
Ordering Wordpress posts by most recent comment

I'm wanting to order Wordpress posts by the most recent comment. To the best of my knowledge this isn't possible using the WP_Query object, and would require a custom $wpdb query, which I can easily write. However, I then don't know how to setup the loop to run off this object. Can anyone help? ...

Transactions in wordpress database

Wordpress is using MyISAM storage engine. MyISAM does not support transactions. How wordpress is maintaining transactions? I mean if wordpress is having two database write operations, how does it ensure atomicity? ...

WordPress Business Directory - best approach

I want to implement a business directory in WordPress and I am looking for feedback on the best approach: I have a categories and a businesses table Do I create a page for every business together with it's category relationship Do I create a page and assign it a template? What are the ups and downs with each approach? Looking for s...

Wordpress Digg-Like Voting System Plugin

I just found out about BuddyPress (a collection of plugins that convert a WordPress MU install into a social network) and now I was wondering if there are any Digg-like voting plugins for WordPress. This would eventually integrate into a BuddyPress website, where the site members would submit, vote and comment on stories (much like Digg...

WordPress + mod_rewrite

Hi guys, I use Wordpress as a CMS, where the front page is static for the most part and the actual blog part of it has been moved to a new page that uses a custom page template that basically acts as if it were the front page on a standard Wordpress install. It works pretty well but it still has a few bugs. The main one is that paginati...

PHP curl post to login to Wordpress

i am working on a project for a client which needs an automatic login from a link click. I'm using a handshake page to do this with the following code: $username="admin"; $password="blog"; $url="http://wordpressblogURL/"; $cookie="cookie.txt"; $postdata = "log=". $username ."&pwd=". $password ."&wp-submit=Log%20In&redirect_to=". $url ...

WordPress audio plugin: Display mp3 link if browser dosen't support Flash

I'm using the 1pixelout audio player plugin (version 1.2.3) in WordPress (version 2.7.1) to post short audio clips. When I load the site in a browser that doesn't have a flash plugin, there's no fallback method to play the audio. Is there any way to get the plugin to gracefully degrade to provide a vanilla link to the MP3 file when fla...

Wordpress: How do I fix my post class?

I seem to have somehow messed up when wordpress calls the post class. I looked in "Main Index Template" but that just says "<div <?php post_class() ?> id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">" So I don't know what to do. ...

wordpress on xampp cause long ttfb

Hi, anyone know why wordpress on xampp cause long time to first byte.. around 10-15 sec, im running on 100mbit box, latest xampp and latest wordpress.. ...

How do you simply add new custom rewrites to the .htaccess of a wordpress without fail?

I've added some extra functionality to my wordpress so that I can visit it with a variable and do extra stuff. The problem is, when I turn my ugly dynamic link into lovely permlink formatting in the .htaccess file, wordpress overrides it / ignores it. I've heard there's a way to do it, but the ways I try to do it based off what people h...

What's best way to format C# in WordPress?

Hey bloggers out there! I've created Wordpress blog that I am hosting myself, and I'm having the hardest time figuring out the best way to add C# snippets to my blog. What do you all use? I'm currently using the "SyntaxHighlighter Evolved" plugin, and it works great for the most part - the only problem is that switching back to the Vi...

How to offset dates in a MySQL database by 1 second?

I've imported a bunch of posts into a Wordpress site that all have the exact same date. I'd like to edit the post dates so they are offset by one second. My concern is that there may be a performance issue when all of the dates are the same. Anyone know quick way to get this done using phpMyAdmin to edit the MySQL database or some other ...

Recommend PHP/MySQL CMS with paid/premium content support

I am looking at some solutions for building a site with a mix of free and paid/premium content (no, it's not porn). I gather that Drupal has the Premium plugin which supports this. I'm also looking at Expression Engine, which seems to have some built in support for this, although Paypal is the only payment option. I'm looking at aMe...

Wordpress Custom Plug (how to call multiple javascript files)

I decided to try to create a plugin that calls forth a couple of javascript files and a css file using the Wordpress Plugin Generator. It is working somewhat - it's calling one of the javascript files but not the other two. I am using the wp_enqueue_script function, but probably wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated! <?php /* P...

How to create wordpress plugin - quote of the day - quote from external website

I would like to create wordpress plugin that will display "quote of the day". I have an external website that hosts a lot of quotes and I would like to use them in my wordpress quote plugin. I was told that wordpress doesn't allow you to use iframe. The random Wordpress quotes plugins I have seen so far are just displaying manually in...

jQuery highlight table row

Hi guys. I need to highlight a table row on mouse over. Seems like an easy enough thing to do, right? Especially using jQuery. But alas, I'm not so lucky. I've tested different solutions for highlighting a table row, but nothing seem to work :-( I have tested the following scripts: // TEST one jQuery(document).ready(function() {...

Creating a Social Networking Website in PHP

What's the best PHP Social Networking Framework (opensource) ASAP (Working prototype in 4 hours!)? I'm looking at something that can handle profiles, where each profile can make multiple posts, and each post can be rated by the community? I'm looking at BuddyPress with WP MU? Is it possible? Should I go with CakePHP or CodeIgniter? Any...

Alternate posts in wordpress

In order to put ads on my wordpress site, but only every few posts, I want to add a simple conditional to the bottom of each post, containing my ad code. I have ssomething like the following: <?php if (the_ID() % 3 == 0){ ?> ad code <?php } ?> But all this does is echo the id of the post.... for EVERY post! What am I doing wrong? ...

Is it possible to use a WordPress session to authenticate to a CakePHP application?

What is the best way to use a successful WordPress sign-in attempt to authenticate to a CakePHP application? I don't want to use password synchronization, if at all possible. I'd prefer to keep all of the user details within the WordPress database tables. I've been rolling this over in my mind this weekend and can't think of a good solut...

Designing WordPress Themes using Dreamweaver

I've been trying to figure out how to properly setup DreamWeaver in such a way that I can create WordPress themes. Right now I'm running WordPress on localhost, accessing it via DreamWeaver. Then I'm using LiveView on the actual WordPress code and modifying the files in the theme folder. What I'd really like to do, and I'm not sure if t...