I am not quite sure about the difference among the console (in "windows console application"), cmd.exe, a shell.
I know cmd.exe is a stand-alone process when running, is cmd.exe == shell ? So shell is just a process?
is console == cmd.exe?
MSDN says ProcessStartInfo.UseShellExecute==True means use the shell when starting the process,...
I just want to know how to capture a portion of the screen .Getting the screen hot of a particular location and size in windows
I want to do this using some windows key functionality
I am not doing using and code and i am not looking for any tool.
I just want to know if this is possible in windows
Or any other normal scripting language for that matter. I know there is VBScript and JScript. But I don't really like those for any kind of computing.
I would really love to have python or ruby (or perl) interpreter installed with windows by default so when I write small console applications I wouldn't need to distribute whole python in...
I thought fsync() does fflush() internally so using fsync() on a stream is OK. But i am getting unexpected result when executed under network I/O.
My code snippet:
FILE* fp = fopen(file,"wb");
/* multiple fputs() call like: */
fputs(buf, fp);
fputs(buf.c_str(), fp);
/* get fd of the FIL...
I have some .exe name i want to terminate if its running, how?
Edit: I modified mike's example to this, and its perfect:
WinExec("taskkill /IM notepad.exe /F", SW_HIDE);
Is there a command-line based version of svn for Windows? I know I can get TortoiseSVN, but that just doesn't work for me.
If I select to filter the "Application" log in the EventLog viewer, I can see a lot of Sources registered with the "Application" log. How could I programatically enumerate all these sources via C#? And it seems I cannot register my own evento source with "Application" and "System" log, why?
BTW: The concept of "event source" is really c...
I'm just experimenting with JFrames and would like to know if my application window is fully visible or obscured by some other application window. The other application window can be a native app. If this is possible, can I retrieve the size and position of the area that is not visible?
I've tried following the directions listed here, but it seems damn near everything in the ruby/rails community is NOT designed with windows in mind. Had to install MINGW32 and MSYS to even get native gems to compile. Had to install the Git Bash as the templates that are run assume you've got git functioning on your system. Depending on w...
I have a tray application that registers with the shell to receive notifications when a drive is added to the system or when media is inserted into a drive (via SHChangeNotifyRegister). Upon receipt of those notifications, I attempt to open the drive to query some properties from it. For my testing I am using a simple USB flash drive. ...
I've been working with Visual Studio 2010 Beta-2 to get some advanced learning on WF4.
Everything was going fine until today, when I un-installed Visual Studio 2010 Beta-2, and installed the Visual Studio 2010 Release Candidate. My code is complaining that it can’t find the System.Runtime.Persistence namespace that I am using, and also,...
When creating a child process in C++ using Windows API, one can allow inheritance of handles from parent to child. In a Microsoft example "Creating a Child Process with Redirected Input and Output", redirecting a child process' std in/out to pipes created by the parent, it is necessary to allow inheritance for the redirection pipes to be...
Can anyone point me to a guide for creating inf files? In particular, I'm looking for a parameter reference for the SetupInfObjectInstallAction command that you use to set up an uninstall.
I will jump right in, to be brief and descriptive:
C++, Windows API
I am creating child processes using CreateProcess to run external (command-line) applications. I have built in a time-out, and if the child process has not returned normal execution by that time, I wish to force termination on that child process.
Ideally, I would lik...
Hello Everyone,
I've recently heard about Qt and read about how fun it is to develop with. By the way, I'm also buying a Nokia N900 and I heard that its operating system, Maemo 5, supports Qt quite nicely, so I thought I'll give it a shot.
I'm a .NET developer, so I'd prefer to develop on Windows, and if it is possible, using Visual St...
I'm developing a game for windows for learning purposes (I'm learning DirectX). I would like it to have UTF support.
Reading this question I learned that windows uses wchar_t, which is UTF-16. I want my game to have Lua scripting support, and Lua doesn't really like Unicode much.. It simply treats strings as a "stream of bytes"; this wo...
How can I capture them?
Is there any module/lib to do it?
Please if it do, post an example
I just got setup on my first Windows Server 2008 / IIS7.5 server for a contest I am participating in. I can't for the life of me figure out how to turn OFF error handling COMPLETELY. The only options I see are:
Detailed Local, custom for remote
I want to turn the feature off completely, and I don't see any way to do t...
I am working on a project which has about 15 files that I edit often. So in the past, when I start up IDLE, I open those 15 files for editing individually.
I simply wonder if there is a way to automate this, via a .bat file or something. I'm not too good with command line, but I did a bit of research. I came across this page: http://doc...
I made an MFC application, and now i want to turn off the window's close button during i do my copy operations. I did it successfull with this code:
BOOL bEnable = FALSE; // To disable
CMenu* pSM = GetSystemMenu( , FALSE );
if ( pSM )