
Need help with wxPython, NotebookCtrl in particular

I am trying to write a non-webbased client for a chat service on a web site, it connects to it fine via socket and can communicate with it and everything. I am writing a GUI for it (I tried writing it in tkinter but I hit some walls I really wantd to get passed, so I switched to wxPython) What I'm having a problem with: This applicati...

wxPython GUI BoxSizers

Ok I have an application I am coding and am trying to get a layout simpler to this: Notice how the text is left justified and the input boxes are all aligned, I see this in the wxPython demo code, but they all use the flexgrid sizer and I am trying to only use BoxSizers (due to them being simpler and because I only understand a little ...

Focus-follows-mouse in wxPython?

I'm developing an application that contains a number of panes. See the screenshot: The left settings pane is a wx.ScrolledPanel that contains a number of wx.Panels. The top events pane is a wx.grid.Grid. The bottom data pane is a wx.Panel that contains a wx.grid.Grid. The middle plot pane is a wx.Panel containing an enthought chaco p...

wxPython - wxHtmlWindow, can the scrollbar be kept at the veyr bottom at all times?

I am working on a chatroom client and am using an HTML window to process things like images and html tags and formatting. I am having trouble finding out how to make the scrollbar stay at the bottom as messages are added to the window (every message sends the bar to the top) would anyone know how I would go about doing this? ...

How to change my wx.toolbar event?

Hello, I have a wx.toolbar with some buttons. One of the buttons makes pan left! I want to click on the button and while I keep it pressed, the pan left is made. For now I only saw that the wx.EVT_TOOL only works when mouse left is up. Is there a way to do what I intend ? ...

wx.TreeCtrl drag and drop, copy and move

I'm trying to implement drag and drop on a wx.TreeCtrl and I need to handle both "copy" and "move" operations (if the user keeps CTRL pressed). First of all, I searched the wiki for an example and I'm confused as to which method to use.. Should I use DropSource/DropTarget or just handle EVT_TREE_BEGIN_DRAG and EVT_TREE_END_DRAG? If the l...

wxPython - HtmlWindow freezes when loading images

I am writing a chatroom client in wxPython in which there are 3 wx.HtmlWindows for each chatroom on a notebook page: one for the messages, one for the title of the room, and one for the topic of the room (two similar things) The program works fine, loads images when images are in the message's code, etc. But when it suddenly has to load...

use wxPython to draw a grided rectangular container or box

Hi, all, I want to draw a rectangular or a container with 20 slots inside. it is like a cd container or archive, with empty slot to insert the cd or book. I choose wxPython. for this 20 horizontal empty slots, i see there is wx.BoxSizer(wx.Horizonal) or other sizers to make the layout. my question is, Is it possible to have "visible bo...

wxPython validators not working as expected

I've written a dialog in wxPtyhon with two comboboxes to which I've attached a custom validator, the purpose being to insure that, if a value is typed, it is an numeric string. Problem is, the validators aren't being invoked. What am I doing wrong? import wx # my custom validator class class NumericObjectValidator(wx.Valid...

Find text dialog with wxpython

Does anyone have a very simple example of using a find dialog with a text component in wxpython? Thanks in advance. ...

Handling frame resize in matplotlib animation with WXAgg backend

I am doing some animated plotting and using the the matplotlib examples as a guideline. matplotlib examples With the following linked example from that page the animation has some obvious problems when the frame is resized. What is the correct or best way to deal with this? animation_blit_wx.py Thanks ...

using unicode characters with wxPython

hi everybody! i have a problem with wxpython and his rich text control, when i try to insert unicode characters... \xb2 prints an apex '2', '\u2074' should print an apex '4'... edit: i use windows vista... and i tried 'coding cp1252 ' and 'utf-8' but with the same result... 2edit: on vista it crashs, on xp it shows a strange square (i g...

How to draw polygons with Point2D in wxPython?

I have input values of x, y, z coordinates in the following format: [-11.235865 5.866001 -4.604924] [-11.262565 5.414276 -4.842384] [-11.291885 5.418229 -4.849229] [-11.235865 5.866001 -4.604924] I want to draw polygons and succeeded with making a list of wx.point objects. But I need to plot floating point coordinates so I had to ch...

WX.Python and multiprocessing

I have a wx.python application that takes some files and processes them when a button is clicked. I need to process them in parallel. I use this code inside the bound button function: my_pool = multiprocessing.Pool(POOLSIZE) results=[digest_pool.apply_async(self.fun, [args]) for file in list_files() ] my_pool.close() my_pool...

How can I put a wx.ScrolledWindow inside a wx.SplitterWindow?

I wouldn't have thought this would be so tricky. I'm trying to get something like this: X | X Where both Xs are ScrolledWindows that will ultimately contain lots of text and '|' is a "splitter" dividing the two. I want something about like most visual diffs give you. I can't seem to get this to work, though. My big problem now is th...

Pickling objects

I need to pickle object [wxpython frame object] and send it as a prameter to this function apply_async on multiproccessing pool module could someone provide me an example how can I do it I tried the following and get an error message : myfile = file(r"C:\binary.dat", "w") pickle.dump(self, myfile) myfile.close() self.my_pool.apply_a...

how to make a Command Line Interface from a given data model used for GUI

HI, guys. I am developing a GUI to configure and call several external programs with Python and I use wxPython for the GUI toolkits. Basically, instead of typing commands and parameters in each shell for each application (one application via one shell), the GUI is visualizing these parameters and call them as subprocesses. I have built t...

Panda3D and wxpython

I am very new to Panda3D and I have been trying to find a simple example of panda3d working together with wxpython (as its main frame, for instance). The forums talk about such possibility, but I am yet to find a simple example. Can anyone please point me to a good and simple example of such code? Thanks ...

Tkinter or wxpython

Hey guys I want a simple gui for one of may apps and am a noob when it comes gui itself. Tkinter and wxpython are the two standards in python i see.. Which one is simpler and more intuitive? ...

How to adapt my current splash screen to allow other pieces of my code to run in the background?

Currently I have a splash screen in place. However, it does not work as a real splash screen - as it halts the execution of the rest of the code (instead of allowing them to run in the background). This is the current (reduced) arquitecture of my program, with the important bits displayed in full. How can I adapt the splash screen curr...