileOp.wFunc = FO_DELETE; //delete FileOp.pFrom = szPath; FileOp.pTo = NULL; FileOp.fFlags = FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | FOF_NOERRORUI; FileOp.fAnyOperationsAborted = FALSE; FileOp.hNameMappin...

shutdown.exe parameters with dashes or slashes?

I use a call of shutdown.exe to reboot machines having different versions of Windows installed. For Windows XP the command is: shutdown.exe -r -f -t 01 For other versions of Windows I use: shutdown.exe /L /R /C /Y /T:1 Now it seems, that the second command won't work on Windows XP. Does anybody know which versions of Windows suppo...

Can I get the RGB of a system color in C# without using pinvoke?

I want to determine the RGB color of a system color such as SystemColors.HotTrack. Is there a way to do this without resorting to using P/Invoke and GetSysColor (not including drawing into a bitmap and checking pixel values)? ...

Script to pull out info out of very large drives

Hi Guys, I need a script that can gather folders/files information from large drives (600GB to 1TB). The info that I will need are: Full name/path of the file File Size Date Created Date Modified Date last accessed. So far I have the code below: dir 'e:\' -recurse | select FullName,Length,CreationTime,LastWriteTime,LastAcces...

setting windows live messenger nick and status message using win32com.client

is their any way to set windows live messenger using the win32com library ? ...

How to Store a VARIANT

Hi, I need to store a VARIANT of type bstr in a stl vector. I'm not sure how should I store VARIANT type in vector. vector<VARIANT> vec_MyVec; VARIANT var_Temp; VariantInit(&var_Temp); var_Temp.vt = VT_BSTR var_Temp.bstrVal = SysAllocString("Test"); vec_MyVec.push_back(var_Temp); Is this implementation cause a memor...

Run an exe when machine starts

I have created an SMS application in .NET. I wanted that the application should run when the computer starts, even before the user logs in. Just like the SQL Server. ...

In WindowListener,how to avoid all methods declaration while using a single eventof WindowClosing()?

(WindowClosing) when i am using window event for closing current frame, in that it asked import all abstract methods.. How to import windowClosing event without import all sbstract methods? ...

C++ in Windows: GetLastError code 998 during named pipe communication

I have implemented a named pipe server that communicates with multiple named pipe clients. Generally it works, but in some instances, the Client would not be able to get a valid result from TransactNamedPipe. The GetLastError code returned is 998 (Invalid memory access). Which is weird, because the handle I used for TransactNamedPipe was...

InstallAnywhere/LaunchAnywhere modifies the command-line arguments in java application

Hi I have a console application, written in java, and packaged to an executable file (.exe) using InstallAnywhere. Problem is, it seems that the LaunchAnywhere wrapper modifies the way command-line arguments are transferred to the application. (The application itself is some kind of SQL client wrapper, so correct arguments escaping and h...

Is there anyway to compile mac binaries from a windows machine?

Seems like there wouldn't be, but it would help us out if there was. I wish to pull the source down to a windows server and compile it and have it be the same as if I had pulled the source code down to a mac machine and used xcode on it. Any Ideas? Reasons: Release Engineering and IT are much more familiar and comfortable on windows, so...

Installing python with python win32 extensions on a network drive

I need to keep a large number of Windows XP machines running the same version of python, with an assortment of modules, one of which is python-win32. I thought about installing python on a network drive that is mounted by all the client machines, and just adjust the path on the clients. Python starts up fine from the network, but when ...

Random Complete System Unresponsiveness Running Mathematical Functions

I have a program that loads a file (anywhere from 10MB to 5GB) a chunk at a time (ReadFile), and for each chunk performs a set of mathematical operations (basically calculates the hash). After calculating the hash, it stores info about the chunk in an STL map (basically <chunkID, hash>) and then writes the chunk itself to another file ...

Open a program with python minimized or hidden.

Hi, What I'm trying to do is to write a script which would open an application only in process list. Meaning it would be "hidden". I don't even know if its possible in python. If its not possible, I would settle for even a function that would allow for a program to be opened with python in a minimized state maybe something like this: ...

How to get rid of Windows Live Writer Block Quotes in code snippet?

WLW has this annoying habit of assuming you want to "Block Quote" when you tab. I have no idea how to shut this riduculous feature off. Worst of all, if you use a code-snippet plugin, it completely messes it up. Anyone know how do disable this feature? ...

Programmatically hiding properties in a PropertyGrid

Hi, I'm looking to hide/show properties depending on what selection the user makes in a drop. I am handling the event fine, but cannot actually make the correct properties disappear. The solutions I have found on line are mainly from 2005 and as I've had very little experience with it I thought I must be doing something wrong if hiding ...

Serbian characters clipboard problem

Hi, One of my clients needs to post Serbian (cyrillic) text into WordPress weblog by copying it from the MS Word document into WordPress rich text editor. For some reason, all cyrillic characters are converted into their latin equivalents when we paste it into rich editor. The same problem occurs when we try to paste the text into Notepa...

nmap ports scan closes udp socket on windows open by ipworks v4

Upon receiving UDP packets from nmap (port scanner), UDP socket that were open by ivrworks (v4) is being closed without any notification. Has anyone encountered such a problem ...

Windows Mobile - open file in emulator

I am writing a C++ application for Windows Mobile and cannot find any solution to my problem. In my application I want to open a WAV file. There are 2 problems for me: what function shall I use to open and close a file? Is fopen sufficient? where shall I put the WAV file on my PC's harddrive to open it from the emulator? And what direc...