
How to set Wufoo input with a Query String value?

I have a Wufoo form that I wanted to populate one of the fields with a value directly from the query string the normal jQuery call for this does not get anything back jQuery("#Field13") so, all set using this, is just not accomplish jQuery("#Field13").val( my_qs_value ); I'm using the Embed Javascript code from Wufoo (not the ...

Create Wufoo webhook with PUT request in ColdFusion

Hello, I'm having troubles with building correct PUT request to the Wufoo. In all my attempts I see the same error: 404 A WebHook must contain a url parameter. Here is the version with JSON data type: <cfset local.action = "forms/#local.formHash#/webhooks.json" /> <cfset local.request = {"url" : local.webHookURL, "handshakeKey" : l...