
What does functools.wraps do?

In a comment on the answer to another question, someone said they weren't sure what functools.wraps was doing. So I'm asking this question so that there will be a record of it on StackOverflow for future reference: what does functools.wraps do, exactly? ...

Spring frame work Wraps Checked Exceptions inside RuntimeExceptions

have this method call -> simpleJdbcTemplate.queryForInt(sql,null); -> queryForInt() method in the springs SimpleJdbcTemplate throws a DataAccessException which is a runtime exception. i want to propegate exceptions to the view tier of the application since Spring frame work Wraps Checked Exceptions inside RuntimeExceptions i ...

PHP Regex - text into link

What I'm trying to do is, replacing symbols that would be changed start the string then the last symbol that would close the string - changing both of them into a link then it will be stored into the database, it's something like Wikipedia. I want to have something like this when someone types in the textarea: "This woman was killed by...