
Creating a file association icon in Ubuntu with xdgutils

I am using the xdg utility to attempt to associate a image with a file association. I have ran this command and the equivalent for 48,64 and 128 sizes, none of them seem to have an effect. xdg-icon-resource install --context mimetypes --size 256 image-256.png text-abc Any ideas? This is incredibly lame - but I have managed to get...

How do you parse the XDG/gnome/kde menu/desktop item structure in c++??

I would like to parse the menu structure for Gnome Panels (the standard Gnome Desktop application launcher) and it's KDE equivalent using c/c++ function calls. That is, I'd like a list of what the base menu categories and submenu are installed in a given machine. I would like to do with using fairly simple c/c++ function calls (with NO s...