
Wordpress php: Way to test if pages are children of a parent page?

Hi - Working on my first Wordpress site so I'm sure this is a really basic question. I'm struggling to write a conditional php statement that performs a certain action when a page is a child of a parent page. For example, rather than just specifying one page, as below, I'd like to specify all pages that have the 'About Us' page as a pa...

removing given website urls from content

Hi, i have a wordpress blog and several authors. i want to auto remove some website urls from my blog content. For example i don't want ANY myspace urls in post content, not only myspace.com than myspace.com/whatever or myspace.com/faq.html... Is that possible to do that with some php codes or adding some codes to .htaccess file ? Than...

array_slice() warning in php and wordpress

I write this code function get_feed(){ // Get RSS Feed(s) include_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss.php'); $rss = fetch_rss('http://dorar.shamekh.ws/?feed=rss2'); $maxitems = 1; $items = array_slice($rss->items, 0, $maxitems,false); return $items; } ass a part of plugin for wordpress , its work fine in my local server , but when I uploa...

How is WordPress' .htaccess and SEO built?

I have thought about using WordPress – or maybe just copy a few functions to a internal site – but before I'd use it I would like to know how it's working. I'm thinking that WP is a bunch of slamcode so I'm hoping some of you could help me on how it's built. How is the .htaccess and URL rewrite combined with index.php? - The .htaccess ...

How can I force people to register when using wordpress.

How can I force people to register when using wordpress. ...

How to prevent access to wordpress blog by ip?

I am having problems as some computer from an IP address is trying to access all the files on my server. How should I change the htaccess file so that IP address gets NO access at all to any files? And which htaccess file do I change? It looks like I have one inside each folder. ...

What does it mean when I see some IPs look at hundreds of pages on my website?

What should I do when I see some IP in my logs scrolling through 100s of pages on my site? I have a wordpress blog, and it seems like this isn't a real person. This happens almost daily with different IPs. UPDATE: Oh, i forgot to mention, I'm pretty sure it's not a search engine spider. The hostname is not a searchengine, but some rando...

How to use the jQuery Cycle Plugin with WordPress?

I have tried everything that I can think of. It shouldn't be this hard. Can some one please explain to me the process of using jQuery with WordPress (specifically jQuery Cycle Plugin)? in header.php I have: <?php wp_enqueue_script('jquery.cycle.all.min', '/wp-content/themes/andrewhavens/jquery.cycle.all.min.js', array('jquery')); ...

Dummy blog entries for Wordpress theme development

I'm developing a custom wordpress blog theme. Does anyone know if there is a dummy database of entries that I can use for development? At the moment I'm using live data from my own blog, which is okay, but I've seen themes on the wordpress database that have the same entries using all the different things that appear, forms, styled tex...

where do i find the wordpress "promote" class?

I created a site using wordpress. I installed the 'starkers' theme and modified it. However, inside the of the single.php, there's a bunch of text promoting the blog. This is enclosed within a class of promote. I have been searching for where this text is located throughout my site but I cant seem to find it. I had initially thought th...

Wordpress advanced SQL - joins and counts

This is how things work I use Wordpress category tables and have 2 main categories. The first one is called "location" and the other one "subject". Both categories have sub categories of their own. In my example we have "location" category 17 and "subject" category 3. This is what I want to do I want to select ONLY the data where BOTH ...

Related posts from the blogosphere - dynamic integration of Google Blogsearch RSS on wordpress category pages

OK, I'm looking for a method to put the three latest "news" from Google Blogsearch/Twitter search feeds into the bottom of category Pages. Maybe like this (assuming we're on the archive page for the "Sports" category): What others say about "Sport": Instapundit - Michael Jordan Comeback! Huffington post - Michael Jordan Comeback! Craz...

How to get the category title in a post in Wordpress?

Say I have a post called Hello World in Wordpress and I'm directly viewing this page, how would I go about finding the category of "Hello World" and displaying it? ...

How can other users be updated when a comment is posted, other than the author in wordpress?

We have a wordpress setup, with a closed user group (ie one cannot create a login for himself). Whenever I write a blog & comments are posted to it, I get updated over mail. But, how to make sure to update other users also. ...

AJAX 404 with results using BuddyPress

On my development machine everything works fine. On the live server (Godaddy), the AJAX requests from BuddyPress are returning results and a 404 error in FireBug. But the script is seeing the results as a fail and the indicators continue to spin. Example: http://jobaru.com/ on the homepage there is Newest | Active | Popular under me...

WordPress Help?

If I add wordpress to my site do I have to use there templates for my site because I really don't want to I would like to keep my layout that I hand coded myself. And is it possible to just install a plugin from wordpress to my site without installing wordpress? One last question is there a PHP and MySQL plugin that will create a datab...

Permalinks not working for wordpress MU, images not showing up - .htaccess Problem

Hi, I moved 3 different wordpress installations to one single Wordpress MU. Every thing except Permalinks are not working and images are not loading on the webpages. Image URL style http://subdomain.domain.com/files/2009/05/image.gif I get 404. but if change i change it to wp-content/blogs.dir/4/files/2009/05/image.gif It works perfect...

wordpress performance benchmarking

I have setup a wordpress based blog for online flash games. The website is www.nirgame.com. i need to know what tools can be used for performance testing the website. Sorry for being naive but i come from the C++ world and this PHP/Apache/MySql thing is new to me. ...

Wordpress style stats for regular pages

Hi, I am wondering if there is something similar to Wordpress stats or if I can use the Wordpress stats engine on a regular site (which does not use Wordpress). I really like the interface of the stats and although I have Google Analytics installed, I see myself more comfortable with the WordPress stats engine. Can you suggest me a goo...

Assign thumbnail to new wordpress category

I am building my first wordpress theme and was hoping that when the user made a new category, there was a way of automatically generating a thumbnail for it from the first image uploaded as a post to this category (it is a portfolio theme). Does anyone know how this might be coded? It cannot rely on hard coding as the user does not kno...