I'm using the following code to add custom taxonomies to my menu in wordpress. I need to make these "sub" items under Products.
Example right now they are showing up:
Photography > Lighting
Photography > Cameras
I need them to show up as
Products > Photography > Lighting
Products > Photography > Cameras
add_filter( 'wp_page_me...
I am looking at creating a selection pretty similar to the posts and categories in Wordpress admin page.
When you add a new post you can select multiple categories that it belongs too.
I have a video and playlist plugin that I need to associate with one another.
How would I go about achieving this?
I am using add post meta function to save some data and its not working
//include '../../../wp-blog-header.php';
$unique = "true";
$pageID = $_GET['postID'];
echo "pageID:";
echo $pageID;
echo "</br>";
$num_posts = $_GET['num_posts'];
echo "num_posts: ";
echo $num_posts;
echo "</br>";
$num_posts_meta_key = "num_posts";
A client of mine has a site in wordpress, with one section being a directory of agents that each have different text and videos associated with them.
The client wants to be able to easily add/remove/change these agents from within the wordpress admin interface. There will be anywhere from 50-75 of these agents, so doing each pa...
I'm new to the Wordpress plugin and widget APIs, but I'm sure this is possible.
I'd like to make a plugin or widget that would create links to other posts or external sites based on certain keywords/tags in the content of the given page/post.
Is this possible?
For example, if a term is in all-caps, link to the Wiktionary definition; i...
I want to create a WordPress plug-in but also want to ensure that the plugin can only be used after it has been activated with a serial key that should be unique for each domain.
What is the best way to go about it assuming:
I have to give the actual source code to the users and cannot have a VideoPress type of security - which is jus...
I have a three tables for my wordpress plugin.
videos = id, name
playlists = id, name
video_playlist = id, video_id, playlist_id
how do I get multiple results for multiple tables.
ie, I am busy editing a playlist and would like to display all videos in the playlist.
so the ID for the playlist you are viewing is passed and that i...
hi ,
my friends ..
I want to design a small plugin ..
it is work is: when the user write a post for example :
<< WordPress >> widgets are the dynamic objects which eases the customization of the content on << sidebars >> and widgetized << footers >>. << Widgets >> allows drag-n-drop interface in the Dashboard << admin panel >>, for ea...
In WordPress there is Biographical Info under Profile. I would like to prevent the user from exceeding a maximum length of 400 characters. Also, the number of hyperlinks he can place in the biographical info should not exceed three. How do I do that? I am very familiar with JQuery, if that helps in this question. I am just a newbie with ...
Hi , all
I write a simple wordpress plugins ..
it is for friend blogs , using wordpres 3
but I don't know where is the problem ..
this is the code ..
Plugin Name: RandFriendB
Plugin URI: http://www.abosami.com
Description: Show your frineds blogs ..
Version: 1.0
Author: abosami
Author URI: http://www.abosami.com
So I have this line of code inside a WordPress plugin. The code file is in the same folder as the XML file I'm trying to load. When I remove the full path and leave just the filename I get an I/O error.
What's the correct way to load...
I am using the SWFUpload from http://www.anedix.com/data/file/news/realname/swfupload-php-example-v1_4.zip and want to integrate this into my wordpress plugin.
In the example file there are JS files that need to be referenced.
I have enqueued these files in my plugin and they seems to be picked up in the header.
function add_...
So this is my url: http://site.com/category/my-nice-category/my-nice-subcategory/ how can I remove category from the URL, i've tried alot of things and plugins but doesn't work.
Best Regards,
One of the things that drives me crazy about wp devolopement is I'm never able to find the right hook so I figured I would ask here. What I'm trying to do is add a message to the top of each page by having my plugin add a function. What's the best hook to use. I want to insert conent right after the <body> tag.
Below is the code snippet. But when I call it the top menu is repeated twice it also repeats itself in the submenu.
if (!class_exists("ex")) {
class ex {
function ex() { //constructor
function Main() {
echo "test";
function ConfigureMenu() {
add_menu_page("Ex", "ex", "manage_options", 's_ex', array('ex','Main...
I'd like to create a drop down menu with all posts currently on my site using Wordpress 3.0. How can I fetch this data from the database using the wordpress API?
Hi, I'm developing a WordPress plugin that uses 2 pages for a specific purpose.
When I create the two pages manually with a template that I created they are listed as links on the main page but I don't want them to be shown. How can I avoid them to be shown?
Can I change something on my template so that they are not shown?
I've got some Wordpress CPTs. They correct URL should be /wordpress/training/training-page/, and that's the URL I see in the admin manage page, but when I click the link the URL I end up with is /wordpress/blog/2010/05/21/training-page/.
I deactivated my plugins with no success. Does anyone know how to keep the correct URL intact?
Build a quick plugin that makes use of dropdown menus in some instances.
Is there a wordpress correct way in recalling option:selected values?
How would I include a WYSIWYG editor on the admin settings page as opposed to a standard text area?